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Liaison statement
Liaison Statement to ETSI NGP ISP

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2017-01-23
From Group IAB
From Contact Ralph Droms
To Contacts
Cc The IAB Chair <>
The IAB Executive Director <>
The IAB <>
Response Contact The IAB Chair <>
The IAB Executive Director <>
Purpose In response
Attachments (None)
Liaisons referred by this one Liaison about ETSI ISG NGP (Next Generation Protocols)
The IAB thanks the ETSI NGP ISP for making us aware of "Next
Generation Protocols – Market Drivers and Key Scenarios" and for
providing us an opportunity to provide review and comment.

We see that the document identifies several important and difficult
problems experienced by applications and users. The IETF is working
on many of these problems through evolution of the Internet protocol
stack, in technologies such as MPTCP, HIP, QUIC, PLUS, L4S and others.
Work on and results from these initiatives are likely to be of
interest to the NGP ISP.

We note that the apparent simplicity of completely starting over is
seductive, but the history of transition has shown that in a network
such as the Internet, even revolutionary change is evolutionary, and
transitions take decades. Careful consideration of adoption,
deployment and co-existence strategies can be as important as the
design of the protocols themselves. Please see RFC 5218 and
draft-iab-protocol-transitions for guidelines we have developed for
these strategies.

The IETF has a long history of collaboration with other groups, on
both extensions to existing Internet protocols and development of new
ones that contribute to the mitigation of problems such as those the
ETSI NGP ISP has identified and described in the white paper. The IAB
looks forward to future collaboration between the ETSI NGP ISP and the