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BGP Extended Community for Identifying the Target Nodes

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (idr WG)
Expired & archived
Authors Jie Dong , Shunwan Zhuang , Gunter Van de Velde , Jeff Tantsura
Last updated 2024-09-05 (Latest revision 2024-03-04)
Replaces draft-dong-idr-node-target-ext-comm
RFC stream Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Intended RFC status (None)
Additional resources Mailing list discussion
Stream WG state WG Document
Document shepherd Susan Hares
Shepherd write-up Show Last changed 2023-03-28
IESG IESG state Expired
Consensus boilerplate Unknown
Telechat date (None)
Responsible AD (None)
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


BGP has been used to distribute different types of routing and policy information. In some cases, the information distributed may be only intended for one or a particular group of BGP nodes in the network. Currently BGP does not have a generic mechanism of designating the target nodes of the routing information. This document defines a new type of BGP Extended Community called "Node Target" for this purpose.


Jie Dong
Shunwan Zhuang
Gunter Van de Velde
Jeff Tantsura

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)