Technical Summary
This draft extends the "get-bootstrapping-data" RPC defined in
[RFC8572] to include an optional certificate signing request (CSR)
[RFC2986], enabling a bootstrapping device to additionally obtain an
identity certificate (e.g., an LDevID [Std-802.1AR-2018]) as part of
the "onboarding information" response provided in the RPC-reply.
Working Group Summary
This document flowed through the NETCONF WG process
fairly quickly because the original draft was well written, and
the idea and solution well understood. There have been good
discussion and reviews in the WG and the YANG model was
altered to accommodate the requirements from the ANIMA
WG, that wish to reuse some of the structure definitions.
Document Quality
The document is well written. There is one known
implementation by one of the draft authors. The YANG module
has had a YANG doctor review.
Document Shepherd is Mahesh Jethanandani
Responsible AD is Rob Wilton.