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Internet Architecture Board (iab)

IETF Name Internet Architecture Board
Acronym iab
State Active
Additional resources IAB Website
Issue tracker, Wiki
Personnel Ex Officio Member Colin Perkins
Chair Tommy Pauly
Delegate Cindy Morgan
Members Alissa Cooper
Alvaro Retana
Christopher A. Wood
Cullen Fluffy Jennings
David Schinazi
Dhruv Dhody
Matthew Bocci
Mirja Kühlewind
Qin Wu
Roman Danyliw
Suresh Krishnan
Tommy Pauly
Wes Hardaker
Liaison Members John Scudder, Ryan Polk
Mailing list Address

Group description

The Internet Architecture Board provides long-range technical direction for Internet development, ensuring the Internet continues to grow and evolve as a platform for global communication and innovation.

In its work, the IAB strives to:

  • Ensure that the Internet is a trusted medium of communication that provides a solid technical foundation for privacy and security, especially in light of pervasive surveillance,
  • Establish the technical direction for an Internet that will enable billions more people to connect, support the vision for an Internet of Things, and allow mobile networks to flourish, while keeping the core capabilities that have been a foundation of the Internet’s success, and
  • Promote the technical evolution of an open Internet without special controls, especially those which hinder trust in the network.

The IAB is responsible for:

  • Providing architectural oversight of Internet protocols and procedures
  • Liaising with other organizations on behalf of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
  • Reviewing appeals of the Internet standards process
  • Managing Internet standards documents (the RFC series) and protocol parameter value assignment
  • Confirming the Chair of the IETF and the IETF Area Directors
  • Selecting the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Chair
  • Acting as source of advice and guidance to the Internet Society

The IAB convenes workshops of specialists, initiates and executes specific work programs, and writes documents that lead to comprehensive technical analyses of matters of interest. While its work may influence the industry broadly, the IAB does not operate from a grand-architecture blueprint of, or vision for, the Internet. Rather, the IAB’s efforts are guided by fundamental design principles—the Internet’s building blocks and their interactions—that make the global open Internet what it is. The IAB also helps connect different fields of expertise when this is needed to understand the full situation affecting the evolution of the Internet. For instance technology, policy and other considerations often impact each other.

The IAB is comprised of 13 members who serve as individuals, and not as representatives of any company, agency, or other organization. The IAB is chartered both as a committee of the IETF and an advisory body of the Internet Society. Further details about the IAB are documented in RFC 2850.

Groups in IAB

Group Name Type
IAB Open Meeting AG
Independent Stream Open Meeting AG
IAB-ISOC Policy Coordination IAB ASG
Evolvability, Deployability, & Maintainability Program
Environmental Impacts of Internet Technology Program
IAB Workshop on AI-CONTROL Team
IAB Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data Team
IAB Workshop on Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS) Team
IAB Workshop on Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale Team
IAB/IRTF Workshop on Congestion Control for Interactive Real-Time Communication Team
IAB Workshop: Design Expectations vs Deployment Reality in Protocol Development Team
IAB Workshop on Explicit Internet Naming Systems Team
Exploring Synergy between Content Aggregation and the Publisher Ecosystem Team
IAB Workshop on IoT Semantic Interoperability Team
IAB Workshop on Internet of Things Software Update Team
IAB Workshop on Internet Technology Adoption and Transition Team
IAB Workshop on Managing Radio Networks in an Encrypted World Team
IAB Workshop on Measuring Network Quality for End-Users Team
IAB workshop on Management Techniques in Encrypted Networks (M-TEN) Team
IAB Workshop on Network Management Team
IAB Workshop on Internet Privacy Team
IAB Workshop on Routing and Addressing Team
IAB Workshop on Stack Evolution in a Middlebox Internet Team
IAB Workshop on Interconnecting Smart Objects with the Internet Team
W3C/IAB workshop on Strengthening the Internet Against Pervasive Monitoring Team
IAB Workshop on Unwanted Traffic Team
IAB Workshop on Wireless Internetworking Team