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Minutes IETF117: tigress: Fri 00:00

Meeting Minutes Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely (tigress) WG
Date and time 2023-07-28 00:00
Title Minutes IETF117: tigress: Fri 00:00
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2023-07-28


TIGRESS WG Agenda at IETF 117

  • Thursday, 27 July 2023 at 17:00 - 18:00 PDT

0) Note Well, Minute Taker, Jabber Scribe

Note takers: Pam Dingle

1) Agenda Bash

No changes to the proposed agenda

2) Discussion on recently adopted WG docs

  • no open issues on docs - doesn't mean there aren't actually issues,
    please give feedback
  • volunteers to read drafts: David (DW) Waite
  • Eric (Apple) - requirement that sender/reciever are not present at
    the same time, but don't want to tie them together, how does that

    • goal is not to tie sender/receiver over multiple transactions
  • Next steps: exploring design directions

a) draft-tigress-requirements (

b) draft-lassey-tigress-threat-model (

3) Discussion by authors on protocol draft

  • Yogesh: a couple of viable candidates- one is the HTTP extension.
    Good time to revisit that solution. 2nd approach - webDAV. Reactions
    were varied
  • performed an analysis - this could work with minor tweaks but a deep
    dive is needed
  • Roundtrips requirement: idea is that enough information is needed
    from both participants that there has to be a back-and-forth. Are
    new resources created, the same ones modified? How can the
    participants take turns?
  • ECR: if everybody here wants a new thing, but it isn't the best
    thing you are probably still farther ahead. Question is, what is the
    energy level of the group? Is anybody advocating for webDAV that is
    also going to implement?
  • Brad L - it is worth exploring, then comparing.
  • ECR: Can think of ways to do this: files indexed by numbers, eg
    mesgs from alice to bob are odd, from bob to alice are even etc.
    Whether using WebDAV or not, the more like a drop box this is, the
    happier we will be.
  • Eric: not sure I want my door locks to have more webDAV. Reasoning
    about what is the shape of what we build is valuable. Then you can
    look at each implementation option to see the delta. Understanding
    conceptual thing this is analogous to could have great value, eg:
    drop box.
  • Yogesh - agree the drop box is a good analogy. Goal here is to
    discover whether vanilla webDAV can work, but clearly that can't. Do
    we want to go down the rabbit hole just because we are obsessed with
  • Eric - worth looking at what is the delta rather than jumping away
    from webDAV without going to the "other" answer automatically
  • Kaliya: question - when you say credential do you mean password? Is
    this like the encrypted data vault work, using obj capabilities to
    access cloud repositories?
  • Yogesh - credential is loaded term, here a credential is a set of
    cryptographic tools that grant access to some property (and some
    metadata). If I get a key to my hotel room but it isn't valid until
    3pm, for example this could be the basis for additional access
  • ECR: (question & following discussion is opaque to the scribe,
  • conversation about locking vs. deletion of credential during
  • Eric: if I am sender A and i send to receiver A, if random attacker
    can access that, that is bad. Theft, interference, incompetence,
    tampering, that will be an issue
  • Yogesh - the problem is that webDAV defines access control
    mechanisms that are more open than we want.
  • Eric - in my mind, webDAV - not about does the thing we build on top
    of satisfy all the req'ments, just is it a place we can start.
    Details that create question marks may be worth doing the exercise
    to address. Access ctrl vs locking is something we can identify, but
    wouldn't be the end-all be-all. Looks like you have sufficiently
    identified the issue, so we are good.
  • Leif - to summarize, this comes down as "operational considerations"
    • doesn't necessarily mean webDAV has to change, maybe it just gets
      profiled down. Not a problem if something like webDAV has to be
  • Yogesh - trying to know what is easy and what needs more work.
    another requirement for webDAV is connection integrity

    • need to ensure injection isn't possible
  • 3rd requirement: non-correlation. prevention of correlating users
    between exchanges, prevention of mapping social graphs

    • found areas without answers - how, if authentication is needed,
      the server won't be stored?
  • Aaron: lot of parallels to other work (eg in OAuth WG). These
    requirements have been discussed there and so you should be able to
    leverage existing building blocks. WebDAV seems not to fit perfectly
    but there could be other options. tomorrow's OAuth meeting may be
    useful, verifiable credentials will be discussed and this may be

  • Prachi requested Aaron to review, Aaron agreed.
  • ECR: asking about access control in webDAV

    • wrestling with the web model. Treat this like a read-write
      transaction on a resource, your issues go away entirely. Will
      send something to the list
  • Eric: step 1 is establishing it is "mine" so I can come back. I
    leave a space open for "slot #2", once slot 2 is filled, then that's
    it. After that, the establishing token and the token in slot 2 are
    the only participants that can interact.

  • Speaker #2: Understand solution isn't perfect, but privacy is
  • Aaron: Capability URLS are not necessarily best security practice
    (EKR disagrees). problem with capability URLs is it is same string
    used by sender/reciever. Have fundamental problems, and many groups
    are working on solutions. Could be a solution that doesn't rely on
    the URL being the only thing protecting the credential stream.
  • Eric: let's not rathole on details, but talk about what are the
    building blocks
  • Yogesh: mechanisms will change - what we are trying to build is
    based on intention to share a credential
  • Speaker #2: still want attestation
  • John B: what does support for WebAuthn mean? Hybrid transport exists
    now where a piece of key material is exchanged that could accomplish
  • Brad: what are you attesting?

4) Next steps and closing remarks by chairs

  • Leif: suggest a good next step: we have multiple options - can we
    get some quick strawmen? No need for fancy writeups, just something
    to critique and judge. Can we tease out the details?
    • Will need to schedule at least one interim before Prague. Nice
      to see this interest turn into concrete thoughts sent to the
      mailing list.
    • Prachi - got new volunteers - yay! Please reach out.