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Meeting Statistics

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Country Percentage of attendees Attendees
Afghanistan 0.08% 1
Angola 0.08% 1
Argentina 0.31% 4
Australia 0.62% 8
Austria 1.48% 19
Belgium 0.78% 10
Brazil 0.23% 3
Bulgaria 0.08% 1
Canada 3.89% 50
Chile 0.23% 3
China 11.20% 144
Colombia 0.08% 1
Costa Rica 0.08% 1
Czech Republic 0.78% 10
EU 32.43% 417
Finland 1.24% 16
France 4.04% 52
Gambia 0.08% 1
Germany 7.85% 101
Greece 0.16% 2
Haiti 0.08% 1
Hong Kong 0.08% 1
Hungary 0.31% 4
India 1.56% 20
Ireland 0.31% 4
Israel 0.70% 9
Italy 1.71% 22
Japan 4.12% 53
Kenya 0.39% 5
Libya 0.08% 1
Macedonia 0.08% 1
Malaysia 0.08% 1
Mauritius 0.08% 1
Mexico 0.23% 3
Namibia 0.08% 1
Nepal 0.08% 1
Netherlands 3.03% 39
New Zealand 0.16% 2
Norway 0.62% 8
Oman 0.16% 2
Poland 0.31% 4
Portugal 0.39% 5
Romania 0.08% 1
Russia 0.39% 5
Singapore 0.31% 4
Slovakia 0.23% 3
South Africa 0.16% 2
South Korea 1.24% 16
Spain 2.41% 31
Sweden 1.94% 25
Switzerland 2.10% 27
Taiwan 1.17% 15
Thailand 0.08% 1
Turkey 0.23% 3
United Arab Emirates 0.08% 1
United Kingdom 5.29% 68
United States of America 36.24% 466
Uruguay 0.08% 1
Zimbabwe 0.08% 1

EU (European Union) is not a country, but has been added for reference, as the sum of all current EU member countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom .