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Liaison statement
Response to LS on the new work item Y.SAN “Requirements and architecture of service aware network”

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2023-03-16
From Groups IAB, IETF
From Contact Scott Mansfield
To Group ITU-T-SG-13
To Contacts
Cc The IAB Executive Director <>
Scott Mansfield <>
The IAB <>
The IETF Chair <>
The IESG <>
The IAB Chair <>
Response Contact The IAB Chair <>
The IAB Executive Director <>
The IETF Chair <>
Technical Contact
Purpose In response
Attachments (None)
Liaisons referred by this one Review IEEE 802.21 Draft Specification
Thank you for your notification about the new ITU-T SG13 work item
“requirements and architecture of service aware network” (Y.SAN: TD142-R1/WP3).

We would like to clarify that what was called the “IETF Application-aware
Networking (APN) Framework” in your liaison statement is a proposed new work
item for the IETF, not an adopted work item. We will further note that, as the
IETF is an open standards body, anyone can propose work. While APN was indeed
brought to the IETF for discussion, it was deemed insufficiently clear in scope
and it is currently lacking the broad support necessary to adopt the proposal.
Particularly, concerns were raised about user privacy and the need for
additional protocol mechanisms beyond the existing protocols in the Internet
Protocol suite. The IETF would like to remind ITU-T SG13 that per the standing
memorandum of understanding between our two organizations, a lack of movement
on APN within the IETF does not justify the adoption of any work in the ITU-T
that would change or extend IETF protocols, allocate codepoints in protocol
registries limited to IETF assignment, etc. We ask the ITU-T to remain
cognizant of this as they proceed.