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Last Call Review of draft-ietf-cdni-framework-10

Request Review of draft-ietf-cdni-framework
Requested revision No specific revision (document currently at 14)
Type Last Call Review
Team Ops Directorate (opsdir)
Deadline 2014-04-08
Requested 2014-03-04
Authors Larry Peterson , Bruce Davie, Ray van Brandenburg
I-D last updated 2014-03-31
Completed reviews Genart Last Call review of -10 by Alexey Melnikov (diff)
Opsdir Last Call review of -10 by Nevil Brownlee (diff)
Assignment Reviewer Nevil Brownlee
State Completed
Request Last Call review on draft-ietf-cdni-framework by Ops Directorate Assigned
Reviewed revision 10 (document currently at 14)
Result Has nits
Completed 2014-03-31
Hi all:

I have performed an Operations Directorate review of

  "This document presents a framework for Content Distribution Network
   Interconnection (CDNI).  The purpose of the framework is to provide
   an overall picture of the problem space of CDNI and to describe the
   relationships among the various components necessary to interconnect
   CDNs.  CDN Interconnection requires the specification of interfaces
   and mechanisms to address issues such as request routing,
   distribution metadata exchange, and logging information exchange
   across CDNs.  The intent of this document is to outline what each
   interface needs to accomplish, and to describe how these interfaces
   and mechanisms fit together, while leaving their detailed
   specification to other documents.  It obsoletes RFC 3466."

- - - -

As it's abstract says, this draft simply presents the CDNI framework.
Mostly, that means the five interfaces that Content Service Providers
(CSPs) and Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) may use to organise
their interactions.

Each of those interfaces is described in detail, making clear the way
they are intended to be used.  The draft's 60 pages work through many
examples of interactions between CSPs and CDNs.  It all seems simple
enough, but there's enough complexity in it that organisations who
use it will need to spend a lot of tie and effort to make sure that
they understand the interactions properly.

The document points out the need for CSPs to trust CDNs.  It points
out that since CDNs may 'outsource' content distribution to other
CDNs, that creates a chain of transitive trust.  It also comments
that although its Logging Interface can be used by a CSP to find out
how much content has been distributed, the CSP should also perform
some delivery performance measurements of its own!

The draft has informative references to six other cdni wg drafts,
which - I trust - will spell out the details of how their part of
the system operates.

A few typos:

s4.8  'common handle that can be referred without ambiguity'
        either 'referred to' or maybe 'used' ?
      s/case of a cascaded CDNs/case of cascaded CDNs/

p41:  s/both a CDNI Request Routing interfaces/
        both a CDNI Request Routing interface/

p49  s/there is a variety of security issues/
       there are a variety of security issues/

p50  s/servers) that is to be Served/servers) that are to be served/
     s/the uCDN to encoded a signed/the uCDN to encode a signed/

Cheers, Nevil
Co-chair, IPFIX and EMAN WGs

 Nevil Brownlee                          Computer Science Department
 Phone: +64 9 373 7599 x88941             The University of Auckland
 FAX: +64 9 373 7453   Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand