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Authentic Chained Data Containers (ACDC)

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Author Samuel M. Smith
Last updated 2024-02-01 (Latest revision 2023-07-31)
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An authentic chained data container (ACDC) [ACDC_ID][ACDC_WP][VCEnh] is an IETF [IETF] internet draft focused specification being incubated at the ToIP (Trust over IP) foundation [TOIP][ACDC_TF]. An ACDC is a variant of the W3C Verifiable Credential (VC) specification [W3C_VC]. The W3C VC specification depends on the W3C DID (Decentralized IDentifier) specification [W3C_DID]. A major use case for the ACDC specification is to provide GLEIF vLEIs (verifiable Legal Entity Identifiers) [vLEI][GLEIF_vLEI][GLEIF_KERI]. GLEIF is the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation [GLEIF]. ACDCs are dependent on a suite of related IETF focused standards associated with the KERI (Key Event Receipt Infrastructure) [KERI_ID][KERI] specification. These include CESR [CESR_ID], SAID [SAID_ID], PTEL [PTEL_ID], CESR-Proof [Proof_ID], IPEX [IPEX_ID], did:keri [DIDK_ID], and OOBI [OOBI_ID]. Some of the major distinguishing features of ACDCs include normative support for chaining, use of composable JSON Schema [JSch][JSchCp], multiple serialization formats, namely, JSON [JSON][RFC4627], CBOR [CBOR][RFC8949], MGPK [MGPK], and CESR [CESR_ID], support for Ricardian contracts [RC], support for chain- link confidentiality [CLC], a well defined security model derived from KERI [KERI][KERI_ID], _compact_ formats for resource constrained applications, simple _partial disclosure_ mechanisms and simple _selective disclosure_ mechanisms. ACDCs provision data using a synergy of provenance, protection, and performance.


Samuel M. Smith

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)