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Support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) Certificates in the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
RFC 8739

Revision differences

Document history

Date By Action
(System) IANA registries were updated to include RFC8739
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8739, changed title to 'Support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) Certificates in the Automated Certificate …
Received changes through RFC Editor sync (created alias RFC 8739, changed title to 'Support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) Certificates in the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)', changed abstract to 'Public key certificates need to be revoked when they are compromised, that is, when the associated private key is exposed to an unauthorized entity.  However, the revocation process is often unreliable.  An alternative to revocation is issuing a sequence of certificates, each with a short validity period, and terminating the sequence upon compromise.  This memo proposes an Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) extension to enable the issuance of Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) X.509 certificates.', changed pages to 22, changed standardization level to Proposed Standard, changed state to RFC, added RFC published event at 2020-03-11, changed IESG state to RFC Published)
(System) RFC published