Hi All,
The 2011-2012 Nominating committee is seeking nominations from now
until October 2, 2011. The list of open positions can be found at:
Nominations may be made directly on the NomCom 2011-2012 pages by
selecting the Nominate link at the top of the page. The URL for
NomCom 2011-2012 pages is:
Nominations may also be made by email to nomcom11@ietf.org.
If you do so, please include the word "Nominate" in the Subject and
indicate in the email who is being nominated, their email address (to
confirm acceptance of the nomination), and the position for which you
are making the nomination. If you wish to nominate someone via email
for more than one position, please use separate emails to do so.
Self nomination is welcome.
NomCom 2011-2012 will follow the policy for "Open Disclosure of Willing
Nominees" described in RFC 5680. As stated in RFC 5680: "The list of
nominees willing to be considered for positions under review in the
current NomCom cycle is not confidential". Willing Nominees for each
position will be publicly listed. The public nominee list will be
updated at least once a week and possibly more often as nominations are
With the exception of publicly listing willing nominees, the
confidentiality requirements of RFC 3777 remain in effect. All
feedback and NomCom deliberations will remain confidential and not
Because the list of nominees this year is public, we will accept
feedback on the nominees starting August 23, 2011. Per RFC 5680, we
will accept feedback from the entire IETF community on all the nominees.
If you wish to provide anonymous feedback, the chair or any of the
members will be happy to handle this for you. The Nominating Committee
chair can be reached at nomcom-chair@ietf.org and the entire nominating
committee can be reached at nomcom11@ietf.org. The email addresses of
individual NomCom members is also on the NomCom 2011-2012 pages.
In addition to nominations, the Nominating Committee is actively
seeking community input on the jobs that need to be filled. We have
received the job descriptions from the IAB, IESG, and IAOC and they can
be found at:
However, we also need the community's views and input on the jobs
within each organization. If you have ideas on job responsibilities
(more, less, different), please let us know. Please send suggestions
and feedback to nomcom11@ietf.org.
Thank you,
Suresh Krishnan
Chair, NomCom 2011-2012