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Liaison statement
LS on definition of metaverse

Additional information about IETF liaison relationships is available on the IETF webpage and the Internet Architecture Board liaison webpage.
State Posted
Submitted Date 2023-10-13
From Group ITU-T-FG-MV
From Contact
To Group IETF
To Contacts The IETF Chair <>
Cc The IETF Chair <>
The IESG <>
Response Contact
Purpose For information
Attachments ls27-attach1
This Liaison Statement contains the request of ITU Focus Gorup on metaverse
(FG-MV) to provide input and comments on the preliminary definition of
metaverse and inputs to define CitiVerse.

ITU Focus Group on metaverse (FG-MV) would like to inform your organization
that the Focus Group approved a Technical Report 02 on “Metaverse: an analysis
of definitions”. This Technical Report analyses the major aspects of metaverse
definitions from: (i) the perspective of academics, (ii) the business
initiative approach, and (iii) the international organization collaborations,
with the final aim of establishing a concrete definition for metaverse that can
be used worldwide. This would also provide a basis for understanding the most
common features of metaverse.

During the third FG-MV meeting that took place from 3-5 October 2023, in
Geneva, Switzerland, it was agreed to develop a Technical Specification that
will provide a definition of the metaverse. A preliminary version of the
definition can be seen below:

FG-MV would like to kindly request for your input and comments on the
preliminary definition of metaverse by 1 November 2023.

FG-MV would like to inform you of the creation of a new Task Group on
CitiVerse, under Working Group 1. An important objective of this Task Group is
to define CitiVerse. The FG-MV would like to invite you to provide your inputs
on a draft definition of CitiVerse.

FG-MV looks forward to collaborating with your organization on this topic.

 Technical Report on Metaverse: an analysis of definitions

“Metaverse is an integrative and unified ecosystem of virtual worlds, which is
based on interoperable Internet-based and enhanced reality systems and offers
immersive experiences to individuals during their digital and synchronous
interactions, and new value generation opportunities to organizations.”