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Concluded WG Intrusion Detection Exchange Format (idwg)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name Intrusion Detection Exchange Format
Acronym idwg
Area Security Area (sec)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-idwg-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Additional resources Additional IDWG Web Page
Personnel Chair Michael A. Erlinger
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

Security incidents are becoming more common and more serious, and
intrusion detection systems are becoming of increasing commercial
importance. Numerous intrusion detection systems are important in the
market and different sites will select different vendors. Since
incidents are often distributed over multiple sites, it is likely that
different aspects of a single incident will be visible to different
systems. Thus it would be advantageous for diverse intrusion
detection systems to be able to share data on attacks in progress.

The purpose of the Intrusion Detection Working Group is to define data
formats and exchange procedures for sharing information of interest to
intrusion detection and response systems, and to management systems
which may need to interact with them. The Intrusion Detection Working
Group will coordinate its efforts with other IETF Working Groups.

The outputs of this working group will be:

  1. A requirements document, which describes the high-level functional
    requirements for communication between intrusion detection systems
    and requirements for communication between intrusion detection
    systems and with management systems, including the rationale for
    those requirements. Scenarios will be used to illustrate the

  2. A common intrusion language specification, which describes data
    formats that satisfy the requirements.

  3. A framework document, which identifies existing protocols best used
    for communication between intrusion detection systems, and describes
    how the devised data formats relate to them.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Submitt transport documnet to IESG for consideration as RFCs
Done Submit Language documents to IESG for consideration as RFCs.
Done Submit Requirements document to IESG for consideration as an RFC.
Done Submit Framework and Language documents as Internet-Drafts
Done Submit Requirements document as an Internet-Draft