Agenda IETF118: spice
Meeting Agenda | Secure Patterns for Internet CrEdentials (spice) WG | |
Date and time | 2023-11-07 08:30 | |
Title | Agenda IETF118: spice | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | plain text | |
Last updated | 2023-11-02 |
Secure Patterns for Internet CrEdentials (SPICE) BoF 09:30 - 11:30 Tuesday Session I / Congress Hall 3 Agenda • Welcome and Introduction (10 min): Chairs • Problem Statement - Market Driver (10 min): Leif - Technology Driver (10 min): Orie • Selection of proposed work items - "Identity" / Key Discovery document (5 min): Kristina - SD-CWT (5 min): Orie • Privacy: Selective Disclosure and Unlinkability (10 min): Mike Jones • Clarifying Questions (10 min): all • Charter & Milestones (10 min): Henk • Discussion (20 min): all • BoF Questions (20 min): Chairs / Area Director From RFC 5434: - There is a problem that needs solving, and the IETF is the right group to attempt solving it. - There is a critical mass of participants willing to work on the problem (e.g., write drafts, review drafts, etc.). - The scope of the problem is well defined and understood, that is, people generally understand what the WG will work on (and what it won't) and what its actual deliverables will be. - There is agreement that the specific deliverables (i.e., proposed documents) are the right set. - It is believed that the WG has a reasonable probability of having success (i.e., in completing the deliverables in its charter in a timely fashion). • Wrap-up and Conclusion (10 min): Area Director