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Additional WebRTC Audio Codecs for Interoperability
RFC 7875

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (changed abstract to 'To ensure a baseline of interoperability between WebRTC endpoints, a minimum set of required codecs is …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (changed abstract to 'To ensure a baseline of interoperability between WebRTC endpoints, a minimum set of required codecs is specified. However, to maximize the possibility of establishing the session without the need for audio transcoding, it is also recommended to include in the offer other suitable audio codecs that are available to the browser.

This document provides some guidelines on the suitable codecs to be considered for WebRTC endpoints to address the use cases most relevant to interoperability.')
Jean Mahoney Closed request for Last Call review by GENART with state 'No Response'
(System) RFC published