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Concluded WG Internet Anonymous FTP Archives (iafa)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Internet Anonymous FTP Archives
Acronym iafa
Area User Services Area (usv)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-iafa-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chairs Alan Emtage, Peter Deutsch
Area Director April Marine
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

The Internet Anonymous FTP Archives Working Group is chartered to
define a set of recommended procedures for the access and
administration of anonymous FTP archive sites on the Internet. Such a
set of procedures will provide a framework for:

(a) Allowing the inexperienced Internet user the ability to more
easily navigate the hundreds of publically accessible archive sites.

(b) Allowing users and network-based tools to retrieve specific site
information such as access policies, contact information, possible
areas of information specialization, archived package descriptions,
in a standardized manner.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the possible impact of these
procedures on the FTP site administrators.

Attention will be paid to the impact of newer archive indexing and
access tools on the operation of such archive sites. A set of
suggestions will be offered to allow archive site administrators to
better integrate their offerings with such tools as they are

The security of the anonymous FTP site configuration will also be
considered to be an integral part of this document. It is expected
that remote management of the archives will be adequately handled by
existing network management procedures.


Date Milestone Associated documents
Nov 1992 Fourth IETF meeting. Review final drafts and if OK, give to IESG for publication as an RFC.
Jun 1992 Make document an Internet-Draft. Continue revisions based on comments at IETF and on the mailing list.
Mar 1992 Review first draft and determine necessary revisions. Follow up discussion will occur on mailing list.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done First IETF Meeting: review and approve the Charter making any changes deemed necessary. Examine the scope of the recommended procedures and impact on site administrators. Assign writing assignments for the first draft of the documents.