Calendaring Extensions (calext)
Group history
Date | By | Action |
2024-10-11 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-121 |
2024-03-20 | Jenny Bui | Area Director changed to Orie Steele from Francesca Palombini |
2024-03-19 | Francesca Palombini | Changed milestone "Submit subscription upgrade document to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2024-03-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to November 2024 from July 2024, removed draft-ietf-calext-jscalendarbis, draft-ietf-calext-icalendar-jscalendar-extensions from milestone |
2024-03-19 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit subscription upgrade document to IESG" for review, due April 2024 |
2024-03-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit task draft to IESG", set due date to April 2024 from November 2022 |
2024-02-23 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-119 |
2023-11-07 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2024 from July 2023 |
2023-10-13 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-118 |
2023-07-27 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set due date to November 2024 from July 2023 |
2023-07-27 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2024 from April 2023 |
2023-07-27 | Daniel Migault | Deleted milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication" |
2023-07-27 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Adopt a draft updating iTIP", resolved as "on hold" |
2023-07-27 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit JSON Contact document to IESG", resolved as "Done" |
2023-07-27 | Daniel Migault | Deleted milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication" |
2023-06-30 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-117 |
2022-11-08 | Francesca Palombini | Changed milestone "Adopt a draft updating iTIP", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2022-11-08 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2023 from February 2023 |
2022-11-08 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2023 from December 2022 |
2022-11-08 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to April 2023 from December 2022 |
2022-11-08 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication", set due date to February 2023 from December 2022 |
2022-11-08 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Adopt a draft updating iTIP" for review, due January 2023 |
2022-11-08 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", set due date to November 2022 from August 2022 |
2022-10-14 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-115 |
2022-07-28 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to February 2023 from July 2022, added draft-ietf-calext-jscalendarbis, draft-ietf-calext-icalendar-jscalendar-extensions to milestone |
2022-07-28 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit task draft to IESG", set due date to November 2022 from May 2022 |
2022-07-28 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSON Contact document to IESG", set due date to November 2022 from July 2022, added draft-ietf-calext-jscontact-vcard, draft-ietf-calext-vcard-jscontact-extensions to milestone |
2022-07-28 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", set due date to August 2022 from April 2022 |
2022-07-01 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-114 |
2022-05-06 | Tina Dang | Resources changed to tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki), zulip (Zulip Stream) from tracker (Issue tracker), wiki (Wiki) |
2022-03-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2022 from July 2022 |
2022-03-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2022 from June 2022 |
2022-03-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2022 from June 2022 |
2022-03-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSON Contact document to IESG", set due date to July 2022 from April 2022 |
2022-03-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2022 from April 2022 |
2022-03-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit task draft to IESG", set due date to May 2022 from January 2022, added draft-ietf-calext-ical-tasks to milestone, removed draft-apthorp-ical-tasks from milestone |
2022-03-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", set due date to April 2022 from January 2022 |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Submit icalendar relations document to IESG for publication", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Submit valarm document to IESG for publication", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Adopt a draft for Server Side Subscription", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Update charter/milestones to reflect current and planned work", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Adopt a document for consensus scheduling", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Send iCal relation draft to IESG", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Send Event Publication draft to IESG", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Adopt a document for subscription upgrade", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Send attachment dratf to IESG", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Submit extensions draft to IESG for publication", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Submit availability draft to IESG for publication", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "WG adoption of an extensions draft", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "WG adoption of an availability draft", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Deleted milestone "Submit non-Gregorian recurrence rule draft to IESG for publication", not present in approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Submit JSON Contact document to IESG", due 2022-04-30, from approved charter |
2022-03-02 | Cindy Morgan | Added milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", due 2022-01-31, from approved charter |
2022-02-25 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-113 |
2021-11-10 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2022 from March 2022 |
2021-11-10 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to April 2022 from December 2021 |
2021-11-10 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit task draft to IESG", set due date to January 2022 from September 2021 |
2021-10-15 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-112 |
2021-08-19 | Francesca Palombini | Changed milestone "Submit task draft to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2021-08-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit icalendar relations document to IESG for publication", resolved as "Done" |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to June 2022 from October 2021 |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication", set due date to June 2022 from September 2021 |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set due date to March 2022 from June 2021 |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2021 from September 2021 |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2021 from June 2021 |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Added milestone "Submit task draft to IESG" for review, due September 2021 |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Deleted milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication" |
2021-07-29 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit icalendar relations document to IESG for publication", set due date to September 2021 from June 2021 |
2021-07-02 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-111 |
2021-03-10 | Cindy Morgan | Area Director changed to Francesca Palombini from Barry Leiba |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to October 2021 from July 2021 |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to September 2021 from March 2021 |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication", set due date to September 2021 from March 2021 |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication", set due date to September 2021 from January 2021 |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit icalendar relations document to IESG for publication", set due date to June 2021 from December 2020 |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", set due date to June 2021 from December 2020 |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set due date to June 2021 from December 2020 |
2021-03-09 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit valarm document to IESG for publication", set due date to March 2021 from December 2020, resolved as "Done" |
2021-02-12 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-110 |
2020-11-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2021 from March 2021 |
2020-11-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication", set due date to March 2021 from December 2020 |
2020-11-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set due date to March 2021 from September 2020 |
2020-11-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication", set due date to January 2021 from August 2020 |
2020-11-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit icalendar relations document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2020 from August 2020 |
2020-11-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit valarm document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2020 from July 2020 |
2020-11-19 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG", resolved as "Done" |
2020-10-23 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-109 |
2020-07-31 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2020-07-31 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit icalendar relations document to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2020-07-31 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit JSCalendar mapping document to IESG for publication" for review, due September 2020 |
2020-07-31 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit icalendar relations document to IESG for publication" for review, due August 2020 |
2020-07-02 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-108 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to March 2021 from October 2020 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2020 from October 2020 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2020 from July 2020 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set due date to December 2020 from June 2020 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG", set due date to August 2020 from June 2020 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication", set due date to August 2020 from May 2020 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit valarm document to IESG for publication", set due date to July 2020 from May 2020 |
2020-06-23 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Adopt a draft for Server Side Subscription", resolved as "Done" |
2020-04-22 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2020-04-22 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2020-04-22 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Adopt a draft for Server Side Subscription", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit Serverside Subscription draft to IESG for publication" for review, due October 2020 |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set due date to October 2020 from April 2020 |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit Subscription Upgrade document to IESG for publication" for review, due July 2020 |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG", set due date to June 2020 from December 2019 |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Adopt a draft for Server Side Subscription" for review, due May 2020 |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication", set due date to May 2020 from February 2020 |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit valarm document to IESG for publication", set due date to May 2020 from December 2019 |
2020-04-22 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Update charter/milestones to reflect current and planned work", resolved as "Done" |
2019-11-21 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", added draft-ietf-calext-vpoll to milestone, removed draft-calext-vpoll from milestone |
2019-11-18 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2019-11-18 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2019-11-18 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit valarm document to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit calendar series document to IESG for publication" for review, due June 2020 |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit vpoll document to IESG for publication" for review, due April 2020 |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Update charter/milestones to reflect current and planned work", set due date to April 2020 from April 2019 |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication", set due date to February 2020 from August 2019, added draft-ietf-calext-caldav-scheduling-controls to milestone |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit valarm document to IESG for publication" for review, due December 2019 |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG", set due date to December 2019 from June 2019, added draft-ietf-calext-jscalendar to milestone |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Adopt a document for consensus scheduling", set due date to December 2019 from April 2019, resolved as "Done", added draft-calext-vpoll to milestone |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send iCal relation draft to IESG", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-calext-ical-relations to milestone |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send Event Publication draft to IESG", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-calext-eventpub-extensions to milestone |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Adopt a document for subscription upgrade", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-calext-subscription-upgrade to milestone |
2019-11-18 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send attachment dratf to IESG", resolved as "Done", added draft-ietf-calext-caldav-attachments to milestone |
2019-10-25 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-106 |
2019-06-28 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-105 |
2019-03-27 | Cindy Morgan | Shepherding AD changed to Barry Leiba from Alexey Melnikov |
2019-03-26 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2019-03-26 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Adopt a document for subscription upgrade", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2019-03-26 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Adopt a document for consensus scheduling", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2019-03-26 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Submit scheduling controls document to IESG for publication" for review, due August 2019 |
2019-03-26 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Adopt a document for subscription upgrade" for review, due April 2019 |
2019-03-26 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Adopt a document for consensus scheduling" for review, due April 2019 |
2019-03-26 | Bron Gondwana | Changed milestone "Send attachment dratf to IESG", set due date to April 2019 from June 2019 |
2019-03-23 | Alexey Melnikov | Chairs changed to Bron Gondwana, Daniel Migault from Bron Gondwana, Donald Eastlake, Daniel Migault |
2019-03-01 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-104 |
2019-02-11 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Update charter to reflect current and planned work", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone, set description to "Update charter/milestones to … Changed milestone "Update charter to reflect current and planned work", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone, set description to "Update charter/milestones to reflect current and planned work" |
2019-02-11 | Bron Gondwana | Added milestone "Update charter to reflect current and planned work" for review, due April 2019 |
2019-02-10 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG", set due date to June 2019 from September 2018 |
2019-02-10 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Send iCal relation draft to IESG", set due date to June 2019 from June 2018 |
2019-02-10 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Send Event Publication draft to IESG", set due date to June 2019 from June 2018 |
2019-02-10 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Send attachment dratf to IESG", set due date to June 2019 from June 2018 |
2019-01-08 | Alexey Melnikov | Chairs changed to Bron Gondwana, Donald Eastlake, Daniel Migault from Philipp Kewisch, Daniel Migault, Donald Eastlake |
2018-02-28 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2018-02-27 | Liz Flynn | sent scheduled notification for IETF-101 |
2018-02-20 | Daniel Migault | Added milestone "Send JSCalendar draft to IESG" for review, due September 2018 |
2018-02-20 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Send iCal relation draft to IESG", set due date to June 2018 from July 2017 |
2018-02-20 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Send Event Publication draft to IESG", set due date to June 2018 from June 2017 |
2018-02-20 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Send attachment dratf to IESG", set due date to June 2018 from May 2017 |
2017-04-17 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Sedn ical relation draft to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone, set description to "Send iCal relation draft to … Changed milestone "Sedn ical relation draft to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone, set description to "Send iCal relation draft to IESG" |
2017-04-17 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Send Event Publication dratf to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone, set description to "Send Event Publication draft to … Changed milestone "Send Event Publication dratf to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone, set description to "Send Event Publication draft to IESG" |
2017-04-17 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Send attachment dratf to IESG", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2017-04-16 | Daniel Migault | Added milestone "Sedn ical relation draft to IESG" for review, due July 2017 |
2017-04-16 | Daniel Migault | Added milestone "Send Event Publication dratf to IESG" for review, due June 2017 |
2017-04-16 | Daniel Migault | Added milestone "Send attachment dratf to IESG" for review, due May 2017 |
2017-04-16 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit extensions draft to IESG for publication", resolved as "Done" |
2017-04-16 | Daniel Migault | Changed milestone "Submit availability draft to IESG for publication", resolved as "Done" |
2016-05-06 | Cindy Morgan | Chairs changed to Donald Eastlake, Daniel Migault, Philipp Kewisch from Amanda Anganes, Donald Eastlake, Daniel Migault |
2016-05-05 | Alexey Melnikov | Chairs changed to Amanda Anganes, Donald Eastlake, Daniel Migault from Amanda Anganes, Donald Eastlake |
2016-04-06 | Amy K. Vezza | Shepherding AD changed to Alexey Melnikov from Barry Leiba |
2016-01-21 | Alexey Melnikov | Changed milestone "Submit non-Gregorian recurrence rule draft to IESG for publication", resolved as "Done" |
2015-06-15 | Cindy Morgan | Mailing list archive changed to from |
2015-05-29 | Amy K. Vezza | Shepherding AD changed to Barry Leiba from |
2015-05-29 | Amy K. Vezza | IETF Area changed to Applications and Real-Time from Applications Area |
2015-03-22 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Changed milestone "Submit extensions draft to IESG for publication", set due date to May 2015 from March 2015 |
2015-03-22 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Changed milestone "Submit availability draft to IESG for publication", set due date to May 2015 from March 2015 |
2015-03-22 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Changed milestone "WG adoption of an extensions draft", resolved as "Done" |
2015-03-22 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Changed milestone "WG adoption of an availability draft", resolved as "Done" |
2014-12-19 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit extensions draft to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2014-12-19 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit availability draft to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2014-12-19 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "WG adoption of an extensions draft", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2014-12-19 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "WG adoption of an availability draft", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2014-12-19 | Barry Leiba | Changed milestone "Submit non-Gregorian recurrence rule draft to IESG for publication", set state to active from review, accepting new milestone |
2014-12-19 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Added milestone "Submit extensions draft to IESG for publication" for review, due March 2015 |
2014-12-19 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Added milestone "Submit availability draft to IESG for publication" for review, due March 2015 |
2014-12-19 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Added milestone "WG adoption of an extensions draft" for review, due January 2015 |
2014-12-19 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Added milestone "WG adoption of an availability draft" for review, due January 2015 |
2014-12-19 | Donald E. Eastlake 3rd | Added milestone "Submit non-Gregorian recurrence rule draft to IESG for publication" for review, due December 2014 |
2014-08-28 | Cindy Morgan | Charter approved, group active |
2014-08-28 | Barry Leiba | Chairs changed to Amanda, Donald Eastlake from |
2014-07-09 | Barry Leiba | Mailing list archive changed to from |
2014-07-09 | Barry Leiba | Mailing list subscribe address changed to from |
2014-07-09 | Barry Leiba | Mailing list email changed to from |
2014-07-09 | Barry Leiba | Group created in state Proposed |