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Minutes interim-2021-core-12: Wed 16:00

Meeting Minutes Constrained RESTful Environments (core) WG
Date and time 2021-10-13 14:00
Title Minutes interim-2021-core-12: Wed 16:00
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2021-10-13

# CoRE Virtual interim - 2021-10-13 - 14:00 UTC


* Marco Tiloca, RISE
* Jaime Jiménez, Ericsson

## Remote instructions

Jabber: Notes:

Minute takers: Christian, Jaime Jiménez, Marco Tiloca
Jabber scribes: Marco Tiloca

## Agenda

### Note Well

Remember that the [note well](
applies, for [IPR]( but also for [WG
processes]( and [code of
conduct]( Try to be nice.

### Jabber & Minutes / Agenda bashing

### Document status (15 min)

* echo-request-tag approved for publication

Which is also good news for documents in the cluster 280 (including
resource-directory and new-block from CoRE) !! :trophy:

* senml-data-ct
    * Presented slides:

CB presenting senml-data-ct (see slides)
* Different ABNF now in httpbis for parameters in media-type. Should we have to
allow legacy expressions like HTTP chose to? (Agreement from CA, AK) * internal
structure in parameter value: We don't allow quoted pairs right now. Parameters
coming in containing double quotes or backslashes, we need to allow quoted
pairs. Should we leave out the obsolete stuff (obs-text) but allow quoted
pairs? (It's substantive change, but I think we need this to avoid surprises).

AK (via chat) pointing out application/cose;cose-type="cose-encrypt0".
CB: cose-type is parameter name, value is a quoted string, that we can do today
already. What we can't do right now is embedded double quotes in there. AK: So
like application/cose; cose-type="cose-\"encrypt\"0" CB: Not hearing
opposition; as AK said "we don't want to deviate from substance, only legacy
baggage" (AK, CA agreeing via chat to go ahead)

* error handling: SenML documents may live long enough that producer doesn't
know consumer (because it's consumed in the future). Thus use "must be
understood" when needed. Here we don't know yet whether recipient will know any
of the details (numbers, parameters, content codings). Recipient knows when it
needs to be updated. Would be editorial change highlighting this. (AK via chat
agreeing with doing as proposed)

CB: Plan is to have a new version in a few days, then BK and Murray can clear
their discusses, FP can approve if all good. FP agreeing on chat. (AK on chat
says: And we could consider later on updating SenML RFC with guidance on error
handling in general, but don't think there's much -ct specific.)

* CORECONF documents

Ongoing design team meetings, latest last week, one planned for Monday next

MCR: Several issues were opened. Hope to have bulk of work done before cut-off.
Please comment on Github if you have any stake in it. CB: Lots of things going
on in the issues, which essentially boil down to answering the DISCUSSes.

### CoRAL (20 min)

Presented slides:

CA presenting:
* (slide 2) On last status update:
    * Information model merged to the main Editor's copy.
    * Handling literals. Either each literal is an item of its own vs literal
    value and its attributes as a single entity. Latter easer.
* (slide 3) new things: Packed CBOR, CBOR diagnostic notation (thus file is
human-readable), mapping with link-format and CoRAL with RDF.
    * CoRAL should convey information the device can directly act upon. We
    can't just define link-format to coral conversion and expect 1to1
    conversion. Link-format may have other items that are not expressed in
    coral, and applications using those would break.
* (slide 4) Sample link-format mapping
    * ct is numeric, interfaces are split up into semantic relations that have
    meaning on their own.
* (slide 5) some of the current issues
    * #5 deterministic encoding. Section probably a remnant from when CRIs
    where part of main spec. * #10 lock in the "property" model of literals *
    #9 do without circular visitation * #3 open/close world

AK (via chat): are there examples of the CoRAL CBOR diag format vs the original
text format? CA: I've none right available but can pick up some.

\[ CA scribbling the example \]
#using rdf = <>
#using foaf = <>

foaf:maker null {
   rdf:type        <>
   foaf:familyName "Hartke"
   foaf:givenName  "Klaus"
   foaf:mbox       <>

[2, 6(101), null [
  [2, 6(33), cri''],
  [2, 6(102), "Hartke"],
  [2, 6(103), "Klaus"],
  [2, 6(104), cri''],

### Key update for OSCORE (20 min)

Presented slides:

RH presenting:
* (slide 2) Recap. Key usage needs to follow certain limits due to AEAD.
Therefore  draft has 2 parts: there is (1) a study on AEAD, its limits and how
an endpoint tracks it's approaching them; and (2) a new method for rekeying

* (from slide 3) On key limits
    * Limits needed to be set to stay within good security levels expressed as
    probabilities. Computed using the CFRG formulas, building on recommendation
    from John Mattsson. * Clarified how to practically not exceed the limited
    on message size. CA: Would be easier to just express that in terms of
    bytes, to not think of cipher blocks. * It was fine to have a higher 'l'
    limit for most ciphers, it's still safe enough, according to a "bound"
    probability from CFRG. Maybe some limits can be increased even more. *
    Different story for CCM_8, limits have to be lower to stay around good
    proabilities. Found a good set of limits to practically recommend, still
    following the overall CFRG direction. Good, or fine to deviate? CA:
    Probably the 'l' limit does not matter so much for us, given the
    possibility of inner blockwise limiting to 1 KB and outer blockwise
    bringing more limits. That should releave the pressure from having the best
    'l' limit since this is all very specific to OSCORE anyway.

* (from slide 6) On actual key update
    * Recap of the procedure and its properties
    * In the client-initiated version, removed a nonce R1 from the server's
    response as not really needed * Clarifications on the server-initiated
    version; checkings on the server aligned to OSCORE Appendix B.2; more of
    this to add * Size of exchanged nonces as 8 bytes like in OSCORE Appendix
    B.2. Ok?
        CA: Might be good, but some devices may keep it shorter if sure of no
        reuse. Similar to what raised in the Echo-Request-Tag document.
    * Now observations have to terminate after a key update. There's a way to
    let me safely continue, but the price to pay does not look worth it. *
    Aligned with new exporter interface of EDHOC if this was used to originally
    establish the Security Context. This implies a MUST support of that
    interface if EDHOC is used (it's a SHOULD support in the EDHOC draft). *
    This key update can replace the use of OSCORE Appendix B.2 in 6TiSCH, with
    additional convenience, since it does not change the Context ID which is
    used as node (pledge) identifier in 6TiSCH. * This would "deprecate and
    replace" OSCORE Appendix B.2 in RFC 8613. Ok? * Do we need a name for this
    procedure? CB (via chat): Names are good CA (via chat): yeah name it RH:
    KUDOS was something we internally thought about

GS (via chat): this key update is preferred to Appendix B.2 in all aspects, I

### DNS over CoAP (20 min)

Presented slides:

ML: DNS is not encrypted, clearly risky if used by IoT devices. Big traditional
security solutions don't fit constrained environments. Advantage over
DNS-over-DTLS: Can share resources (socket, buffer, retransmission mechanism)
ML: Basic encapsulation process at the moment. Use CON messages, thought of
GET/POST/FETCH as possible methods. Defined new content format. ML: How to
indicate a response as non out-of-date? Max-Age option? 1. Minimum TTL for
Max-Age; 2. adopt Max-Age to TTL; 3. new "Age" option like HTTP (maybe hard to
sell here). ML: Comparison of the different CoAP methods. POST not
caching-friendly, GET cannot have payload. FETCH looks great, but maybe not
widely deployed yet. Then compromising use of GET/POST in Appendix. ML:
Investigation on implementations with FETCH. Most support it. FETCH is trivial
to implement, shouldn't be too generous with implementations still not
supporting FETCH. CB: We really might want to use FETCH at this point as the
right thing. Completely favorable in abandoning GET/POST as alternative for
legacy applications. CA (via chat): Agreed. ML: Authentication method proposed
in this group can be used. MCR (via chat): I think this should happen in DNSOP,
with review from CoRE. CB: That's a good point, with things to discuss here as
well. MW (via chat): To be clear, the draft is not only about DNS queries MCR
(via chat): DNS started on UDP. Then all this moved to DTLS/UDP, then
TLS/HTTPS, now DNS over QUIC... and here we show up with DNS over CoAP (which
is over UDP). MCR: Will be bizarre for the DNS group why we are not doing DNS
over QUIC or UDP. Scoping why the current solutions are not valid will be key.
CB: +1 CB: what would be the expectation on progress? MT: resubmission before
cutoff? ML: If we decide that GET/POST should go out, maybe. We were planning
to have the topic done asap, not to spend years on this. MW: Done soonish if
possible. RIOT has an implementation. What would be the expectation of the
update? Is it the scope a justification of why not DNS+DTLS? CB: It would be
good to spend a couple of sentences elaborating. No epic text on that. Just
mention URIs, proxies, encryption, etc. MW: Then before cutoff possible. CB:
Looking for MvP (Minimal viable Protocol) ML: POST removed or appendix? CB: No
appendix - No confusion.

### New charter text (10 min)


GS: I read the proposed new charter, it's a bit long. Rechartering is good as
there are things out of date and that can come back to us. GS: The first
proposal is 3 page long and up-to-date. I took out content from its second half
about ongoing/planned activities, that I tried to structure as bullet list.
This is a starting point. MT: Have to share for everyone to see and edit. CB:
Main issue is that this exposes explicitly the work. FP: thanks Göran! Still
looking for the WG opinion on this, we have your point of view. CB, I wonder if
your view of being cautious has changed or not. Anybody else has opinions? MT:
Hope that more input and opinions come. CB: Would like to do a PR on Github.
There is a danger people wake up to the size of our plate. In this respect, the
already long ongoing charter might actually help. CB: Worst that could happen
is that we do not recharter. If ask for rechartering and it's not approved,
what's the possible consequence? FP: That might result in even closer looking
than now when documents are submitted for publication. So we need to be sure
and in agreement on the content when doing that. MT: Will make Göran text
available on the same CodiMD (see above) and Github repo as a PR. Please, give
your comments and input there or on the thread we already have for this on the
mailing list.


*[MT]: Marco Tiloca
*[JJ]: Jaime Jiménez
*[FP]: Francesca Palombini
*[CB]: Carsten Bormann
*[CA]: Christian Amsüss
*[KH]: Klaus Hartke
*[RH]: Rikard Höglund
*[TF]: Thomas Fossati
*[DN]: David Navarro
*[GS]: Göran Selander
*[BS]: Bilhanan Silverajan
*[AS]: Alan Soloway
*[MCR]: Michael Richardson
*[AK]: Ari Keränen
*[MJK]: Michael Koster
*[JM]: John Mattsson
*[NW]: Niklas Widell
*[ED]: Esko Dijk
*[EB]: Henk Birkholz
*[ST]: Sean Turner
*[ML]: Martine Lenders
*[MW]: Matthias Wählisch