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Additional call for feedback
November 10, 2008

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November 10, 2008
Additional call for feedback
The IETF 2008/9 Nominating committee is reviewing the many strong nominees
for the positions which require appointments this cycle.  We appreciate
the effort folks put in providing nominations, and very much appreciate
the feedback we have received from the community to date.

The nominating committee needs to know what is important to the
community.  We can not talk to, or even individual solicit feedback from,
each of you.  Confidentiality means that we can not tell you exactly who
we are considering, or for what appointments.
So, if you have opinions, information, perspectives, or suggestions that
you believe would help the nominating committee, please let us know.  This
can be comments on people, on areas, on leadership in general, on IETF
operations, or on issues that you think the nominating committee should be
paying attention to.
The best way to send feedback is by sending email to

The information on the positions we are appointing for, and the current
incumbents, can be found at

That page also includes links to the questionnaires we asked nominees to
fill out, and the job descriptions provided to the nominating committee by
the various bodies to which we are appointing people.

Also included there is a full list of the membership of the committee. 
Feel free to contact any of us if we can be of assistance.  If you wish to
provide anonymous feedback, send the feedback to me, or a committee member
of your choosing, with a clear indication that you wish to provide
anonymous feedback.

The nominating committee will have a meeting room in Minneapolis, and
will, I believe, have a distinctive colored dot on their badges to help
you find us.  Feel free to talk to us about your views, concerns, or
positive information.  Again, the more we know about what the community
wants, the better job we can do selecting suitable people for the
positions we need to fill.

Joel M. Halpern