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httpbis: HTTP

Scheduled Sessions

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF121: httpbis (agenda-121-httpbis)
Minutes IETF121: httpbis (minutes-121-httpbis)
Bluesheets IETF121: httpbis : Mon 09:30 (bluesheets-121-httpbis-202411040930)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF121: httpbis: Mon 09:30 ( as json )


Resumable Uploads (slides-121-httpbis-resumable-uploads)
The QUERY Method (slides-121-httpbis-the-query-method)
Incremental HTTP Messages (slides-121-httpbis-incremental-http-messages)
The Wrap Up Capsule (slides-121-httpbis-the-wrap-up-capsule)
Capsule Protocol Extensibility (slides-121-httpbis-capsule-protocol-extensibility)
Delete-Cookie (slides-121-httpbis-delete-cookie)
IP Geolocation & HTTP (slides-121-httpbis-ip-geolocation-http)


Notes and recordings

Video recording for httpbis on 2024-11-04 at 09:30:00
Meetecho session recording

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF121: httpbis (agenda-121-httpbis)
Minutes IETF121: httpbis (minutes-121-httpbis)
Bluesheets IETF121: httpbis : Thu 17:30 (bluesheets-121-httpbis-202411071730)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF121: httpbis: Thu 17:30 ( as json )


Template-Driven HTTP CONNECT Proxying for TCP (slides-121-httpbis-sessb-template-driven-http-connect-proxying-for-tcp)
Security Considerations for Optimistic Protocol Transitions in HTTP/1.1 (slides-121-httpbis-sessb-security-considerations-for-optimistic-protocol-transitions-in-http11)
No-Vary-Search (slides-121-httpbis-sessb-no-vary-search)
IP Geolocation & HTTP (slides-121-httpbis-ip-geolocation-http)


Notes and recordings

Video recording for httpbis on 2024-11-07 at 17:30:00
Meetecho session recording

Unscheduled Sessions