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Liaison statement
Liaison from ISO/TC204 to IETF

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2016-04-15
From Group ISOTC204
From Contact Alexandre Petrescu
To Group IETF
To Contacts The IETF Chair <>
Cc The IESG <>
The IETF Chair <>
Response Contact
Purpose For information
Attachments (None)
A category A liaison arrangement between ISO/TC204 and Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) has been established on November 13th,
2015. A letter materializing said liaison arrangement has been
signed by Russ Housley of IETF and Andrew Dryden of ISO/TC204. The
liaison officer on ISO/TC204 side is Thierry Ernst and the liaison
manager on IETF side is Alexandre Petrescu. The terms of the liaison
includes, among others, conditions of access to ISO/TC204 documents
for IETF participants.

ISO TC204 "Intelligent Transport Systems" has followed with interest
the Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) organized by IETF on the topic ITS,
during IETF95, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 6th, 2016.

The ISO TC204 Liaison Officer (Thierry Ernst) has submitted for
presentation the slideset titled "ISO TC204 needs". The important
message from ISO TC204 is on slide number 3 and on slide number 13
(in-between slides are also important). The slideset is available in
the proceedings of the IETF 95.


Alex Petrescu,
IETF Liaison Manager for ISO/TC204.