Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP
(Wesley Eddy)
No Objection
(Barry Leiba)
(Brian Haberman)
(Gonzalo Camarillo)
(Martin Stiemerling)
(Robert Sparks)
(Ron Bonica)
(Sean Turner)
Note: This ballot was opened for revision 04 and is now closed.
Wesley Eddy Former IESG member
Adrian Farrel Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
I appreciate this work and the open presentations of the results of experimentation. However, the document left me feeling that this was an Informational report on an experiment rather than an Experimental document where you wanted the IETF to participate in the Experiment. The former is very useful, but would need the status to be changed to Informational. The latter, would, IMHO be a far better thing. To get there you need to describe the experiment you want to be undertaken, the limits and risks (can it be done on the Open Internet? do both ends need to know that the experiment is happening? are there interactions with other algorithms in use through congested areas?), what feedback you are looking for, and how/when the experiment will be judged. While this sort of explanation has not been conventionally present in Experimental RFCs, I believe including it makes life simpler and clearer for everyone.
Barry Leiba Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Benoît Claise Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
See Nevil's Brownlee's feedback (OPS Directorate) - - - - 1. Is the specification complete? Can multiple interoperable implementations be built based on the specification? The Proportional Rate algorithm and two reduction bound algorithms are described in some detail, with C source code and explanations of what the variables represent. I believe there's enough detail to implement PRR-SSRB (PRR with Slow Start Reduction Bound) from this draft. 2. Is the proposed specification deployable? If not, how could it be improved? The draft doesn't consider this, however I see no reason why a TCP sender using PRR would not interwork properly with other TCP implementations, e.g. TCP Reno. It would be good to see some comment in the draft to say that, or - better - reporting on such an interoperability test. 3. Does the proposed approach have any scaling issues that could affect usability for large scale operation? No. 4. Are there any backward compatibility issues? No, but see (2) above. 5. Do you anticipate any manageability issues with the specification? Since this draft proposes an update to TCP, it will be implemented in Operating Systems. Site managers will need to be aware of which OS versions that use it, as one more thing to check on should any TCP interoperation problems manifest themselves. 6. Does the specification introduce new potential security risks or avenues for fraud? No. A few typos: - Early in the draft PPR is often used when it should be PRR - last para page 4: missing comma, s/of RFC 3517 we are/of RFC 3517, we are/ s/General discussions algorithms/General discussions of algorithms/ - section 4 last para: s/Bound in very appealing/Bound is very appealing/
Brian Haberman Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Gonzalo Camarillo Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Martin Stiemerling Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Pete Resnick Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
The protocol itself seems buried in the definition of DeliveredData in section 2, and the pseudo-code in section 3. I really think you should separate out the description of the protocol. Getting independent interoperable implementations from the current document is likely to be difficult. I agree with Adrian that this needs a bit more to be Experimental. The information in the document is helpful, but probably overkill for a specification of this sort.
Robert Sparks Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Ron Bonica Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Russ Housley Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
The Abstract is quite long. I propose a shorter version: This document describes an experimental Proportional Rate Reduction (PPR) algorithm as an alternative to the traditional Fast Recovery and Rate Halving algorithms. These algorithms determine the amount of data sent by TCP during loss recovery. PRP minimizes excess window adjustments and the actual window size will be as close as possible to the window size determined by the congestion control algorithm.
Sean Turner Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
Stephen Farrell Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
- " RFC 793: snd.una": too terse - Is it PRR+SSRB or PRR-SSRB? Using only one consistently is better. other typos: p3, s/slight difference/slight differences/ p3, s/discussions algorithms/discussions of algorithms/
Stewart Bryant Former IESG member
No Objection
No Objection
I agree with Adrian this has more of an "Informational" feel about it.