ISE write-up for: draft-thornburgh-rtmfp-flash-07
"This memo describes how to use Adobe's Secure Real-Time Media Flow
Protocol (RTMFP) to transport the video, audio, and data messages of
Adobe Flash platform communications. Aspects of this application
profile include cryptographic methods and data formats, flow metadata
formats, and protocol details for client-server and peer-to-peer
This memo specifies the syntax and semantics for transporting RTMP
messages over RTMFP, and extends Flash communication semantics to
include direct P2P communication. This memo further specifies a
concrete Cryptography Profile for RTMFP tailored to the application
and cryptographic needs of Flash platform client-server and P2P
These protocols and profiles were developed by Adobe Systems
Incorporated and are not the product of an IETF activity.
It was submitted to me by Michael Thornburgh.
It was reviewed for me by Paul Kyziat, and Kevin Igoe reviewed it
from a 'security' point of view.
The authors have worked with the reviewers to improve it.
The document asks IANA Considerationsto register a URI scheme called
rtmp; Michael has already asked IANA to register that URI scheme.
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