Provisioning IPv4 Configuration Over IPv6 Only Networks
Revision differences
Document history
Date | Rev. | By | Action |
02 | Tomek Mrugalski | IETF WG state changed to Adopted by a WG from Call For Adoption By WG Issued |
02 | Tomek Mrugalski | Although this adoption call looked a bit grim for the first 10 days, large support voiced in the last couple days saved the day. We … Although this adoption call looked a bit grim for the first 10 days, large support voiced in the last couple days saved the day. We have around a dozen support voices, which means that this I-D was adopted. Authors, please upload it as draft-ietf-dhc-v4configuration-00. Once that is done, I encourage authors to start a discussion about recommendation that the WG wants to offer. It is a pleasure to see such a strong consensus. Let's hope that the discussion about writing Conclusion section will have equally strong consensus. Bernie & Tomek |
02 | Bernie Volz | Hi all, This draft is an attempt to summarize the alternatives regarding IPv4 hosts configuration in IPv6-only network. If adopted, it will eventually document DHC … Hi all, This draft is an attempt to summarize the alternatives regarding IPv4 hosts configuration in IPv6-only network. If adopted, it will eventually document DHC recommendation for the stated problem. Currently there is no conclusion stated in the text. The plan is to first see if the WG wants to work on this issue. If the answer is yes, then we will try to reach a consensus on what should the recommendation be. That will be done only after this draft is adopted. As requested by the authors, we are announcing adoption call on draft-rajtar-dhc-v4configuration-02. This call is being initiated to confirm whether there is WG consensus to adopt this work as DHC WG draft. Please state whether or not you're in favour of the adoption by replying to this mail. If you are not in favour, please also state your objections in your response. This adoption call will conclude after 2013-05-08. This adoption call is about whether we as a working group want to work on this problem and ultimately make a recommendation. It is not about picking specific technology for IPv4 hosts configuration in IPv6 networks at that time. Background info: This issue was extensively discussed during Orlando meeting. Couple useful things came out of it: DHCPv4-over-DHCPv6 draft that documents what looked like a consensus in the meeting room (adopted couple days ago), a new draft that documents relay behaviour when receiving unknown messages (also adopted recently), and draft-rajtar-dhc-v4configuration received an update to reflect the latest developments. This draft went through an adoption call couple months ago, but it then had a conclusion that pointed out toward a solution that was undefined at that time. The (somewhat premature) conclusion was promptly removed, but it was too late to stop a heated discussion. |
02 | Bernie Volz | IETF WG state changed to Call For Adoption By WG Issued from None |
02 | Bernie Volz | Changed group to Dynamic Host Configuration (DHC) |
02 | Bernie Volz | Changed to IETF |
02 | Ian Farrer | New version available: draft-rajtar-dhc-v4configuration-02.txt |
01 | Ian Farrer | New version available: draft-rajtar-dhc-v4configuration-01.txt |
00 | Ian Farrer | New version available: draft-rajtar-dhc-v4configuration-00.txt |