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Remote Printing on Glodal Facsimile Devices (tpcint)

WG Name Remote Printing on Glodal Facsimile Devices
Acronym tpcint
State BOF Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-tpcint-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chairs Carl Malamud, Dr. Marshall T. Rose
Area Director Scott O. Bradner
Chat Room address

Charter for Working Group

This BOF describes the ``Experiment in Remote Printing'' which was
launched on the operational Internet computer network on July 16.
The experiment allows e-mail users of X.400 or SMTP-based systems
or of commercial systems such as MCI Mail to use the Internet as
a way of reaching fax machines around the world.

This BOF describes how remote printer servers may deploy their services
and discusses operational implications of this service. The BOF discusses
at length the financial and commercial model that allows distributed
service providers around the world to treat the fax service as a
profit center or other form of operational, organizational resource.

Draft submitted 9/7/93 mw