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Applicability of SUPA

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This is an older version of an Internet-Draft whose latest revision state is "Expired".
Authors Narasimha Rao Vadrevu , Dacheng Zhang , Alibaba Group
Last updated 2015-10-19
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Network Working Group                                        N. Vadrevu 
Internet Draft                                   VN Telecom Consultancy 
Intended status: Informational                                 D. Zhang 
 Expires: April 19, 2016                                         S. Zhu 
                                                          Alibaba Group 
                                                       October 19, 2015 
                           Applicability of SUPA  


   SUPA will define a generic policy model, an imperative (Event-
   Condition-Action, ECA) policy information model and a declarative 
   (intent-based) policy information model which is the extension of 
   the generic model, and a set of policy data models which will make 
   use of the common concepts defined in the generic model. This memo 
   will explore some typical use cases and demonstrate the 
   applicability of SUPA policy models. 


Status of this Memo 

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the 
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.  

   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF 
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November 
   10, 2008. The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this 
   material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow 
   modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.  
   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling 
   the copyright in such materials, this document may not be modified 
   outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative works of it may 
   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format 
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other 
   than English. 

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that 
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as 
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
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Internet-Draft        SUPA Model Applicability          September 2015 

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 19, 2016. 

Copyright Notice 

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the 
   document authors. All rights reserved. 

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal 
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents 
   ( in effect on the date of 
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   document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in 
   Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without 
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License. 

Table of Contents 

   1. Introduction ................................................ 3 
   2. Conventions ................................................. 3 
   3. Termilogy ................................................... 3 
   4. Framework ................................................... 4 
      4.1. Network Manager/Controller ............................. 6 
   5. SUPA Examples ............................................... 9 
      5.1. SES Use Case ........................................... 9 
         5.1.1. Scenario .......................................... 9 
         5.1.2. Generic Policy Models ............................ 10 
         5.1.3. Programmatic approach - SUPA modeling ............ 11 
         5.1.4. SUPA Data Model for SES Use Case ................. 12 
      5.2. VPC Use Case .......................................... 17 
         5.2.1. Generic .......................................... 17 
         5.2.2. Example1 ......................................... 18 
         5.2.3. Example2 ......................................... 20 
      5.3. DC Link Use Case ...................................... 21 
      5.4. Virtual SP Use Case ................................... 22 
      5.5. Instant VPN Use Case .................................. 25 
   6. Security Considerations .................................... 26 
   7. IANA Considerations ........................................ 26 
   8. Acknowledgments ............................................ 26 
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   9. References ................................................. 27 
      9.1. Normative References .................................. 27 
      9.2. Informative References ................................ 27 
   Authors' Addresses ............................................ 27 
1. Introduction 

   One of the ways for network service automation is using network 
   management and operation software applications. The applications 
   should not directly communicate with each network element; a 
   hierarchical and extensible framework should be considered to hide 
   the protocol specific and/or vendor specific details, high level 
   network and service abstraction, and standardized programming API 
   will be necessary. 

   SUPA will define policy generic models and data models, for service 
   management and operation applications. [I-D.strassner-supa-generic-
   policy-info-model] defines a common set of concepts for various data 
   models which may use different languages, protocols, and 

   Three generic models are defined in [I-D.strassner-supa-generic-
   policy-info-model]: Generic Policy Model, Eca Policy Rule Model, 
   Logic Statement Model. The ECA information model is intended for 
   dynamic service automation; while the Logic Statement Model is 
   intended for expressing high requirements without being involved in 
   network details. 

   Data models can be defined by developers / operators or by any third 
   party, as long as they follow the common concepts defined in SUPA 
   generic model. [I-D.chen-supa-eca-data-model] defines a policy data 
   model of Event-Condition-Action (ECA), which is an example. 

   The generic data models will be used for domain or service specific 
   data model. And there is no interoperability requirement for domain 
   specific data models. The interoperability is guaranteed at the 
   generic data model level via the common concepts. 

2. Conventions 

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].  

3. Termilogy 

   DC     Data Center 
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   PCE    Path Computation Element 

   SES    Switched Ethernet services 

   SP     Service Provider 

   SUPA   Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions 

   VM     Virtual Machine 

   VPC    Virtual Private Cloud 


4. Framework 


  |                       Service Management                        | 
  |                                                                 | 
  |              +----------------------------------+               | 
  |              |       Generic Policy Model       |               | 
  |              +----+------------------------+----+               | 
  |                   D                        R                    | 
  |                   D                        R                    | 
  |                  \ /                      \ /                   | 
  | +---------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ | 
  | | Generic Policy Data Model | | Service Management Data Model | | 
  | +---------------------------+ +---------------+---------------+ | 
  |             / \                              / \                | 
  |              |                                |                 | 
  |              |                                |                 | 
                 |                                | 
                 |        NETCONF/RESTCONF        | 
                      C                      C 
                      C                      C 
                     \ /                    \ / 
     +----------------+-----------+  +-------+--------------------+ 
     | Network Manager/Controller |  | Network Manager/Controller | 
     |   +--------------------+   |  |   +---------------------+  | 
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     |   |  Network Resource  |   |  |   |    Network Resource |  | 
     |   |     Data Model     |   |  |   |       Data Model    |  | 
     |   +--------------------+   |  |   +---------------------+  | 
     +---+---+---+----------------+  +-----+---+---+--------------+ 
        / \ / \ / \                       / \ / \ / \ 
         C   C   C                         C   C   C 
         C   C   C                         C   C   C 
         C   C   C                         C   C   C 
        \ / \ / \ /                       \ / \ / \ / 
        NE1 NE2 NEn                       NE1 NE2 NEn 
                        Figure 1 Use of SUPA Models 

   C: Communications 

   D: Derived from 

   R: References (i.e., the generic model is used by the system to 
   instantiate the data model). 


   As shown in Figure 1, SUPA will define generic policy models, which 
   are independent of services and use cases. Policy data models can be 
   derived from the generic models. The data model will define high 
   level, maybe network-wide policies. Policy data model will be used 
   in conjunction with service data models to generate configurations 
   for network elements. The service data model is use case specific 
   and will be developed by operators or third parties, which is out 
   the scope of SUPA. 

   The service management applications will send SUPA data models to 
   the service management system, where policy making and automated 
   policy enforcement will be performed, and the data models will be 
   mapped to configuration of network elements. Configuration of 
   network elements is vendor specific, using various protocols, such 
   Netconf, Restconf, etc. 

   SUPA also make use of information collected from network elements. 
   The information may include warning or fault event, load status, 
   traffic statistics, etc, which can be used to adjust network 
   configurations. This kind of automation is done through ECA data 

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4.1. Network Manager/Controller 

       +------------------------+   +---------------+ 
       |   SUPA Generic Model   |   | Administrator | 
       +------------------------+   +---------------+ 
                   |                        |  
                   |                        | Policy Update 
                   V                        V 
   |  +-------------------+                 +-------------------+  | 
   |  | SUPA Data Model A |        ...      | SUPA Data Model N |  | 
   |  +-------------------+                 +-------------------+  | 
   |                                                               | 
   |          Network Management / Controller                      | 
   |                                                               | 
   |  +----------------------------+  +-------------------------+  | 
   |  |     Network Resources      |  | Information Collecting  |  | 
   |  | (Topology, inventory, etc) |  | (Event, Statistic, etc) |  | 
   |  +----------------------------+  +---------^---------------+  | 
                        |                       | SNMP TRAP 
                        | NETCONF               | Syslog 
                        | RESTCONF              | Netconf Notification 
                        V                       | 
                   |     Network Infrastructure     | 
                   Figure 2 Network Manager / Controller 


   The internal details of the network manager / controller may be out 
   of the scope of SUPA, but explaining how it works may help people to 
   understand and implement SUPA. 


   Network administrator can send service deployment and management 
   request to network manager / controller via SUPA data models. The 
   data models will be converted into network elements configuration 
   snippets. The configuration change may be performed instantly, or 
   later triggered by events. The network manager / controller has the 
   intelligence to decide which network devices should be configured, 
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   and what the configuration will be, which is derived from the 
   actions specific in the data models explicitly or implicitly. 


   Network management related resources and information are stored in 
   the network manager/controller, which contains the network topology 
   (physical and virtual interconnection of network elements, etc), 
   inventory (database of network elements, ports, device type, 
   capabilities, etc.), protocol specific information, etc.  

   SUPA will make use of the existing work of other IETF WGs and other 
   SDOs, such as if the topology data model is already defined in 
   another IETF WG, SUAP will reference it rather than trying to define 
   it again. 


   The network manager / controller will find out the list of network 
   devices which should be configured for a specific demand or service.  

   For example, there is a configuration request: 

     All edge routers shall have SSH disabled. 

   An edge router is a router with connection to network(s) outside of 
   the current network domain. The controller will query the topology 
   database and find out all the routers with the attribute of "device-
   role == edge", or the controller may use more complicated algorithms 
   to find out if a router is an edge route, which is implementation 

   Similarly, another example is, the controller can make use of PCE 
   engine to plan the links between DCs, and make sure the links are 
   disjoint for better availability in case of failure. The PCE engine 
   will be used in conjunction with the topology database to find out 
   possible disjoint links. 


   The network manager / controller will also have other information, 
   such as protocol specific information, traffic with TCP destination 
   port 22 is SNMP traffic. 


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   The network manager / controller also collect information from the 
   network device, such events, logs, statistics, etc. The information 
   may come from SNMP TRAP, Syslog, NETCONF notification, and other 
   sources such as vendor specific protocols or extensions. The 
   collected information may be used in conjunction with SUPA ECA data 
   models for dynamic configuration change. An example use of the 
   information is, if the load on a link between two DC exceeds a 
   threshold, and there are multiple disjoint links between the two DCs, 
   traffic steering will be triggered. 

     Event: link_load > threshold 

     Condition: there are disjoint links 

     Action: perform traffic steering 

   Some of the events are already standardized, such SNMP TRAP and 
   NETCONF notification; some are implementation specific. 


   SUPA data models explicitly or implicitly specify network actions, 
   and the actions may be expanded into more detail actions if 
   necessary, and finally converted into protocol specific, vendor 
   specific network element configuration snippets.  

   In the previous example shown below again: 

     All edge routers shall have SSH disabled. 

   The action in this case is "disable SSH traffic", the network 
   manager / controller should converted this action into configuration 
   "disable traffic on TCP port 22" in the IP stack, or an ACL rule 
   which will drop traffic with TCP destination port 22.  


   The network manager / controller can support various types of 
   southbound interface, such as NETCONF, RESTCONF, SNMP, OpenFLow, etc, 
   which make it possible to support devices from different vendors. 
   This is implementation specific and out of the scope of SUPA. 


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5. SUPA Examples 
5.1. SES Use Case 

5.1.1. Scenario 

  |                       Service Management                        | 
  |              +----------------------------------+               | 
  |              |       Generic Policy Model       |               | 
  |              +----+------------------------+----+               | 
  |                                                                 | 
  | +---------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ | 
  | | Generic Policy Data Model | | Service Management Data Model | | 
  | +---------------------------+ +---------------+---------------+ | 
                    | Network Manager / Controller | 
+-------------+          | Traffic Analysis |       +--------+ 
| Headquarter |----------|                  |-------| Site 1 | 
+-------------+          | WAN Optimization |       +--------+ 
                             |  Site 2  | 
                    Figure 3 Switched Ethernet Service 

   Switched Ethernet services (SES) to Small and Medium Businesses 
   business is a growing business segment of the service provider. As 
   the Enterprise's applications grow in demands in terms of the 
   bandwidth and richness of applications, WAN optimization is needed 
   to improve the service quality. SUPA policy data models can be used 
   for maximizing the WAN performance by analyzing the traffic and 
   performing application management and acceleration tools for the 
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   In the use case below, Service Manager (SM) is used for service and 
   policy definition and Network Manager (Controller) is used for 
   network topology maintenance and mapping data models to detail 
   network configurations.  

   While speed and bandwidth are at the forefront of the WAN 
   Optimization there need to be tools in place to detect, diagnose, 
   remedy and report application performance to ensure the SLAs for a 
   customer are enforced. 

   The service is modeled in terms of what kind of service (Ethernet, 
   VLAN), bandwidth (10Mbps- 10 Gbps), service package (platinum, gold, 
   silver) etc.   

   Policy models are based on an Event condition action like: 

   1.           Bandwidth usage alarm triggers data caching 

   2.           Latency alarm triggers reduction of re transmission 

   3.           WAN outage at a specific site can trigger geographic 
redundancy (provided the service is setup for GR) 

   The above are 3 of the primitives (Event condition action - ECA) on 
   which the run time operations could be based on. When the service 
   model is comprehensively designed with more possibilities 
   (variables), more policy models could be implemented 

5.1.2. Generic Policy Models  

   Requirements and configurations derived from above application 
   scenarios can be described by service data model and policy data 
   models as below: 

   Service data model can be used to describe attributes for the SES, 
   including service package type (Platinum, gold etc), bandwidth 
   bought by the subscriber (100Mbps, 10Gbps), connection name -copper/ 
   GigE, latency, etc. 

   Policy data model describes a condition when the link capacity 
   reaches 90%, Service prioritization and WAN optimization need to be 
   enforced based on the customers service package. Event is the link 
   utilization and condition is the usage and action is the WAN 
   optimization. The actions could trigger multiple actions like data 
   compression, protocol acceleration (like streaming gets priority) 
   which are beyond the scope of SUPA. 

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   ECA Policy: 

     Event: link_load > 90% 

     Condition: acceleration for service available 

     Action: data compression; protocol acceleration 


   It is assumed that the network management/controller module has the 
   network topology and monitors the load on links in the topology. 

   When translating and processing the SUPA data model, the link 
   information, including link attributes and load, will be provided by 
   the network management/controller. If the load on a specific link 
   exceeds a threshold, the network manager/controller will trigger 
   actions specified in the model. 

   The actual actions may be vendor specific, network 
   management/controller specific or device specific. The actions will 
   be mapped into configuration for network devices. The network 
   management/controller also need to figure out the set of network 
   devices which need to be configured based on network topology 
   together with some other information, such as service specific 
   information. This is the internal functions of network 
   management/controller, which is out of the scope of SUPA. 

5.1.3. Programmatic approach - SUPA modeling  

   The advantage of the programmatic approach can be maximized by 
   defining as many SUPA ECA models as possible in a top down approach 

   In this use case, since this is a switched service, point to point 
   traffic can be identified (by IP Address and port number) and 
   segmented and whole bandwidth can be utilized by many applications 
   simultaneously. Examples are: Print jobs, backups etc.. 

   The benefit of the SUPA is in creating many policies upfront. As the 
   operations grow in complexity SUPA can expand an existing policy by 
   adding more variables. This is how reusable policies can be 
   developed upfront and configuration and maintenance operations can 
   be dealt by modeling and programmatic approach. 

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    Logic Statement Model can also be called as declarative or intent 
    model. This type of model will describe the service intention 
    without specifying low level details, such protocol level or network 
    device level detail, but just the service requirements itself. 

5.1.4. SUPA Data Model for SES Use Case 

   The following model segment is based on [I-D.chen-supa-eca-data-

   In the model, the event can be expressed using some standardized 
   names, such as the SNMP TRAP (linkDown, linkup, Failure, etc), 
   or "link-load > 90%".  

   The condition(s) can be expressed using script, such as Python 
   script hasAcceleration("ses") or Python script hasDisjointLinks(DC1, 
   DC2). The script is supposed to be interpreted by a script tool and 
   there are various script tools, the implementer can use any one as 
   they like, either an existing one like Python or a new one. The 
   script itself is out the scope of SUPA; a simple value will be 
   return by the script tool. Some complex combination of conditions 
   can be expressed using script which will give more flexibility. 

   When handling the condition script, the script tool will be called 
   to process the script. In this case, the script will communicate 
   with service management system and/or the tenant database to find 
   out if any optimization is available for this service or tenant. 

   Script can also be used for actions. 


   An example of the script using Python is: 


   // input: service-name, type: string 

   // output: enhancement, type: string or None if no enhance 

   def queryEnhanceinCapability(service-name): 

     for i in range(len(capability-models)): 

       if getServiceName(capability-models[i]) == service-name: 

         return getEnhance(capability-models[i]) 
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     return None 


   // input: service-name, type: string 

   // output: True/False, type: boolean 

   def hasAcceleration(service-name): 

     if queryEnhanceinCapability(service-name) == None: 

       return False 


       return True 


   The capability data models are supposed to contain the following: 






         <service-enhance>compression</service-enhance > 







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   The SUPA XML example is shown below: 

           // detail to be provided by controller 
             ...... // more filters 
           ...... // to be provided by controller 
           ...... // to be provided by controller 
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           // entity or script or boolean 
           <entity>"link-load > 90%"</entity> 
           // entity or script or boolean 
             // Python or Perl or any other script 
         <actionName>data compression</actionName> 
         <actionName>protocol acceleration</actionName> 
   The data model can be augmented according to developers' need. The 
   developers can add vendor specific events, conditions and actions 
   via "augment" Yang function in [RFC6020], as suggested in [I-D.chen-
   An example of of augmented model is shown below: 
   // ------- yang model snippet start ------- 
   augment "/supa:supa-policy/supa:supa-policy-statement/supa:event-
   list" { 
     leaf my-event{ 
       description "customized event"; 
     type bool; 
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   augment "/supa:supa-policy/supa:supa-policy-
   statement/supa:condition-list" { 
     container my-condition{ 
       description "The bandwidth threshold, unit is Mbps"; 
     type uint32; 
   augment "/supa:supa-policy/supa:supa-policy-statement/supa:action-
   list" { 
     container my-action-drop{ 
     description "drop packets"; 
     type string; 
   // ------- yang model snippet end ------- 
   // ------ xml model snippet start ------- 
   // assume the above augmentation is in a name space "mymodel" 
     ......  // others 
           ......  // other events 
         </mymodel:my-event>   // added event 
           ...... // other conditions 
         </mymodel:my-condition>   // added condition 
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           ...... // other actions 
         </mymodel:my-action-drop> // added action 
   // ------ xml model snippet end ------  
5.2. VPC Use Case 
5.2.1. Generic 

   In practice, a public cloud operator can virtualize the cloud   
   resources into multiple isolated virtualized private clouds and   
   provide them to tenants.  Such a virtualized private cloud is 
   referred to as a VPC.  In a typical VPC provided by, e.g., Alibaba 
   or Amazon, through a control portal, a tenant can establish and 
   manage the network easily, for instance, deploying or removing 
   virtualized network devices (e.g., virtualized routers and   
   virtualized switches), adjusting the topology of VPC networks, 
   specifying packet forwarding policies, and deploying or removing 
   virtual services (e.g., load balancers, firewalls, databases, DNS, 
   etc.).  The network functionalities that the tenant can access are 
   virtualized and actually performed by the VMs located on the servers 
   connected through physical or overlay networks.  Note that the 
   servers may be located in different data centers which are 
   geographically distributed. 


   The manipulation of the virtualized VPC network may also affect the   
   configuration of physical networks.  For instance, when a tenant   
   newly deploys two VMs in the VPC which are located in different DCs,   
   the VPC control mechanism may have to generate a VPN between two DCs   
   for the internal VPC communication.  Therefore, the control 
   mechanism for a VPC should be able to adjust the underlying network 
   when a tenant changes the network or service deployment of the 
   virtual VPC network. 


   In many cases, a tenant may need to specify how the VPCs are 
   connected to its enterprise cloud networks.  For instance, a tenant 
   may want to deploy multiple VPNs to connect the VPC with its private 
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   cloud networks and specify the policies to steer the traffics 
   through different VPNs in different conditions.  Note that the VPCs 
   that the tenant may be located in different geographic regions and 
   the VPNs to those VPCs may need to be generated at run time. 


   In addition, a VPC, often provides other value added services (e.g., 
   database Services, DNS) for VMs in certain VPCs.  The VMs and the 
   value added services could be located in different DCs, or even   
   provided by different vendors.  VPNs are configured for the VPCs to   
   provide connection to the internal services in tenant's own DC or 
   organization, and to create and manage VPNs to internal services.  
   The access of VMs to data resources should be controlled.  For 
   instance, the VMs in a VPC can access the database services only 
   when the tenant has deployed database into its VPC through the 
   control portal. 


5.2.2. Example1 



                       | DC2                |    
                       | +----------------+ |    
                       | |Tenant x (vDC)  | |    
                       | +----------------+ |    
                       |                    |    
                       | +----------------+ |    
                       | | Tenant 1 (vDC) | |    
                       | +----------------+ |    
                           |    Cloud    | 
                          /|             |\           
                         / +-------------+ \          
                        /                   \ 
                       /                     \        
    +-----------------/--+               +----\---------------+ 
    | DC1            /   |               | DC3 \              | 
    | +----------------+ |               | +----------------+ | 
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    | | Tenant 1 (vDC) | |               | | Tenant 1 (vDC) | | 
    | +----------------+ |               | +----------------+ | 
    |                    |               |                    | 
    | +----------------+ |               | +----------------+ | 
    | | Tenant n (VDC) | |               | | Tenant k (vDC) | | 
    | +----------------+ |               | +----------------+ | 
    +--------------------+               +--------------------+ 
            Figure 4 Resource Inter-connection for a VPC Tenant 


   When cloud / DC operator signs a contract with customer, resource 
   information such as network bandwidth, storage size, number of CPU, 
   memory size, etc, will be specified.  

   But in deployment, the resources may be located in multiple 
   distributed data centers, and tunnels will be created to inter-
   connect these resources, which will make it look like one seamless 
   entity - a virtual DC. There could be quite a number of tunnels, and 
   the tunnels are dynamic, either for the reason of load balancing 
   purpose or VM migration, or other reasons. This will make it 
   difficult to configure the service statically or manually, service 
   automation is very necessary. 

   The service management system will have a repository of available 
   resources, including the topology. And also the management system 
   will have the customer specific information (location, SLA, agreed 
   resources, etc). 

   The administrator can send the service requirement to the management 
   system by a high level data model, which can further be mapped to 
   low level detail data models, then finally mapped to configurations 
   of network devices.  


   Target: Provide VPC service to customer A with specified resources 
   and function (storage, computing, DNS, etc) 

   Declarative policy:   

   1. Allocate the required services on DCs according to a user's 

   2. Services located in multiple distributed DCs must be 
   interconnected via VPNs 
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   3. The VPNs associated to the services provided for a user must 
   match the user's profile in terms of latency, speed and bandwidth 

5.2.3. Example2 
       +----------+      Tenant move to         +----------+ 
       | Tenant A |    ------------------>      | Tenant A | 
       +----------+     another location        +----------+ 
            |                                         | 
            |                                         | 
            |                                         | 
   +--------V-------+                       _+--------V-------+   
   |  +----------+  |                        |  +----------+  | 
   |  | VM for   |  |     VM Migration       |  | VM for   |  | 
   |  | Tenant A |  |   ----------------->   |  | Tenant A |  | 
   |  +----------+  |   if network load      |  +----------+  | 
   |  DC-Location1  |   between DCs is low   |  DC-Location2  | 
   +----------------+                        +----------------+ 
                   Figure 5 VM Migration if Tenant Move 

   As shown in the above figure, when a VPC tenant move from one 
   location to another, where it is near to another DC, and the network 
   load between the new DC and the previous DC is low, the tenant's VM 
   should be migrated to the new DC in order for better user experience. 

   After the VM is moved to the new DC, the network related to the VM 
   must be updated accordingly. 


   Target: Perform VM migration when user location changed and the 
   network load between the DCs is low 


   ECA Policy: 

   Event: a VPC user's location is changed (near to another DC) 

   Condition:  network_load(DC_old, DC_new) < threshold 


     1. Migrate the VM to the new data center (DC_new) 

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     2. Update the VPNs connecting the user's services 


   In the above model it is assumed that the network 
   management/controller has the network topology, including attributes 
   of the links, such as bandwidth. The network management/controller 
   also monitors the real-time load on the links in the network 

   The user's location can be identified by the user's IP address. When 
   a user login, the network management/controller will check the 
   user's IP address against an IP address database, such as the IP 
   address assignments by IANA.  

   The network management/controller also maintain a mapping of DCs and 
   IP address segments, say, a DC should serve users in a near location 
   which can be identified by IP address segments. Though this is not 
   always the case, sometimes the geographical distribution of network 
   resource will also need to be considered besides the location (IP 
   address). But, anyway, a mapping of DC and the IP address it should 
   serve should be maintained. 

   If the controller detects a location change and a new DC is possible 
   for the user, and the network load between the new DC and the old DC 
   is low, then VM migration will be triggered and related network 
   configuration will be performed. 


5.3. DC Link Use Case 

    DCs usually have multiple external links, either to other DCs or to 
    the internet. Because of the dynamic nature of network traffic, the 
    load on a link may vary at different times of a day, e.g. link 
    mainly carries enterprise traffic may have a high load in the 
    working hours but less traffic in the night. Some events may also 
    impact the load of links, such as one link is physically damaged and 
    the load in it will go to another link. 
    In order to make full use of the bandwidth of the links, dynamic 
    traffic steering is necessary for SLA meanwhile with full use of 
    network resource.  
              /                            \ 
          +--------+                    +--------+ 
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          |        |                    |        | 
          |  DC 1  |--------------------|  DC 2  | 
          |        |                    |        | 
          +--------+                    +--------+ 
             \                               / 
               \                           / 
                 \                       / 
                   \                   / 
                     \  +--------+   / 
                       \|        | / 
                        |  DC 3  | 
                        |        | 
               Figure 6 Multiple Disjoint Links Between DCs 

   Target: DC have multiple external links; when the load on a link is 
   too high, perform traffic steering for better bandwidth resource 
    ECA Policy 
     Event:  load on a DC link exceeds threshold 
     Condition: multiple disjoint links between DCs 
     Action: steer some traffic to link with low load 
   In the above model it is assumed that the network 
   management/controller has the network topology, including attributes 
   of the links, such as bandwidth. The network management/controller 
   also monitors the real-time load on the links in the network 

   The network topology also contains the connections between network 
   devices. The network management/controller will be able to figure 
   out if there are multiple disjoint links between two DCs. The 
   algorithm for finding out disjoint links is out of the scope of this 

   When the network management/controller detects the load on a link 
   exceeds a threshold, it can check if there are multiple disjoint 
   links, and if yes, it will further perform necessary actions 
   specified in the model. 

5.4. Virtual SP Use Case 

   Virtual network operators usually do not have a complete network, 
   including access network, metro network, and backbone network. They 
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   need to rent network from other operators. An example is, a virtual 
   operator do not have the access network, traffic of broadband 
   network subscriber will go through other operators access network, 
   and then be directed to the virtual operators network from the BNG 
   via tunnels. In some other cases, the virtual operators may not have 
   the backbone network, the network islands and DCs will be connected 
   by tunnels. 

   The problem in this case is, virtual network operators have no 
   control over the tunnels and they cannot decide the exact path that 
   the tunnel should go through. In some scenarios, if the tunnel goes 
   through the border of two network operators, or the tunnel goes 
   through an area where network load is too high, the SLA will be a 
   problem. Virtual network operators who run the business in a large 
   geographical region often run into this problem. Due to cost issue, 
   virtual network operators cannot buy service from other operators 
   with critical SLA. 


   A possible solution is, the virtual network operator rent or put 
   some routers in network operators' DCs, and then configure tunnels 
   between the routers and perform traffic steering. In this way, 
   virtual network operators can have control over the tunnels, pin 
   down the path. When a problem is detected, such as QoS of a tunnel 
   is below a threshold, virtual network operator can perform "network 
   wide" optimization, reconfigure the tunnels and/or perform traffic 


   +------------+                             +------------+ 
   | vNetwork 1 |                             | vNetwork 2 | 
   +------------+                             +------------+ 
           \                                      / 
            \                                    / 
             \                                  / 
         +--------------+              +--------------+ 
         | +----------+ |   tunnel 1   | +----------+ | 
         | | Router 1 | |--------------| | Router 2 | | 
         | +----------+ |              | +----------+ | 
         | Operator DC1 |              | Operator DC2 | 
         +--------------+              +--------------+ 
                |                              \ 
                |                               \ 
                |                                \ 
         +--------------+                         \ 
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         | +----------+ |     tunnel 2        +------------+ 
         | | Router 2 | |---------------------| vNetwork 3 | 
         | +----------+ |                     +------------+ 
         | Operator DC3 | 
           Figure 7 Segment Tunnels for Virtual Network Operator 

   If direct tunnel is built between virtual operator's networks (e.g. 
   vNetwork1-to-vNetwork3), route is out of control -- the route may go 
   through network node with problems, or with high load, or cross 
   border of different operators where QoS cannot be guaranteed.  

   In this case, the virtual network operator can configure three 
   tunnels rather than one to connect vNetwork1 to vNetwork3: 
   vNetwork1-to-Router1, Router1-to-Router2, Router2-to-vNetwork3. 

   After the initial network configuration is finished, if any problem 
   is detected in any tunnel, the network management system can perform 
   network wide optimization, taking all the routers into account and 
   working out another set of tunnels if necessary. 


   ECA Policy: 

        Event: QoS parameters < threshold 

        Condition: multiple disjoint tunnels available 

        Action: Network wide tunnel optimization + traffic steering 

   In this case, the virtual SP can monitor the real-time QoS 
   parameters between the virtual networks and the rented routers. If 
   the QoS parameters exceed a threshold, and the virtual has deployed 
   multiple rented routers which can provide multiple disjoint tunnels, 
   then the network management/controller can trigger network wide 
   tunnel optimization and/or perform traffic steering.  

   When performing the tunnel optimization, the network 
   management/controller may terminate the tunnel(s) which go through 
   specific network area with problems, and/or build new tunnels, 
   and/or perform network wide traffic steering. This will give the 
   operator a lot of flexibility in controlling the network. 

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   The traffic steering may need to be combined with the network 
   topology, and dynamically distribute traffic in the whole network. 


5.5. Instant VPN Use Case 

                       |   SUPA Generic Model   | 
                    | +---------------------------+ | 
                    | |      SUPA Data Model      | | 
                    | +---------------------------+ | 
                    | +---------------------------+ | 
                    | | SUPA Translation Function | | 
                    | +---------------------------+ | 
                        /VPN Req Forwarded to Management System 
    +------+  VPN  +------+      +------+      +------+ 
    |  CE  |-------|  PE  |------|  PE  |------|  PE  | 
    +------+  Req  +------+      +------+      +------+ 
                      |              |             | 
                      |              |             | 
                   +------+      +------+      +------+ 
                   |  PE  |------|  PE  |------|  PE  | 
                   +------+      +------+      +------+ 
                           Figure 8 Instant VPN 

   Traditionally, when an operator needs to deploy VPN service for an 
   enterprise customer, they will send a service staff to the customer 
   site and make the wire connection between the CE and PE; the service 
   staff will also collect the configuration information, e.g. 
   port/frame/slot of PE, PE ID, etc, and then send the information 
   back to the management system, and the management system will 
   configure the network according to this information together with 
   the customer' information (such as bandwidth, SLA, etc). 
   The problem of this approach is that the service staff needs to 
   collect the connection information and feedback to the management 
   system, and MUST make sure the information matches the actual 
   connection. This operation is error prone. 
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   New approach should not count on the physical / geographical 
   information feedback by the service staff, minimize the operation 
   procedures. The CE should send authentication (with credentials) 
   request to the PE, and PE should forward the request to the 
   management system together with port/frame/slot on which the request 
   is received, the PE ID etc.  


   Target: Configure VPN for an enterprise customer to connect its 
   enterprise network with VPC 


   ECA Policy:  

       Event: service management system receive a CE request for VPN 
       creation (forwarded by PE)  

       Condition: Authentication OK 

       Action:  Configure VPN based on received request, including user 
       grade and physical info (port/slot/frame/route id, etc, from 
       which the request is received) 



6. Security Considerations 

   Since SUPA models can be used to generate configurations for network 
   elements, the management applications which send models to service 
   management system must go through authentication and authorization. 

7. IANA Considerations 

   This memo does not have any requirement to IANA. 


8. Acknowledgments 

   This document has benefited from reviews, suggestions, comments    
   and proposed text provided by the following members, listed in   
   alphabetical order: Juergen Schoenwaelder, John Strassner, James 
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Internet-Draft        SUPA Model Applicability          September 2015 

   This document was prepared using 


9. References 


9.1. Normative References 

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate 
               Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, April 1997. 

   [RFC6020] Bjorklund, M., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for the            
             Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020,              
             October 2010. 

9.2. Informative References 

   [I-D.klyus-supa-proposition] Klyus, M., Strassner, J., "SUPA Value 
               Proposition", draft-klyus-supa-proposition-02 (work in 
               progress), July 4, 2015 

   [I-D.strassner-supa-generic-policy-info-model] Strassner, J., 
               "Generic Policy Information Model for Simplified Use of 
               Policy Abstractions (SUPA)", draft-strassner-supa-
               generic-policy-info-model-02, July 4, 2015 

   [I-D.chen-supa-eca-data-model] Chen, M., Contreras L., Fukushima, M., 
               "ECA Policy YANG Data Model", draft-chen-supa-eca-data-
               model-03 (work in progress), August 26, 2015 

   [I-D.ww-sfc-control-plane] Li, H., Wu, Q., et al, "Service Function 
               Chaining (SFC) Control Plane Components & Requirements", 
               draft-ww-sfc-control-plane-06 (work in progress), June 8, 

Authors' Addresses 

   Narasimha Vadrevu 
   VN Telecom Consultancy 
   Cupertino, California 

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   Dacheng Zhang 
   Alibaba Group 
   Shunmin Zhu 
   Alibaba Group 

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