Technical Summary
This document describes methods for handling Unicode strings
representing memorable, human-friendly names (called "nicknames",
"display names", or "petnames") for people, devices, accounts,
websites, and other entities. This document obsoletes RFC 7700.
Working Group Summary
This document is part of a set of revised RFCs (7564, 7613, 7700),
based on implementation experience. 7564 is the base Precis protocol,
7613 and 7700 are profiles for specific use (username/passwords and
nicknames respectively). This revised document, the Precis profile for
nickname, essentially clarifies the original specification and make it
synchronized with the revised base spec, specially regarding case mapping.
Multiple versions of the revised spec was discussed over more than a year
in the working group mailing list. As a clarification of the original profile
specification, there was no real contention on the document. A discussion
happened on a desirable property of being idempotent, but the discussion
went that this is a desirable property, not an absolute requirement.
Document Quality
This version is based on implementor's feedback on RFC 7700.
The document shepherd is Marc Blanchet.
The responsible Area Director is Alexey Melnikov.