Technical Summary
This document contains a specification of three YANG modules and one
submodule. Together the modules form the core routing data model that
serves as a framework for configuring and managing a routing
subsystem. These modules are augmented by additional YANG modules
defining data models for control-plane protocols, route filters, and other
functions. The core routing data model provides common building blocks
for such extensions -- routes, Routing Information Bases (RIBs), and
control-plane protocols.
This bis update to RFC 8022 fully conforms to the Network Management
Datastore Architecture (NMDA). Consequently, this document obsoletes
RFC 8022.
Working Group Summary
Was there anything in the WG process that is worth noting?
For example, was there controversy about particular points
or were there decisions where the consensus was
particularly rough?
Document Quality
WGLC commenced Wed, 29 Nov 2017 completed on Fri, 15 Dec
2017. A draft revision was performed during the last call to address
editorial issues. The draft itself is a mechanical update to include
support for the Network Management Datastore Architecture
normatively in the data model for routing manangement.
Joel Jaeggli is the document shepherd,
Benoit Claise is the Responsible AD.