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Meeting Slides RFC Series Oversight Committee (RSOC) (rfcedprog) IAB ASG
Date and time 2022-01-01 15:00
Title 2017-06-12-rsoc-minutes
State Active
Other versions plain text
Last updated 2022-06-10

June 12, 2017 RSOC Meeting

Reported by: Cindy Morgan, IETF Secretariat

 Sarah Banks (Chair)
 Nevil Brownlee
 Heather Flanagan (RSE, non-voting)
 Joel Halpern
 Tony Hansen 
 Bob Hinden
 Cindy Morgan (Scribe, non-voting)
 Adam Roach
 Robert Sparks (Lead)

 Ray Pelletier (IAOC Liaison, non-voting)
 Martin Thomson


0. Review of minutes

  The minutes of the 10 May 2017 RSOC Meeting were approved

1. Project updates

1.1. Format

  Heather Flanagan reported that the id2xml tool has been released to 
  the RPC for testing and announced on the tools list.

  Heather Flanagan reported that the RPC is very close to being able to 
  handle non-ASCII characters. There is an HTTPBIS WG document in the 
  RFC Editor Queue that uses non-ASCII characters, and a couple of 
  PRECIS WG documents in IETF Last Call that may be modified to use non-
  ASCII characters once the tools are ready to support that.

  Robert Sparks reminded the RSOC that the current status of the format 
  tools is being tracked at

1.2. WG Chairs info session @ IETF 99

  Heather Flanagan is planning to hold an information session on the new 
  RFC format tools during the WG Chairs Forum at IETF 99.

1.3. RPC hire 

  In September 2016, the RSOC agreed that once the RPC gets to the point 
  of putting resources towards testing for the new format, the RPC will 
  increase staffing. Heather Flanagan asked the RSOC if they had any 
  concerns moving forward with that plan at this time.

  Robert Sparks noted that when the timeline for this was initially set, 
  they had expected to be further along with the tools; currently there 
  is only one out for testing.

  Joel Halpern added that hiring in July if the tools won't be ready for 
  testing until mid-September seems a bit early. Heather Flanagan 
  replied that one of the reasons for hiring is that that the testing 
  will take the experienced editors away from editing documents; the new 
  hire would need to be trained and up to speed by the time that 
  happens. Joel asked how much ramp-up time is needed for new editors. 
  Heather replied that it would depend on whether the RPC hired new 
  people (3-5 months), or increase the hours for existing RPC staff (no 
  ramp-up time needed).

  Heather Flanagan will ask the RPC whether they plan to hire new staff, 
  or increase the hours of existing staff.

1.4. Style Guide

  Heather Flanagan reported that she plans to have an updated draft of 
  the style guide out by the week of 19 June 2017.

2. Recent editorial and tool issues

2.1. "which" vs "that"

  Heather Flanagan reported that she recently had a debate with an 
  author about the use of "which" versus "that." There are different 
  schools of thought on the topic, and this has been an ongoing debate; 
  the topic is covered by the RFC Style Guide's use of the Chicago 
  Manual of Style.

2.2. xml2rfc

  Heather Flanagan reported that after some disagreement about how and 
  where issues about the format tool work should be recorded, the 
  xml2rfc-dev list is being revived as a place to talk specifically 
  about format tool development. Robert Sparks noted that this is 
  another instance of the ongoing tension about how IETF makes use of 
  GitHub. Tony Hansen asked if there was a way that things posted to 
  GitHub could be posted to the mailing list. Robert said that he would 
  follow up with Martin Thomson about this, as he has been involved in 
  the conversations about the IETF's use of GitHub.

3. Digital Preservation

  Heather Flanagan reported that she sent out a marked up copy of the 
  MoU with the Computer History Museum to the RSOC, and asked people to 
  review it. Heather asked the RSOC if she should send the MoU to the 
  IETF Trust before returning it to the Computer History Museum; the 
  RSOC agreed that sending it to the IETF Trust first was a good idea.

4. Administrivia

  Heather Flanagan asked the RSOC whether there was a need to hold the 
  regular July conference call in addition to the face-to-face meeting 
  at IETF 99. The RSOC agreed that only the face-to-face meeting will be 
  needed. Heather will send out a Doodle poll to select a time once the 
  preliminary IETF 99 meeting agenda is published. If there is no time 
  during the regular meeting sessions that works for everyone, RSOC will 
  fall back to the Thursday lunch slot.

5. AOB

  Heather Flanagan reported that she will be on vacation during the week 
  of 26 June 2017.

  Heather Flanagan reported that her interview in CONNECT magazine was 
  published in the 5 June 2017 issue; she is hoping this will encourage 
  people from the GEANT community to come to the next IETF meeting. The 
  interview is available at:

  Robert Sparks noted that Ray Pelletier has announced that he will 
  retire at the end of October 2017, and asked the RSOC to help keep 
  track of the conversations the RSOC has ongoing with the IAOC to make 
  sure nothing is lost in the transition.