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Dissemination of BGP Flow Specification Rules for APN

Document Type Expired Internet-Draft (individual)
Expired & archived
Authors Shuping Peng , Zhenbin Li , Huiyue Zhang , Ran Pang , Yong Cui
Last updated 2024-09-05 (Latest revision 2024-03-04)
Replaces draft-peng-apn-bgp-flowspec
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This Internet-Draft is no longer active. A copy of the expired Internet-Draft is available in these formats:


A BGP Flow Specification is an n-tuple consisting of several matching criteria that can be applied to IP traffic. Application-aware Networking (APN) is a framework, where APN data packets convey APN attribute including APN ID and/or APN Parameters. The dynamic Flow Spec mechanism for APN is designed for the new applications of traffic filtering in an APN domain as well as the traffic control and actions at the policy enforcement points in this domain. These applications require coordination among the ASes within a service provider. This document specifies a new BGP Flow Spec Component Type in order to support APN traffic filtering. The match field is the APN ID. It also specifies traffic filtering actions to enable the creation of the APN ID in the outer tunnel encapsulation when matched to the corresponding Flow Spec rules.


Shuping Peng
Zhenbin Li
Huiyue Zhang
Ran Pang
Yong Cui

(Note: The e-mail addresses provided for the authors of this Internet-Draft may no longer be valid.)