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NEPI demo script, CCNx - Alina Quereilhac & Damien Saucez

Meeting Slides Information-Centric Networking (icnrg) RG
Date and time 2013-11-03 07:00
Title NEPI demo script, CCNx - Alina Quereilhac & Damien Saucez
State Archived
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2013-11-05

from nepi.execution.resource import ResourceState, ResourceAction
from import ExperimentController
import os

# == Experiement controller ===================================================
ec = ExperimentController(exp_id = "demo_CCN")

# == Specify nodes ============================================================
# first node
node1 = ec.register_resource("PlanetlabNode")
ec.set(node1, "hostname", "")
ec.set(node1, "username", "inria_nepi")
#ec.set(node1, "cleanExperiment", True)
#ec.set(node1, "cleanHome", True)
ec.set(node1, "cleanProcesses", True)

# second node
node2 = ec.register_resource("PlanetlabNode")
ec.set(node2, "hostname", "")
ec.set(node2, "username", "inria_nepi")
#ec.set(node2, "cleanExperiment", True)
#ec.set(node2, "cleanHome", True)
ec.set(node2, "cleanProcesses", True)

# == Each nodes must run CCND =================================================
ccnd1 = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCND")
ec.register_connection(ccnd1, node1)

ccnd2 = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCND")
ec.register_connection(ccnd2, node2)

ccnr1 = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCNR")
ec.register_connection(ccnr1, ccnd1)

# == Setup forwarding information =============================================
entry1 = ec.register_resource("LinuxFIBEntry")
ec.set(entry1, "host", "")
ec.register_connection(entry1, ccnd1)

entry2 = ec.register_resource("LinuxFIBEntry")
ec.set(entry2, "host", "")
ec.register_connection(entry2, ccnd2)

# == node one to provide a video ==============================================
# the video is copied from NEPI's machine to the experiment nodes
co = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCNContent")
ec.set(co, "contentName", "ccnx:/test/VIDEO1")
ec.set(co, "content",
ec.register_connection(co, ccnr1)

# == node two to retrieve the video via CCN ===================================
# for later use, let's cat the content of the video to STDOUT
command = "ccnpeek ccnx:/test/VIDEO1; ccncat ccnx:/test/VIDEO1"
app = ec.register_resource("LinuxCCNApplication")
ec.set(app, "command", command)
ec.register_connection(app, ccnd2)

# == deploy the experiment, that might take a while ===========================

print "experiment started"

# == time for a PAUSE, view src/nepi/resources/linux/ccn/ ==========

# == time for a PAUSE, view NEPI directories on node2 =========================

# == let's process the trace locally ==========================================
from nepi.execution.trace import TraceAttr
import subprocess

# == remember that video bytes are cat'ed to "app"' stdout
rvideo_path = ec.trace(app, "stdout", attr = TraceAttr.PATH)
command = 'tail -f %s' % rvideo_path
print command

# == get the video bytes  on the remote machine, and put the result in a pipe =
proc1 = subprocess.Popen(['ssh',
    '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
    '-l', "inria_nepi", "",
    stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
    stderr = subprocess.PIPE)

# == start VLC locally and feed it with the output of the previous process ====
proc2 = subprocess.Popen(['/Applications/',
    '--sub-filter', 'marq',
    '(c) copyright 2008, Blender Foundation /',
    '--no-video-title-show', '-'],
    stdin=proc1.stdout,   # VLC's stdin is proc1 stdout

# == and voila ================================================================
(stdout, stderr) = proc2.communicate()

# == shutdown the experiement corretly ========================================