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Agenda IETF105: gaia

Meeting Agenda Global Access to the Internet for All (gaia) RG
Date and time 2019-07-23 17:30
Title Agenda IETF105: gaia
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2019-07-21

# Global Access to the Internet for All (GAIA) WG
## IETF 105, Montreal

* Date: 2019-07-23
* Time: 13:30 EDT
* Room: Duluth

* Chair: Jane Coffin <>
* Chair: Leandro Navarro <>

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## Agenda

### Administrivia

* Welcome, Agenda Bashing, Minutes taker, Blue Sheets, etc.
        - Jane Coffin & Leandro Navarro, co-chairs,
        - 10 minutes

### Current Working Group Presentations:
        - 12 minutes for all speakers (presentation + Q&A)

* RIPE NCC Data and Tools
        - Mirjam Kuhne - RIPE NCC

* M-Lab - Supporting Open Internet Research (remote)
        - Lai Yi Ohlsen, Director - Measurement Lab
        - Chris Ritzo, Community Lead - Measurement Lab

* Indigenous communities and net-dev. (remote)
        - Matt Rantanen - Southern California Tribal Chairmen's Association

* An open source tool for wireless link planning and mesh network topology
        - Leonardo Maccari - U. Venice, IT

* Technologies for decentralized urban community cellular networks
        - Kurtis Heimerl, Spencer Sevilla - UW

* BCP on cooperative fibre networks (alternative operators)
        - Leandro Navarro - UPC

### AOB

* Next steps for GAIARG, including Update of RFC 7962 "Alternative Network
Deployments..." August 2016
        - Chairs/All
        - 5 minutes