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Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Controller Plane - VPFC Planning Information Model Based on VPFP in Scaling Deterministic Networks

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Authors Daorong Guo , Guangliang Wen , Kehan Yao , Quan Xiong , Guoyu Peng , XUEJUN YOU , zhushiyin
Last updated 2024-07-08 (Latest revision 2024-01-05)
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


The cycle-based queuing and forwarding mechanisms are an effective method to ensure that the transmission has a definite upper bound of jitter, as well as latency. The prerequisite for this method is to ensure that queuing resources do not conflict. In scaling deterministic networks, how to avoid the queuing resources conflict of this method is an open problem. This document proposes the information model of planning virtual periodic forwarding channel (VPFC) based on virtual periodic forwarding path (VPFP). The solution can solve the queuing resources conflict of cycle-specified queuing and forwarding in nonlinear topology domain, ensuring the bounded latency of DetNet flow in the same periodic forwarding domain.


Daorong Guo
Guangliang Wen
Kehan Yao
Quan Xiong
Guoyu Peng

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)