Technical Summary
LSP-Ping is a widely deployed Operation, Administration, and Maintenance
(OAM) mechanism in MPLS networks. However, as it is currently defined
there is no way to verify the connectivity of one or more segments of an
MS-PW. This document specifies a method by which any T-PE or S-PE
can verify the connectivity to any other T-PE or S-PE.
This document defines a new LSP Ping TLV to support this type of
connectivity verification.
Working Group Summary
The WG process was pretty straight-forward. The only thing even remotely
close to needing to be mentioned is that the IPR poll took unreasonably
long (started March 15 and ended September 18), for a poll that
resulted in that "We are not aware of any IPR that relates to this
Document Quality
The Working Group chairs asked for implementation status on the
working group mailing list. They received feedback on this poll and
know of implementations of the draft. There have also been
statements saying that vendors intend to implement this specification .
The document has been reviewed through the normal WG process.
No MIB Doctor, Media Type or other expert review been performed or
Loa Andersson is the document Shepherd.
Adrian Farrel is the responsible AD.