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Minutes interim-2024-ietfiana-02: Tue 15:00

Meeting Minutes IETF-IANA (ietfiana) IAB ASG
Date and time 2024-09-10 15:00
Title Minutes interim-2024-ietfiana-02: Tue 15:00
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2024-10-16


Meeting Minutes for IETF-IANA Group
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
15:00 UTC

A. Baber
A. Creamer
R. Danyliw
K. Davies
D. Dhody
D. Dong
S. Tanamal
J. Yao

1. Introductions and Welcome (S. Tanamal)

2. Follow-up IANA Action Items (S. Tanamal)
IANA Term Usage
a. Currently paused, but still being tracked as an action item. Will keep the
group updated on any progress. Expert Outreach Project a. Project completed,
IANA to report on findings. May end up as an IESG statement or blog.
                                   i.        R. Danyliw: Does the IESG need to
                                   track this item?
S. Tanamal: Not at this time. Lars had previously suggested a blog post to
provide a summary for the community of the results of the outreach project. A.
Baber: Mirja had suggested we focus on problems discovered through this process.

3. IANA Services Activity/Performance (S. Tanamal)
Maintained 100% of processing SLAs from April through July. To note, IANA also
sends out a summary of outstanding requests with each monthly report with
details. HDWD – A survey is sent out to customers after each request. a. 100%
satisfaction rate from April to July D. Dhody: How are these HDWD surveys sent
out? S. Tanamal: Surveys are sent out to requesters for protocol parameter
requests except for I-D related tickets. K. Davies: Each requester only
receives one survey every 90 days.

4. Update on Supplemental Agreement Deliverables
      1. Updated 2025 Agreement (A. Creamer)
a. General proposed changes, mostly additions or edits as we find them. Changes
this time include minor changes due to audit date changes and updating language
regarding the IETF report so that IANA is able to update reporting requirements
without having to alter the MoU each time. b. Shared with the group on August
21st, review due by September 11th. Jay will be the signer on the behalf of the
IETF LLC. R. Danyliw: Thank you for the iterative polish.
      2. PTI FY26-30 Strategic Plan (K. Davies)
a. PTI produces its own strategic plan, distinct from the ICANN strategic plan.
This is the second time this has been done, this time with a focus on
innovation, operational excellence and community engagement. This includes
creating new tools for more automation of operational work as well as
increasing community; will share this strategic plan for feedback in the future.
      3. PTI FY26 Operating Plan (K. Davies)
a. Annual cycle; key priorities: Registry Workflow System, modernizing the website, implementing recommendations from the rollover study. i.
Multi-year projects, but may realize some of these improvements this fiscal
year. ii. RSA SHA-256 signing currently in the root zone; this is expected to 
be updated to elliptical curve signing. Will implement operational suggestions
from the rollover study. b. Any recommendations or thoughts, please share them
and we’ll be happy to take that feedback

5. Update on Operational Activities (S. Tanamal)
RFC 7120bis
a. Held discussions with the IESG regarding early allocation proposals. Roman
had suggested that the document be split into two documents. IANA to draft text
related to the early allocation registries to share with the IESG, as well as
work on an early draft for the changes that can be done now. RFC 8126bis a.
IETF 120 discussion suggested that the preference is not to form a WG. IANA has
shared suggested revisions and will contribute to further discussions. R.
Danyliw: Will charter a path forward in the next few weeks about this.
       3.      IESG Statement on “Specification Required” IANA Registries
a. Initiated by Murray; IANA has provided feedback. Certain registries
specifically allow this; TLS registries, for example (RFC8447). Still in
discussion with the IESG. R. Danyliw: IESG had discussed this in the retreat in
London and this is still in progress. Has not been brought up for discussion.
Is there a deadline for this? S. Tanamal: Not that we are aware of.
       4.      ROAs for reserved IP address blocks (K. Davies)
a. RPKI history; IANA was originally intended to be the trust anchor for RPKI
rollout, but was not done in practice. Each RIR establishes their own trust
anchor and coordinate among themselves. Other RIRs have objected to ARIN
facilitating ROAs for AS112 address space. Situation developing, but
complainants prefer IANA to operate this directly, which would take significant
resources. More updates to come in the future, but was asked to bring this to
attention to the IESG by a RIR. R. Danyliw: How do we come to a decision? K.
Davies: Do not know the answer, but will research this. D. Dhody: Statement
from the IAB about RPKI was made in 2010. Statement states that it should be
run by IANA; we can take this back to the IAB for discussion. K. Davies: We
will scout out the history in our team and bring this topic back to the IAB for

6. Other Topics for Discussion (S. Tanamal)
Opal Project
a. Registry Workflow System
i. Currently prototyping demos from the JOSE registry to select stakeholders
ii. Getting initial feedback before wider outreach
iii. Offered demo to IETF-IANA members; reach out if interested.
Expert Delays
a. Ongoing delays from experts in CBOR/COSE/CoRE requests, but continuing to
escalate to ADs. b. Escalations have temporary alleviating effects but do not
last. R. Danyliw: Track until Dublin meeting, then we can take back to the IESG.
       3.      Open Q/A
R. Danyliw: Thank you for serving the IETF community with continued excellence
with the service delivery. Early reviews are very, very helpful and I want to
encourage IANA to continue to do this. Feel free to ask me to hold any DISCUSS
during telechats.

7 . Upcoming Meeting schedule

Possible in-person meeting at IETF 121 Dublin. Will reach out to the group via
email before IETF 121.

8. New Action items:

Token: K. Davies
Action Item: Research on RPKI ROA history with team, then connect with the IAB

Token: S. Tanamal
Action Item: Keep tracking unresponsive experts, then report back with progress