moq: Media Over QUIC
Scheduled Sessions
Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets
Agenda IETF114: moq (agenda-114-moq) |
Minutes IETF114: moq (minutes-114-moq) |
Bluesheets IETF114: moq : Wed 10:00 (bluesheets-114-moq-202207271000) |
Chatlog and polls
Chat Log IETF114: moq: Wed 10:00 ( as json ) |
Polls IETF114: moq: Wed 10:00 ( as json ) |
Chair Slides for MoQ BoF (slides-114-moq-chair-slides-for-moq-bof) |
MoQ Charter Proposal (slides-114-moq-moq-charter-proposal) |
(If time permits) QUICR (slides-114-moq-if-time-permits-quicr) |