Technical Summary
This document is an optional Building Block usable to fully define
an RMT Protocol. The document describes some "basic" FEC schemes
in the context of RMT protocols. It provides FEC Object Transport
Information (OTI) formats for a couple of expected common FEC forms.
A "No-Code" type is also specified that may be used for testing or
other purpose. This document provides a template for developers that
may wish to implement non-fully-specified FEC codes (as described in
RFC5052) in RMT protocols presuming the FEC code matches one of the
general types (Small Block, Large Block, etc) described in this
Working Group Summary
There is consensus in the WG to publish these documents.
Document Quality
The FEC basic scheme implementation has been used in working RMT
NORM implementations to described Reed Solomon (RS) code variants
until the fully-specified standard for RS Encoding was published.
This is an update of the experimentally published version.
Brian Adamson is the Document Shepherd.
Magnus Westerlund is the Responsible Area Director.
Note to RFC Editor
Transfer-Length: a non-negative integer less than 2^^48.
Encoding-Symbol-Length: a non-negative integer less than 2^^16.
Maximum-Source-Block-Length: a non-negative integer less than 2^^32.
Transfer-Length: a non-negative integer, less than 2^^48, indicating
the length of the object in octets
Encoding-Symbol-Length: a non-negative integer, less than 2^^16,
indicating the length of each encoding symbol in octets
Maximum-Source-Block-Length: a non-negative integer, less than 2^^32,
indicating the maximum number of source symbols in a source block