Network Working Group                                Sami Boutros (Ed.)
Internet Draft                                      Siva Sivabalan (Ed.)
Intended status: Standards Track                         George Swallow
Expires: September 2009                                      David Ward
                                                          Stewart Bryant
                                                     Cisco Systems, Inc.

                                                           March 9, 2009

             Fault Management for the  MPLS Transport Profile

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 9, 2009.


       This draft specifies a fault management mechanism for MPLS
       Transport Profile(MPLS-TP) Label Switched Path (LSP). The
       proposed mechanism is based on a generic way of notifying a
       Maintenance End Point (MEP) or Maintenance Intermediate Point
       (MIP) of a fault on an MPLS-TP LSP using new type of MPLS
       Operation, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) messages.

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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
   2. Terminology....................................................3
   3. MPLS-TP Fault Mechanism........................................3
   4. MPLS-OAM Fault Message.........................................4
      4.1. In-band Message Identification............................4
      4.2. Out-of-band Message Identification........................4
      4.3. MPLS-TP Fault Message Format..............................5
   5. Operation......................................................7
   6. Security Considerations.......................................10
   7. IANA Considerations...........................................10
   8. References....................................................10
      8.1. Normative References.....................................10
      8.2. Informative References...................................10
   Author's Addresses...............................................11
   Full Copyright Statement.........................................11
   Intellectual Property Statement..................................12

1. Introduction

  In traditional transport networks, circuits such as T1 lines are
  provisioned on multiple switches. When a fault happens on any link or
  node on the path of such a transport circuit, alarms are generated
  which may in turn activate a backup circuit. MPLS-TP LSP emulating
  traditional transport circuits need to provide the same Fault
  Management (FM) capability. In this document, an MPLS-TP LSP means
  either an MPLS transport LSP or an MPLS Pseudowire (PW).

  This document specifies an MPLS-TP Fault Management mechanism based
  on a new type of MPLS-OAM packets called "MPLS-OAM Fault Management
  (FM)" packets. Upon receiving an MPLS OAM FM message:

     1. A MIP/MEP activates the backup MPLS-TP LSP (if available) rather
       than waiting for notification from other fault detection
       mechanism such as Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).

     2. A MEP sends MPLS-OAM Connection Verification (CV) Message
       described in [2] to verify the new end-to-end path of the MPLS-
       TP LSP.

   The proposed mechanism is based on a set of new TLVs which can be
   transported using one of the following two methods:

       1. Using in-band MPLS OAM messages which are forwarded as MPLS
          packets (non-IP based).

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       2. Using in-band LSP-Ping extensions defined in [3] where IP/UDP
          packets are used (IP-based). The LSP-Ping messages are sent
          using the codepoint defined in [4].

   Method (1) and (2) are referred to as "Non-IP option" and "LSP-Ping
   option" respectively in the rest of the document.

   Conventions used in this document

   In examples, "C:" and "S:" indicate lines sent by the client and
   server respectively.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [1].

2. Terminology

   ACH: Associated Channel Header

   CV: Connection Verification

   FM: Fault Management

   LSR: Label Switching Router

   MEP: Maintenance End Point

   MIP: Maintenance Intermediate Point

   MPLS-OAM: MPLS Operations, Administration and Maintenance

   MPLS-TP: MPLS Transport Profile

   NMS: Network Management System

   PM: Performance Monitoring

   TTL: Time To Live

   TLV: Type Length Value

3. MPLS-TP Fault Mechanism

   For the Non-IP option, the proposed mechanism uses a new code points
   in the Associated Channel Header (ACH) described in [5].

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   The LSP-Ping option will be in compliance to specifications [3],[4],
   and [8].

   Also, the proposed mechanism requires a new message type as described
   below, and uses the LSPI and address TLVs defined in [6].

4. MPLS-OAM Fault Message

4.1. In-band Message Identification

   In the in-band option, under MPLS label stack of the MPLS-TP LSP, the
   ACH with "MPLS-TP Fault" code point indicates that the message is
   an MPLS OAM Fault message.

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |0 0 0 1|Version|Flags          | 0xHH MPLS-TP Fault Management |

                       Figure 1: ACH Indication of MPLS-TP Fault

   The first nibble (0001b) indicates the ACH.  The version and the
   reserved values are both set to 0 as specified in [1].  MPLS-TP
   Fault code point = 0xHH. [HH to be assigned by IANA from the PW
   Associated Channel Type registry.]

4.2. Out-of-band Message Identification

      [To be added]

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4.3. MPLS-TP Fault Message Format

The format of an MPLS-TP Fault Message is shown below.

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   | Version       | Message Type  | Operation     | Reserved      |
   | Return Code   | Cause Code    | Message Length                |
   |                        Sender's Handle                        |
   |                           Message ID                          |
   |                             TLV's                             |
   ~                                                               ~

                     Figure 2: MPLS-TP OAM Message Format

   The Version Number is currently 1.

   Message Type
   Three message types are defined as shown below.

   Message Type        Description
   ------------        -------------
           0x0         Downstream Fault
           0x1         Upstream Fault
           0x2         Fault Response

   Three operations are defined as shown below.  The three operations
   can appear in a Downstream or an Upstream fault message. Detailed
   descriptions of the operations appear in  the next section.

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   Operation        Description
   ---------        -------------
        0x01        Fault added and local repair activated.
        0x02        Fault added with no local repair.
        0x03        Fault removed.

   Sender's Handle
   The Sender's Handle is filled in by the sender. There are no
   semantics associated with this handle.

   Message Length
   The total length of any included TLVs.

   Message ID
   The Message ID is set by the sender and is incremented everytime the
   sender sends a new message. The receiver MUST include the Message ID
   in it needs to send a Fault response message back to the sender.

   Return code

        Value   Meaning
        -----   -------
          0     Fault Code
          1     Success
          2     Failure

   Cause code for return code = Fault Code

   Value   Meaning
   -----   -------
   0x0     no fault
   0x1     Link failure
   0x2     Node failure
   0x3     Low memory
   0x4     High CPU
   0x5     Resource unavailable

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   Cause code for return code = Success or Failure

   Value   Meaning
   -----   -------
      1    Fail to match MPLS-TP LSP ID
      2    Malformed Fault message received
      3    One or more of the TLVs is/are unknown
      4    Authentication failed

   The fault return code is used in both Downstream fault and upstream
   fault message types. The other return codes are used in the Fault
   response messages.

  Downstream and Upstream fault messages MUST contain a source and a
  destination address TLVs defined in [6] filled with Source and
  destination addresses of the two LSRs associated with the fault
  segment, and LSPI TLV defined in [6] filled with the ID of the MPLS-
  TP LSP. A fault message can optionally include an Authentication TLV
  specified in [7].

  The receiver MEP or MIP may send a Fault response to the sender MEP
  or MIP using an MPLS Fault response message, the fault response MUST
  contain a source address TLV defined in [6] filled with the sender
  address, and LSPI TLV defined in [6] filled with the ID of the MPLS-

5. Operation

   Scenario-1 Link Failure detected by only one node:

   LSR-1 <-> LSR-2 <- X -> LSR-3 <-> LSR-4

               |             |

                --- LSR-5 ---

   There is an MPLS-TP LSP spanning LSR-1, LSR-2, LSR-3, and LSR-4. LSR-
   1 and LSR-4 act as MEPs and LSR-2 and LSR-3 act as a MIP.
   Furthermore, the segment between LSR-2 and LSR-3 is protected by
   another MPLS-TP LSP as shown above.

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   Assume that there is a fault on segment between LSR-2 and LSR-3, it
   was detected only by LSR-2.

   The proposed scheme operates as follows:

  1. Upon detecting failure, LSR-2 activates the backup MPLS-TP LSP that
     protects the failure, and sends MPLS-OAM FM messages to LSR-1
     (upstream) and LSR-5 (downstream via backup MPLS-TP LSP). The MPLS-
     OAM FM message has an indication that local repair is active on

  2. MPLS-OAM FM message arrives at LSR-5 which simply forwards it to
     downstream over the backup MPLS-TP LSP.

  3. MPLS-OAM FM message arrives at LSR-3, and since backup MPLS-TP LSP
     exists on LSR-3, the backup is activated. The MPLS-OAM FM message
     is forwarded downstream.

  4. Upon receiving MPLS-OAM FM messages, LSR-1 and LSR-4 send MPLS-OAM
     CV message to verify the new end-to-end path.

   Scenario-2 Link Failure detected by both nodes adjacent to the

   LSR-1 <-> LSR-2 <- X -> LSR-3 <-> LSR-4

               |              |

                ---- LSR-5 ---

   This example is similar to the first one except that both LSR-2 and
   LSR-3 detect the failure.

   The proposed scheme operates as follows:

  1. Upon detecting failure, LSR-2 activates the backup MPLS-TP LSP that
     protects the failure, and sends MPLS-OAM FM messages to LSR-1
     (upstream) and LSR-5 (downstream via backup MPLS-TP LSP). The MPLS-
     OAM FM message has an indication that local repair is active on
     LSR-2. Also, since LSR-3 also detects the failure, it also
     activates the backup MPLS-TP LSP and sends an MPLS-OAM FM message
     upstream and downstream. The MPLS-OAM FM message has an indication
     that local repair is active on LSR-3 as well.

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  2. MPLS-OAM FM messages arrive at LSR-5 which simply forwards it to
     upstream and downstream over the backup MPLS-TP LSP.

  3. MPLS-OAM FM message arrives at LSR-3 and LSR-2. Since the failure
     is already known to LSR-3 and LSR-2, the MPLS-OAM FM message is

  4. Upon receiving MPLS-OAM FM messages, LSR-1 and LSR-4 send MPLS-OAM
     CV message to verify the new end-to-end path.

  Proposed Solution: Fault Removal

   LSR-1 <-> LSR-2 <-> LSR-3 <-> LSR-4

              |           |

               -- LSR-5 --

  Assuming LSR-2 detects fault removal proposed solution operates as

  1. LSR-2 activates the primary MPLS-TP LSP back and sends MPLS-OAM FM
     messages to LSR-1 (upstream) and LSR-3 (downstream via primary
     MPLS-TP LSP). The MPLS-OAM FM message has an indication that the
     specified fault is removed on LSR-2.

  2. MPLS-OAM FM message arrives at LSR-3. LSR-3 activates the primary
     MPLS-TP LSP back, and forwards the MPLS-OAM FM message downstream
     to LSR-4.

  3. Upon receiving MPLS-OAM FM messages, LSR-1 and LSR-4 send MPLS-OAM
     CV message to verify the new end-to-end path.

   A MEP or MIP in response to the MPLS-OAM Fault Management message may
   send a Fault response message with return code = (1) success and
   cause code = 0 or return code = (2) failure and a cause code as

     1. if LSP ID cannot be matched, it sends a response with cause code
        1 back to the sender MEP or MIP.

     2. if the message is malformed, it sends a response with the cause
        code 2 back to to the sender MEP or MIP.

     3. if any of the TLV is not known, it sends a response with cause
        code 3 back to to the sender MEP or MIP. It may also include the
        unknown TLVs.

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     4. if message authentication fails, it sends a response with the
        cause code 4 back to to the sender MEP or MIP.

   Note that MPLS TTL value is set to 255 in the response message.

6. Security Considerations

   The security considerations for the authentication TLV need further

7. IANA Considerations

   To be added.

8. References

8.1. Normative References

   [1]   Bradner. S, "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
         Levels", RFC 2119, March, 1997.

   [2]   S. Boutros, et. al., "Connection verification for MPLS
         Transport Profile LSP", draft-boutros-mpls-tp-cv-00.txt, Work
         in Progress, November, 2008.

   [3]   K. Kompella, G. Swallow, "Detecting Multi-Protocol Label
         Switched (MPLS) Data Plane Failures", RFC 4379, February 2006.

   [4]   T. Nadeau, et. al, "Pseudowire Virtual Circuit Connectivity
         Verification (VCCV): A Control Channel for Pseudowires ", RFC
         5085, December 2007.

   [5]   M. Bocci, et. al., "MPLS Generic Associated Channel", draft-
         ietf-mpls-tp-gach-gal-02.txt, work in progress, January 6,

   [6]   S. Boutros, et. al., "Definition of ACH TLV Structure", draft-
         bryant-mpls-tp-ach-tlv-00.txt, Work in Progress, January 2009.

   [7]   S. Boutros, et. al., "MPLS-TP Loopback", draft-boutros-mpls-tp-
         loopback-01.txt, Work in Progress, November, 2008.

8.2. Informative References

   [8]   Nabil Bitar, et. al, "Requirements for Multi-Segment Pseudowire
         Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3)", RFC5254, October 2008.

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Author's Addresses

   Sami Boutros
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   3750 Cisco Way
   San Jose, California 95134

   Siva Sivabalan
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   2000 Innovation Drive
   Kanata, Ontario, K2K 3E8

   George Swallow
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   300 Beaver Brook Road
   Boxborough , MASSACHUSETTS 01719
   United States

   David Ward
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   3750 Cisco Way
   San Jose, California 95134

   Stewart Bryant
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   250, Longwater, Green Park,
   Reading RG2 6GB, UK

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

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