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dispatch: Dispatch

Scheduled Sessions

Joint with ARTAREA

Agenda, Minutes, and Bluesheets

Agenda IETF115: dispatch (agenda-115-dispatch)
Minutes IETF115: dispatch: Mon 09:30 (minutes-115-dispatch-202211070930)
Bluesheets IETF115: dispatch : Mon 09:30 (bluesheets-115-dispatch-202211070930)

Chatlog and polls

Chat Log IETF115: dispatch: Mon 09:30 ( as json )


Chairs Slides (slides-115-dispatch-chairs-slides)
vCon: the JSON format for vCon Conversation Data Container (slides-115-dispatch-vcon-the-json-format-for-vcon-conversation-data-container)
Realm Crossover with SIP-SASL (slides-115-dispatch-realm-crossover-with-sip-sasl)
DKIM Replay: Problem and Possible Solutions (slides-115-dispatch-dkim-replay-problem-and-possible-solutions)
WHEP: WebRTC-HTTP egress protocol (slides-115-dispatch-whep-webrtc-http-egress-protocol)
NGI EU funding (slides-115-dispatch-ngi-eu-funding)
eBPF: Advertisement for Thursday side meeting (slides-115-dispatch-ebpf-advertisement-for-thursday-side-meeting)
Attestable HTTPA (HTTPA) (slides-115-dispatch-attestable-httpa-httpa)


The CDDL format for vCon - Conversation Data Container (draft-petrie-vcon) Version 00
SASL Authentication for SIP (draft-vanrein-sipauth-sasl) Version 00
Replay Resistant Authenticated Receiver Chain (draft-chuang-replay-resistant-arc) Version 00
Email extension for specifying the next hop path for delivery (draft-gondwana-email-mailpath) Version 00
DKIM Envelope Validation Extension (eve) (draft-bradshaw-envelope-validation-extension-dkim) Version 00
Replay-Resistant DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures (draft-kucherawy-dkim-anti-replay) Version 00

Notes and recordings

Video recording for DISPATCH on 2022-11-07 at 09:30:00
Meetecho session recording

Unscheduled Sessions