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Minutes interim-2022-ntp-03: Tue 11:00

Meeting Minutes Network Time Protocols (ntp) WG
Date and time 2022-08-30 15:00
Title Minutes interim-2022-ntp-03: Tue 11:00
State Active
Other versions markdown
Last updated 2022-09-12


NTP WG Virtual Interim - 30 August 2022

Draft Agenda

  1. Administrative and Agenda Bashing
  2. NTP/TICTOC WG Document Status Review/Update
  3. Updating the NTP Registries
  4. Chronos (WGLC results)
  5. NTPv5 use cases and requirements
  6. NTPv5
  7. NTP v4 Errata
  8. NTP Over PTP
  9. Drafts without updates
    A. Roughtime
  10. AOB


Please add your name here:
Karen O'Donoghue
Dieter Sibold
David Venhoek
Dan Collins
Danny Mayer
Martin Langer
Douglas Arnold
Miroslav Lichvar
Erik Kline
Neta Rozen-Schiff
Adam Goldberg
Daniel Drown
Rich Salz (late)
Ira McDonald

1. Administrative and Agenda Bashing

Agendas basing
Martin will give an update on NTS for PTP

2. NTP/TICTOC WG Document Status Review/Update

Mode 6 cmds: Erik is working with the sec director: Is interacting with
Ben to resolve remaining issues

NTP interleave mode: Is planned defer for NTPv5. Erik will address the
working group what the wg will do with that draft. There are concerns
about if this is operational safe.
Danny: are issues documented?
Erik: Please see datatracker "IESG evaluation record" - Will put this
into a email

1588 profile ...

3. Updating the NTP Registries

Karen: Status was changed from informational to standards tracks. Did a
quick WGLC. One person opposes. Next step is to go to IESG.

4. Chronos (WGLC results)

Karen Did a WGLC on that
Neta: Obtained a lot of intersting comments. Did response to most
comments. Did change the name.
Karen: Do a second quick 2nd LC. Please indicate if your comments are
addressed appriately.

5. NTPv5 use cases and requirements

Karen: anybody comments?
Karen: without James on the call it is difficult to discuss issues

6. NTPv5

Karen: Did a call for adoption.
Miroslav: new version with clarification. No major changes. Question:
how incompatible v5 is allowed to v4?
Karen: Ideas?
Mirsolav: No, we need to discuss this on the mailing list. Need more
input from different people.
Danny: If not backward compatible it might be a problem to get adopted
Erik: Is worth sorting out backward compatibilty (bc) on port 123.
David: Agreement of what we understand by bc is needed.
Karen: This need to be considered in the requirements documents
David. I assume that we can have some backwards incompatibility so long
as multiple versions of the protocol can be spoken by a single
Miroslav: Does it make sense to have a hackathon to implement the
current proposal?
Karen. Would be a possibility
Miroslav: I already have some code that can be used for that.
Karen: Glad to hear from your suggestion
David: I currently implementing NTP. Interested in a hackathon.
Doug: There is a discussion on the mailing list on the subject of loop
Miroslav: one of the notions: do we need v5 to detect all loops? ...
David: Discussion if loops are of importance pratically. Will do an
experiment on this question. Will put the results of this experiment on
the mailing list.
Miroslav: I've posted some results on such an experiment
Doug: We should provide easy means for network operators to avoid loops

Adam: Will v5 have a means to discover MITM.
David: we should discuss on the mailing list whether we need the peering
modes and if not what guidance should be around working around those
modes missing.

7. NTP v4 Errata

Erik present his slides

Karen: the slides are available on the datatracker
David: Will pick up one or two of the technical errata.

8. NTP Over PTP

Karen: call for adoption. No much feedback. Will extend the call.

9. Drafts without updates

A. Roughtime
Karen: Watson is not here. Can anyone report on that?

10. AOB


The draft document was updated. Only small changes. Will not be able to
work on that until October. Will merge it with Meinbergs work.

Way forward

  • Two more virtuals are planned before the next IETF meeting
  • For London. We will wait if we get a critical number of people
    before asking for a meeting slot.
  • Discussions if 115 will be focused to onsite meeting. Hybrid
    features will be provided