Network Working Group                                           J. Snell
Internet-Draft                                            August 4, 2012
Intended status: Informational
Expires: February 5, 2013

          HTTP/2.0 Discussion: SPDY In-Session Key Negotiation


   This memo describes a proposed modification to SPDY that introduces
   the concepts of In-Session Key Negotiation and Secure Framing.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on February 5, 2013.

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   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  In-Session Key Negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   3.  Secure Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   4.  Example: Pre-shared Secret Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   5.  Example: Diffie-Helmman Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   6.  Example: In-Session TLS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   7.  Example: Server-Initiated Key Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   8.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
   9.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

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1.  Introduction

   In-Session Key Negotiation allows endpoints to dynamically negotiate
   cryptographic keys after a SPDY Session has already been established
   through the exchange of one or more KEY_NEGO control frames.

   There are a number of benefits to such a mechanism:
   1.  The ability to negotiate multiple keys over a single TCP/IP
   2.  The ability to renegotiate keys on the fly without tearing down
       and reestablishing the TCP/IP connection.
   3.  Key Negotiation is intermediary friendly while remaining secure.
       Both Hop-by-Hop and End-to-End negotiation schemes would be
   4.  Support for multiple key negotiation mechanisms, including pre-
       shared key.
   5.  Support for server-initiated key negotiation .. allowing
       responses to be secured on-demand by servers even if the client
       did not initiate the secure request.  This allows servers to
       enforce secure communication with the client.
   6.  The ability to target specific key negotiations at individual
   7.  The possibility of using negotiated keys as an alternative to
       basic and digest authentication.

   TODO: More coverage on the needs, benefits

2.  In-Session Key Negotiation

   The KEY_NEGO control frame is used to negotiate cryptographic keys
   for use by either endpoint within an established SPDY Session.

   The KEY_NEGO Frame

      |1| version   |      KEY_NEGO     |
      | Flags (8)  |   LENGTH (24)      |
      |X|          KEY_ID (31)          |
      |X|  Associated-To-Stream-ID (31) |
      | ALG_ID(16) | SEQ(8)    |        |
      +------------------------+        |
      |         (HEADERS BLOCK)         |
      |                                 |

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   Flags: Flags related to this frame.  Valid flags are:
      0x01 = FLAG_EXPECTS_RESPONSE - Indicates that the sender is
      expecting to receive a KEY_NEGO frame in response to this one.
      0x02 = FLAG_DONE - Indicates that this is the last KEY_NEGO frame
      the sender will send for this key negotiation sequence.
      0x04 = FLAG_WAIT - Indicates that the sender will be sending
      additional KEY_NEGO frames and that the recipient should wait for
      those before responding.
      0x08 = FLAG_ERROR - Indicates that an error has occurred within
      the key negotiation sequence and that the headers contains the
      details of the error.
      0x10 = FLAG_VOID - Indicates that the sender wishes for a
      previously negotiated key to be voided, making it unavailable for
      further use within the same SPDY Session.

   Length: The length is the number of bytes which follow the length
   field in the frame.  For KEY_NEGO frames, this is 7 bytes plus the
   length of Headers block.

   KEY_ID: The 31-bit identifier for the key being negotiated.  KEY_NEGO
   frames initiated by the client MUST have an odd-numbered ID.
   KEY_NEGO frames initiated by the server MUST have an even-numbered

   Associated-To-Stream-ID: The 31-bit identifier for a Stream for which
   this key is to be associated.  If this key is independent of all
   other streams, it should be 0.

   If a key is associated with a given stream, the key is destroyed when
   the stream is concluded.

   ALG_ID: The 16-bit identifier of the key negotiation algorithm being

   SEQ: An 8-bit unsigned integer incremented for each KEY_NEGO frame
   exchanged for a given KEY_ID.

   HEADERS BLOCK: The block of headers carried as part of the KEY_NEGO

   Within any single SPDY session, multiple KEY_NEGO exchanges may
   occur.  However, once the range of possible KEY_ID's has been
   exhausted, no further negotiation is possible within that session.

3.  Secure Framing

   Obviously, negotiating a key is pointless if it cannot be

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   subsequently used to secure communications.  For this, we can either
   modify the existing SPDY frames defined in
   [draft-mbelshe-httpbis-spdy-00] or introduce additional extension
   Control Frames.  Currently, this memo adopts the latter approach.

   Three new Control Frames would be introduced:

   The SYN_SEC_STREAM and SYN_SEC_REPLY control frames are generally
   identical to the existing SYN_STREAM and SYN_REPLY frames, but
   include an additional 31-bit KEY_ID field that identifies the
   negotiated key used to encrypt the contents of both the block of
   headers (within the SYN_* frame as well as subsequent HEADERS frames)
   and all data frames within the stream.

   SYN_SEC_STREAM Control Frame:

     |1|    version    |  SYN_SEC_STREAM  |
     |  Flags (8)  |  Length (24 bits)    |
     |X|           Stream-ID (31bits)     |
     |X| Associated-To-Stream-ID (31bits) |
     | Pri|Unused | Slot |X| KEY_ID (31)  |
     |           (Headers Block)          |
     |                ...                 |


     |1|    version    |   SYN_SEC_REPLY  |
     |  Flags (8)  |  Length (24 bits)    |
     |X|           Stream-ID (31bits)     |
     |X|             KEY-ID (31)          |
     |           (Headers Block)          |
     |                ...                 |

   Additional, a new Stream Integrity Control frame is proposed that

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   allows a sender to periodically insert a checksum into the stream.
   The checksum is calculated over the bytes of all HEADERS and Data
   frames sent since (and including) the initial SYN_* control frame or
   the previously sent INTEGRITY frame.  If a key is used to generate
   the digest, the KEY_ID field can be used to reference the key.  If
   the SYN_SEC_STREAM or SYN_SEC_REPLY contained a KEY_ID, then the
   digest is encrypted using the identified key..


     |0| version |      INTEGRITY       |
     |X|      Stream-ID (31bits)        |
     |X|         KEY-ID (31bits)        |
     | ALG_ID (8) | SEQ(8) |Length (24) |
     |             Digest               |

   If the recipient receives an INTEGRITY frame that does not validate,
   it can choose to terminate the stream with a RST_STREAM.

4.  Example: Pre-shared Secret Key

   Consider a scenario where user, Tom, is accessing a service on host
   "".  As part of the out of band registration process, a
   shared secret key is generated and shared by Tom and the hosted
   service.  This key is tied to Tom's user account name: "tom".

   In this example, only a single KEY_NEGO frame needs to be exchanged,
   sent by Tom to the Server to identify the name of the pre-shared key.

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     Tom                  Server
      |                      |
      | 1) SYN               |
      | 2) SYN_ACK           |
      | 3) ACK               |
      |                      |
      | 4) KEY_NEGO          |
      |  ID=1                |
      |  ALG_ID=1 (PSK)      |
      |  FLAGS=0x02          |
      |  SEQ=1               |
      |   |
      |  :key=tom            |
      |                      |
      | 5) SYN_SEC_STREAM    |
      |   ID=1               |
      |   KEY_ID=1           |
      |   :method=POST       |
      |  |
      |                      |
      | 6) DATA              |
      |  ID=1                |
      |   (encrypted data)   |
      |                      |
      | ...

   The SYN_SEC_STREAM establishes a secured stream that references the
   established key, and all headers and data transmitted would be
   encrypted using the identified key.

   The server MAY choose to respond with either a SYN_REPLY or

5.  Example: Diffie-Helmman Exchange

   Multi-step key negotiation mechanisms, such as the popular Diffie-
   Hellman mechanism, can also be implemented through the exchange of
   multiple KEY_NEGO frames.

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     Tom                  Server
      |                      |
      | 1) SYN               |
      | 2) SYN_ACK           |
      | 3) ACK               |
      |                      |
      | 4) KEY_NEGO          |
      |  ID=1                |
      |  ALG_ID=2 (DH)       |
      |  FLAGS=0x01          |
      |  SEQ=1               |
      |   |
      |  :p={p}              |
      |  :g={g}              |
      |  :A={A}              |
      |                      |
      | 5) KEY_NEGO          |
      |  ID=1                |
      |  ALG_ID=2 (DH)       |
      |  FLAGS=0x02          |
      |  SEQ=2               |
      |  :B={B}              |
      |                      |
      |    STREAM / REPLY    |
      |   (secured w/Key 1)  |
      |                      |

6.  Example: In-Session TLS

   KEY_NEGO frames can even be orchestrated to mimic the existing TLS-
   Handshake protocol:

     Tom                  Server
      |                      |
      | 1) SYN               |
      | 2) SYN_ACK           |
      | 3) ACK               |
      |                      |

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      | 4) KEY_NEGO          | // CLIENT_HELLO
      |  ID=1                |
      |  ALG_ID=3 (IS-TLS)   |
      |  FLAGS=0x01          |
      |  SEQ=1               |
      |   |
      |  :gmt_unix_time={X}  |
      |  :random:...         |
      |  :session:...        |
      |  :ciphers:...        |
      |  :extensions:...     |
      |                      |
      | 5) KEY_NEGO          | // SERVER_HELLO
      |  ID=1                |
      |  ALG_ID=3            |
      |  FLAGS=0x04          |
      |  SEQ=2               |
      |  :random:...         |
      |  :session:...        |
      |  :cipher:...         |
      |  :extensions:...     |
      |  :cert:...           |
      |  ...                 | <==| Certificate
      |                      | <==| ServerKeyExchange
      |                      | <==| CertificateRequest
      | 6) KEY_NEGO          | // SERVER_FINISHED
      |  ID=1                |
      |  ALG_ID=3            |
      |  FLAGS=0x2           |
      |                      | |==> Certificate
      |                      | |==> ClientKeyExchange
      |                      | |==> CertificateVerify
      |                      | <==> Change Cipher Spec
      | 7) KEY_NEGO          | // CLIENT_FINISHED
      |  ID=1                |
      |  ALG_ID=3            |
      |  FLAGS=0x2           |
      |                      |
      |    STREAM / REPLY    |
      |   (secured w/Key 1)  |
      |                      |

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7.  Example: Server-Initiated Key Exchange

   One of the more interesting cases enabled by In-Session Key
   Negotiation is the possibility of server-initiated protection.  That
   is, if a client opens an insecured stream with the server, the server
   could choose to upgrade that stream on-the-fly by initiating a
   KEY_NEGO exchange and responding with a SYN_SEC_REPLY.  All content
   returned by the server would be encrypted, even if the request was

     Tom                  Server
      |                      |
      | 1) SYN               |
      | 2) SYN_ACK           |
      | 3) ACK               |
      |                      |
      | 4) SYN_STREAM        |
      |  ID=1                |
      |  :method=GET         |
      |  :path=/             |
      |   |
      |                      |
      | 5) KEY_NEGO          |
      |  ID=2                |
      |  ASSOC_STREAM_ID=1   |
      |  ALG_ID=1            |
      |  FLAGS=0x2           |
      |  :key="tom"          |
      |                      |
      | 6) SYN_SEC_REPLY     |
      |  ID=1                |
      |  KEY_ID=2            |
      |  ...                 |
      |                      |

8.  Security Considerations

   TBD.  TODO: Need to expand this...

   Negotiated Keys should likely be tied to a same-origin policy.  The
   same negotiated key could not be used with multiple origins...

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   instead, require the client to negotiate a separate key for each
   origin unless the specific key negotiation protocol allows multi-
   origin operation.

9.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

Author's Address

   James M Snell


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