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Universally Traceable Identifier (UTID)

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Independent Submission                                    N. G. Huang
Internet Draft                            Wuxi Institute of Technology
Intended status: Experimental                         December 2, 2013
Expires: June 2014

                  Universally Traceable Identifier (UTID)

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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
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   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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   A Universally Traceable Identifier (UTID) is a compact string of
   characters for identifying an abstract or physical object. A unique
   feature of UTID is that it contains two types of forwarding messages
   to achieve traceability. UTIDs are designed specially for Identifier
   Tracing Protocol (ITDP) [I-D-IDTP].

   This document defines the generic syntax of UTID, a generative
   grammar for UTID, and the guidelines for their use, too.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction................................................3
      1.1. Overview of UTIDs......................................3
      1.2. Terminology............................................4
      1.3. UTIDs and URIs.........................................5
   2. Conventions Used in This Document............................5
   3. Characters..................................................5
      3.1. Reserved Characters.....................................6
      3.2. Unreserved Characters...................................6
   4. Syntax Components...........................................6
      4.1. Dns....................................................6
      4.2. Location...............................................6
      4.3. Catalog................................................7
      4.4. Id.....................................................7
   5. Formal Syntax...............................................7
      5.1. UTID Syntax............................................7
         5.1.1. Maximum Length of UTIDs............................8
         5.1.2. Dns...............................................8
         5.1.3. Id................................................8
         5.1.4. Nested UTID.......................................9
      5.2. Examples...............................................9

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   6. Usage......................................................10
      6.1. Components Omitted....................................10
         6.1.1. Location Omitted..................................10
         6.1.2. Catalog Omitted...................................10
         6.1.3. Id Omitted.......................................11
         6.1.4. Dns Only.........................................11
      6.2. Without Dns...........................................11
      6.3. Spaces................................................11
      6.4. Carrier of UTIDs......................................12
   7. Normalization and Comparison................................12
      7.1. Normalization.........................................12
      7.2. Equivalence...........................................14
      7.3. UTID Suffix Match Algorithm............................14
   8. Security Considerations....................................15
   9. IANA Considerations........................................15
   10. References................................................15
      10.1. Normative References..................................15
      10.2. Informative References................................16
   11. Acknowledgments...........................................17
   Appendix A. Parsing a UTID with a Regular Expression...........18
   Appendix B. Delimiting a UTID in Context.......................20

1. Introduction

   A Universal Traceable Identifier (UTID) provides a simple and
   extensible means for identifying an abstract object and a physical
   object. This specification of UTID syntax and semantic is derived
   from concepts introduced by the Identifier Tracing Protocol (IDTP)
   [I-D-IDTP], which is a new communication protocol designed for
   tracing an object and is initially presented in a reference
   [Huang2011]. The syntax and semantic of UTID is designed to meet the
   requirements needed for the operating of IDTP.

1.1. Overview of UTIDs

   UTIDs are characterized as follows:

   o Universality: Universality provides several benefits. It allows
      UTIDs to be used for different types of objects in various
      contexts with same syntax. It allows UTIDs to be compatible with
      preexisting identifiers defined in various existing
      identification system.

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   o Traceability: UTIDs contain forwarding messages used by IDTP [I-
      D-IDTP] to trace the origin of the information associated to the
      objects identified by the UTIDs. There two types of forwarding
      messages contained in UTID used by IDTP. This is a unique feature
      of UTIDs and IDTP comparing to URIs and other communication
      protocol. This is why a new identification system and
      communication protocol are proposed.

   o Identifier: An identifier embodies the information required to
      distinguish what is being identified from all other objects
      within its scope of identification.

   A UTID is an identifier consisting of a sequence of characters
   matching the syntax rule named <UTID> in Section 5.1.  This
   specification does not place any limits on the nature of an object.
   UTIDs have a global scope and are interpreted consistently
   regardless of context.

1.2. Terminology

   This specification uses a number of terms related to UTID for
   understanding the concept of UTID.

   o Traceability: It refers to the ability to trace the history,
      application or location of an entity by means of recorded
      identifications [ISO8402]. The concept of entity in this document
      is extended to abstract objects and physical objects.

   o Object: It is refer to an abstract object or a physical object in
      this document.

   o IDTP: It is Identifier Tracing Protocol, as defined in reference
      [I-D-IDTP]. UTIDs are designed specially for IDTP.

   o FQUTID: It is full qualified UTID, as defined in Section 7.1.

   o UTID suffix: It is the last part of a FQUTID starting from a
      given position, as defined in Section 7.3.

   o Tracing: It is the process to trace a request to its origin
      server by forwarding the request. It is a special kind of
      forwarding for the purpose of traceability.

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1.3. UTIDs and URIs

   A UTID is similar to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) defined by
   RFC3986 [RFC3986]. URIs are uniform identifiers for general purposes.
   UTIDs defined in this document are universal identifiers for IDTP
   only. Their differences are as follows:

   1. Syntax: There are no percent-encoding characters used to
      represent predefined delimiters in components in UTIDs.

   2. Nested: A UTID can nest another UTID as its component, even with
      two or three nested levels.

   3. Traceability: A UTID contains two types of forwarding messages to
      achieve traceability.

   4. Usage: URIs are uniform identifiers for general purposes, while
      UTIDs are universal identifiers designed for IDTP only.

   UTIDs are not compatible with URIs because of the differences
   described above. Therefore, UTIDs could not become a scheme under
   URIs scheme architecture.

2. Conventions Used in This Document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

   In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation
   only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be
   interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance.

   This specification uses the terms "character" in accordance with the
   definitions provided in [BCP19].

3. Characters

   A UTID is composed from a set of characters consisting of digits,
   letters, and graphic symbols. A reserved subset of those characters
   may be used to delimit syntax components within a UTID while the
   remaining characters, including both the unreserved set and those
   reserved characters not acting as delimiters, define each
   component's identifying data.

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3.1. Reserved Characters

   UTIDs include components that are delimited by characters in the
   "reserved" set. These characters are called "reserved" because they
   are defined as delimiters by the UTID syntax.

       reserved  =  "~" / "@" / "$"

3.2. Unreserved Characters

   Characters that are allowed in a UTID but do not have a reserved
   purpose are called unreserved. These include lowercase letters,
   decimal digits, hyphen, and period.

       unreserved  = alpha / DIGIT / "-" / "."

       alpha    =  %x61-7A   ; a-z

4. Syntax Components

   A UTID consists of four components referred to as the dns, location,
   catalog, and id.

4.1. Dns

   A dns component is the domain name in Domain Name System (DNS)
   defined by RFC1034 and RFC1035 [RFC1034] [RFC1035] for who defines
   the UTID and assigns the UTID to an object. It is required and MUST
   NOT be empty (no characters).

   The dns expresses one type of forwarding message of a UTID, which is
   used directly by the TCP/IP network.

4.2. Location

   A location component expresses the location message of the object
   identified by a UTID in the domain of who defines the UTID. It is
   not required and may be empty (no characters).

   The location message expresses another type of forwarding message of
   a UTID in the domain of who defines the UTID, which is used by IDTP.

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4.3. Catalog

   A catalog component expresses the catalog message of the object
   identified by a UTID. It is not required and may be empty (no

   The catalog message is used by IDTP to map a UTID to a set of data
   format standard for communication, as defined in Section 6.2 of
   reference [I-D-IDTP].

4.4. Id

   An id component is a string of characters for identifying an object.
   It MUST be unique in the context defined by the above three
   components. It may be a serial number, a unique string with meaning,
   such as user name, or a unique number or string generated by machine.
   It is not required but usually is not empty.

5. Formal Syntax

   The following syntax specification uses the augmented Backus-Naur
   Form (BNF) as described in RFC-5234 [RFC5234].

5.1. UTID Syntax

   The UTID Syntax is as follows:

        UTID  =  [ id ] [ "~" catalog ] [ "@" location ] "$" dns

           id         =  1 * 92 graphic

           catalog    =  label 0 * 30 dot-label 0 * 1 label

           location   =  label 0 * 30 dot-label 0 * 1 label

           dns        =  label 0 * 60 dot-label "." 2 * 7 alpha

           label      =  alpha / DIGIT

           dot-label  =  alpha / DIGIT / "-" / "."

           alpha      =  %x61-7A   ; a-z

           graphic    =  %x21-7E / Graphic Unicode character

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   If one component is empty (no characters), the delimiter ('~' or '@')
   before the component should be omitted excepting that the id
   component contains '~' or '@' in a UTID. On the contrary, no
   delimiter may be omitted in FQUTIDs as defined in Section 7.1.

5.1.1. Maximum Length of UTIDs

   The maximum length of a UTID is 96 bytes including all delimiters in
   the UTID although the sum of the maximum length of each components
   is larger than 96. If one component is long, the other components
   should be shorter to guarantee that the length of a UTID does not
   exceed 96.

5.1.2. Dns

   The dns component MUST be a real DNS name registered in a domain
   name registration agent and MUST NOT be an IP address or "localhost"
   that is a loopback name of local machine. That is to say, there must
   be at least one dot '.' in the dns component and the part after the
   last dot must be a top-level domain.

   The Domain Name System (DNS) [RFC1034] [RFC1035] defines the maximum
   length of a DNS is 255. However, to simplify implementations, the
   maximum length of a DNS used in UTID is limited to 64, which is
   longer than nearly all DNS actually used in real applications.

   In the DNS definition, characters used in DNS may be lower case or
   upper case without any significance attached to the case. However,
   to simplify implementations, the characters used in dns component in
   UTID MUST be lower case.

   The Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) system
   allows user applications, such as web browsers, map Unicode strings
   into the valid DNS character set using Punycode, which is called
   internationalized domain names. However, to simplify implementations,
   internationalized domain names are not allowed in UTIDs.

5.1.3. Id

   The id component consists of graphic characters, which include all
   graphic characters defined in ISO/IEC 646 [ISO646] except space and
   all graphic characters defined in Unicode [Unicode]. The Unicode
   character SHOULD be encoded in UTF-8 [STD63] character set.

   The id component is case sensitive, while the other three components
   support lower case only.

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   Space ('%x20') is neither supported by id component nor supported by
   the other three components in UTIDs.

   The delimiters both of "~" and "@" could not be omitted in a UTID if
   the id component of the UTID contains "~" or "@" character.

5.1.4. Nested UTID

   A nested UTID is defined as the id component of a UTID is another
   UTID. Therefore, the id component of a nested UTID MUST contain dns
   component and follow the UTID syntax. On the contrary, a UTID in
   which id component contains dns component is not necessary to be a
   nested UTID. Whether a UTID is a nested UTID is determined both by
   the syntax and the usage context of the UTID.

5.2. Examples

   Examples of UTIDs are as follows:









   Examples of nested UTIDs are as follows:





   Examples of non-nested UTIDs in which id contains "$" are as follows:

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6. Usage

   A UTID should be used as a whole. There is no concept such as
   relative reference in URIs.

   One or more components of UTIDs may be omitted, which are discussed
   in following.

6.1. Components Omitted

6.1.1. Location Omitted

   The location component expresses the forwarding message of a UTID in
   the domain of who defines the UTID, which is used by IDTP.

   The location component of a UTID is optional. The location component
   can be omitted in the following two cases:

   o The location message is not concerned in the usage context. For
      example, there is no forwarding in the domain of who defines the

   o The location message is expressed by other components, in which
      location message is no longer necessary. For example, the catalog
      component in a UTID expresses both catalog message and location
      message so that the location component is omitted.

6.1.2. Catalog Omitted

   The catalog component is used to map a UTID to a set of data format
   standard for communication by IDTP.

   If the catalog component is omitted, it means that default catalog
   is used. The default catalog of a UTID is an empty string with
   length of zero. There is always a catalog in a UTID in spite of
   catalog component omitted or not, either explicitly defined by
   catalog component in a UTID or implicitly defined by default catalog
   of empty string.

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6.1.3. Id Omitted

   The id component is scarcely omitted. The id component may be
   omitted in the following two cases:

   o It does not concern the object that a UTID identifies. Therefore,
      the UTID is used only as forwarding messages by IDTP.

   o A UTID identifies all objects in the catalog and location
      specified in the UTID.

6.1.4. Dns Only

   Occasionally, a UTID consists of only dns component without id,
   catalog, and location components. In this case, the delimiter '$'
   can not be omitted, catalog component is the default catalog of
   empty string, and the id and location components are not the

   The UTID of dns only is used only as forwarding messages by IDTP,
   that is, the UTID refers to the origin server referred by dns only.

6.2. Without Dns

   A UTID without dns component is invalid. However, UTIDs without dns
   component may exist in some special usage context. Such UTIDs are
   strictly limited to the interior of server and MUST NOT be
   transmitted in communications.

   For example, UTIDs are used as primary key in a database, which is a
   typical usage of UTIDs. In this case, all the primary key values
   have same dns component or even same location and catalog components.
   Therefore, the redundant components are not necessary to be saved in
   the database and a mechanism of mapping primary key to UTID should
   be established in the interior of server.

6.3. Spaces

   Space ('%x20') is neither supported in id component nor the other
   three components in UTIDs.

   It is acceptable for location and catalog components without
   supporting of space character. However, it is occasionally happens
   that spaces character occur in an id in existing identification
   system. In this case, the spaces character should be replaced by

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   some other visible characters for compatibility, which is not
   defined in this document.

6.4. Carrier of UTIDs

   UTIDs may be used in RFID or two dimension bar code as tags to
   identify physical objects. UTIDs may also be used in a database as
   primary keys or foreign keys to identify physical or abstract
   objects. In such cases, the length of UTIDs is critical especially
   in RFID and the data structure design of databases. To simplify
   implementations, the maximum length of UTIDs is limited to 96 bytes.

   If a UTID is used as a primary key in a database, the primary key
   values usually are saved without dns component, or even without
   location and catalog components and there should be a mechanism to
   convert the primary keys to UTIDs in the server interior.

   If a UTID is used as a foreign key in a database, the foreign key
   values must be saved as whole UTIDs following the syntax of UTIDs.
   There is no strict foreign key constraint to the referenced table.
   In this case, the foreign key in a table usually refers to many
   referenced tables distributed in many databases in local or remote
   hosts, which are defined in the forwarding messages (dns and
   location components) of UTIDs of foreign key values.

7. Normalization and Comparison

   One of the most common operations on UTIDs is comparison to
   determine whether two UTIDs are equivalent. In addition, another
   most common operation is UTID suffix match performed by IDTP when
   matching a UTID to UTID suffixes in tracing rules, as defined in
   Section 5.2 in reference [I-D-IDTP].

   Normalization prior to comparison of UTIDs or UTID suffix match is
   performed by IDTP.

7.1. Normalization

   One or more components of UTIDs may be omitted, which results in the
   confusion of same UTID with different expression. For example, the
   UTIDs below refer to same UTID:



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   The purpose of normalization is to make a UTID to conform to a
   standard form, which is defined as full qualified UTID, or called
   FQUTID in short. FQUTID is used to accurately express the components
   of a UTID when one or more components are empty (no characters). The
   FQUTID is used internally by programmers only when implementing the
   UTID and IDTP.

   The FQUTID syntax is as follows:

       FQUTID  =  begin [ id ] "~" [ catalog ] "@" [ location ] "$" dns

           id         =  1 * 92 graphic

           catalog    =  label 0 * 30 dot-label 0 * 1 label

           location   =  label 0 * 30 dot-label 0 * 1 label

           dns        =  label 0 * 60 dot-label "." 2 * 7 alpha

           label      =  alpha / DIGIT

           dot-label  =  alpha / DIGIT / "-" / "."

           alpha      =  %x61-7A   ; a-z

           graphic    =  %x21-7E / Graphic Unicode character

           begin      =  %x0B   ;  '\b'

   Where the delimiters of "~" and "@" are not omitted when the catalog
   or location component is empty (no characters).

   For example, a UTID "123~cat@loc$abc.example" is normalized to
   FQUTID of "\b123~cat@loc$abc.example". And the following same UTID
   in four forms:




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   can be normalized to one FQUTID:


7.2. Equivalence

   The comparison of two UTIDs is performed by comparing their strings
   of normalized form FQUTID. The two UTIDs are considered as identical
   if the two strings of normalized form of the UTIDs are same.

   The comparison of two UTIDs is conducted as follows:

   o Both UTIDs should be normalized to FQUTIDs before comparison.

   o The comparison success if the two strings of the FQUTIDs are
      exactly equal (case sensitive). Otherwise, the comparison is

7.3. UTID Suffix Match Algorithm

   UTID suffix match operation is performed by IDTP to match tracing
   rules using the longest UTID suffix match first algorithm.

   The UTID suffix match operation is conducted as follows:

   o A UTID suffix is defined as the last part of a FQUTID starting
      from a given position, which should be before the '$' delimiter
      to make sure that the UTID suffix contains the entire dns

   o A UTID that is to be matched to a UTID suffix should be
      normalized to FQUTID.

   o The match success if the FQUTID is ended with the UTID suffix
      (case sensitive). Otherwise, the match is failure.

   o If one UTID matches more than one UTID suffix, the longest UTID
      suffix wins.

   Occasionally, a UTID suffix itself is a FQUTID that is used to make
   a full match (equivalence match). In such case, both FQUTID and UTID
   suffix begins with a beginning mark '\b' and match are performed
   using the same UTID suffix match algorithm.

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   For example, there are three UTID suffixes sorted by the length of
   UTID suffix as follows:




   The FQUTID below matches the second and the third UTID suffix, but
   the second UTID suffix wins:


   The FQUTID below matches all three UTID suffixes, but the first UTID
   suffix wins:


8. Security Considerations

   This section is meant to inform application developers, information
   providers, and users of the security limitations of UTID as
   described by this document. The discussion does not include
   definitive solutions to the problems revealed, though it does make
   some suggestions for reducing security risks.

   Although a UTID does not in itself pose a security threat, but a
   UTID is in plaintext transmitted over network without encryption.
   Hence it exposes to any network sniffer tools and results in the
   unintentional leakage of this information during the transferring
   over network. There are some potential risks if id, catalog, or
   location components contain sensitive information. Therefore, it
   should be careful to design the UTID components to avoid leakage of
   sensitive information.

9. IANA Considerations

   No IANA actions are required by this document.

10. References

10.1. Normative References

   [BCP19] Freed, N. and J. Postel, "IANA Charset Registration
         Procedures", BCP 19, RFC 2978, October 2000.

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   [ISO646] International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
         "Information Technology: ISO 7-bit Coded Character Set for
         Information Interchange", International Standard, Ref. No.
         ISO/IEC 646:1991.

   [ISO8402] International Organization for Standardization. ISO 8402:
         1994: Quality Management and Quality Assurance-Vocabulary.
         International Organization for Standardization, 1994.

   [RFC1034] P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - concepts and facilities",
         IETF RFC1034, Internet Eng. Task Force, Jan. 1987;

   [RFC1035] P. Mockapetris, "Domain names - implementation and
         specification", IETF RFC1035, Internet Eng. Task Force, Jan.

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
         Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC3986] T. Berners-Lee, RT Fielding, and L. Masinter, "Uniform
         Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", IETF RFC3986
         (standards track), Internet Eng. Task Force, Jan. 2005;

   [RFC5234] D. Crocker, Ed., "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:
         ABNF", IETF RFC5234 (standards track), Internet Eng. Task
         Force, Jan. 2008;

   [STD63] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646",
         STD 63, RFC 3629, November 2003.

   [Unicode] Julie D. Allen. The Unicode Standard, Version 6.0, The
         Unicode Consortium, Mountain View, 2011.

10.2. Informative References

   [Huang2011] Neng-Geng Huang, Bing-Liang Zhang, Zhi-Yuan Huang (2011):
         "Concept and design of a things mail system", Signal
         Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), 2011 IEEE
         International Conference on. DOI: 10.1109/ICSPCC.2011.6061741

   [I-D-IDTP] N. G. Huang, "Identifier Tracing Protocol (IDTP)",
         Internet-Draft, draft-huangng-idtp-00.txt, Dec. 2013.

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11. Acknowledgments

   The author of this document thanks to Mr. Zhang Bing-Liang for his
   innovative idea of things mail that inspired the concept of UTID and

   This document was prepared using

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Appendix A.                 Parsing a UTID with a Regular Expression

   The following line is the regular expression for breaking-down a
   UTID into its components.


   For example, matching the above expression to


   results in the following sub expression matches:

           $1 = 123

           $2 = 123

           $3 = ~cat

           $4 = cat

           $5 = @loc

           $6 = loc

           $7 = $abc.example

           $8 = abc.example

   Therefore, we can determine the value of the four components as:

           id       = $2

           catalog  = $4

           location = $6

           dns      = $8

   When above regular expression is used, a UTID that does not have
   delimiters of '~' or '@' should be add '~' or '@' prior to matching.
   For example, a UTID of '123$abc.example' should be converted into
   '123~@$abc.example' before matching and the result would be:

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           $0 = 123~@$abc.example

           $1 = 123

           $2 = 123

           $3 = ~

           $4 = null

           $5 = @

           $6 = null

           $7 = $abc.example

           $8 = abc.example

   Therefore, we can determine the value of the four components as:

           id       = $2

           catalog  = $4      ; null (convert to empty)

           location = $6      ; null (convert to empty)

           dns      = $8

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Internet-Draft                  UTID                     December 2013

Appendix B.                 Delimiting a UTID in Context

   UTIDs are usually transmitted through formats that provide a clear
   context for their interpretation. However, it is important to be
   able to delimit the UTID from the rest of the text if a UTID is in a
   plain text file for printing or transmitting. In such case, UTIDs
   are delimited by double-quotes is recommended. For example,
   "123@loc$abc.example" is a UTID.

   Copyright (c) 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as authors
   of the code. All rights reserved.

   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to the license
   terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License set forth in Section
   4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents

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Internet-Draft                  UTID                     December 2013

Authors' Addresses

   Neng Geng Huang
   School of the Internet of Things
   Wuxi Institute of Technology
   Wuxi, Jiangsu,
   China, 214121

   Phone: 86-13921501950

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