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Internet-Draft and RFC statistics


Please Note: The author information in the datatracker about RFCs with numbers lower than about 1300 and Internet-Drafts from before 2001 is unreliable and in many cases absent. For this reason, statistics on these pages does not show correct author stats for corpus selections that involve such documents.


Country Percentage of authors Authors
(unknown) 53.72% 867
Argentina 0.12% 2
Australia 0.81% 13
Austria 0.43% 7
Belgium 0.93% 15
Cameroon 0.06% 1
Canada 3.22% 52
Chile 0.19% 3
China 27.70% 447
Costa Rica 0.06% 1
Croatia 0.06% 1
Czech Republic 0.43% 7
Estonia 0.06% 1
EU 25.09% 405
Finland 0.74% 12
France 3.28% 53
Germany 7.00% 113
Greece 0.06% 1
Hong Kong 0.12% 2
Hungary 0.25% 4
India 3.90% 63
Ireland 0.31% 5
Israel 1.24% 20
Italy 1.98% 32
Japan 1.73% 28
Kenya 0.06% 1
Luxembourg 0.37% 6
Mongolia 0.06% 1
Netherlands 1.61% 26
New Zealand 0.19% 3
Norway 0.31% 5
Poland 0.19% 3
Portugal 0.19% 3
Russia 0.87% 14
Saudi Arabia 0.06% 1
Singapore 0.06% 1
Slovakia 0.12% 2
South Africa 0.19% 3
South Korea 2.97% 48
Spain 2.23% 36
Sweden 1.55% 25
Switzerland 1.55% 25
Turkey 0.06% 1
Uganda 0.12% 2
United Kingdom 3.47% 56
United States of America 29.93% 483
Uruguay 0.06% 1

The statistics are based entirely on the author addresses provided with each Internet-Draft. Since this varies across documents, a traveling author may be counted in more than country, making the total sum more than 100%.

In case no country information is found for an author in the time period, the author is counted as (unknown).

EU (European Union) is not a country, but has been added for reference, as the sum of all current EU member countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom .

Country Aliases

In generating the above statistics, some heuristics have been applied to figure out which country each author is from.

Hide generated aliases

Country Alias
(unknown) Cymru
(unknown) Czechia
(unknown) Moscow
Australia AU
Australia Melbourne, Australia
Austria AT
Belgium BE
Belgium Brussels, Belgium
Canada 102 Point Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, T3B 5B3, CA
Canada CA
Canada CA V6B 2W5
Chile CL
China Beijing
China Beijing China
China Beijing, 100044, P.R.China
China Beijing, China
China CN
China Chaoyang District Beijing 100102, China
China Guangdong, 523808 China
China Haidian District, Beijing
China Hangzhou, China
China P. R. China
China P.R. China
China P.R.China
China PRC
China Peoples Republic of China
China china
Costa Rica CR
Czech Republic CZ
Estonia Talinn, Estonia
Finland FI
France FR
France Mougins France
Germany DE
Germany Hansaallee 205, 40549 Dusseldorf, Germany
India Bangalore, India
India IN
India Kanpur - 208 016, U.P., IN
Israel Haifa 3498838, Israel
Israel IL
Italy IT
Japan JP
Netherlands Maanplein 55, 2516CK The Hague, The Netherlands
Netherlands NL
Netherlands The Netherlands
New Zealand NZ
Poland PL
Russia 17/4 Krylatskaya st, Moscow, Russia 121614
Russia RU
Russia Russian Federation
South Korea Korea
South Korea Republic of Korea
South Korea Seoul 04620, KOREA
Spain 08860 - Castelldefels, Spain
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Uganda Country Uganda
United Kingdom GB
United Kingdom Scotland
United Kingdom UK
United States of America 142 N. Milpitas Blvd., #148, Milpitas, CA 95035-4401 US
United States of America Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
United States of America Berkeley, CA 94704
United States of America Santa Clara, CA 95050
United States of America Santa Clara, CA 95052
United States of America U.S.
United States of America UNITED STATES
United States of America US
United States of America USA
United States of America United States