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Internet-Draft and RFC statistics


Please Note: The author information in the datatracker about RFCs with numbers lower than about 1300 and Internet-Drafts from before 2001 is unreliable and in many cases absent. For this reason, statistics on these pages does not show correct author stats for corpus selections that involve such documents.


Pages Percentage of documents Documents
2 0.29% 20
3 0.63% 44
4 1.54% 108
5 3.66% 256
6 5.27% 369
7 6.15% 430
8 6.40% 448
9 5.79% 405
10 5.75% 402
11 5.22% 365
12 4.97% 348
13 4.74% 332
14 3.62% 253
15 3.43% 240
16 3.44% 241
17 3.33% 233
18 2.42% 169
19 2.47% 173
20 2.27% 159
21 1.83% 128
22 2.04% 143
23 1.83% 128
24 1.46% 102
25 1.23% 86
26 1.17% 82
27 1.10% 77
28 0.91% 64
29 1.17% 82
30 0.97% 68
31 0.61% 43
32 0.73% 51
33 0.71% 50
34 0.69% 48
35 0.64% 45
36 0.54% 38
37 0.54% 38
38 0.40% 28
39 0.40% 28
40 0.44% 31
41 0.53% 37
42 0.41% 29
43 0.39% 27
44 0.29% 20
45 0.29% 20
46 0.17% 12
47 0.30% 21
48 0.19% 13
49 0.19% 13
50 0.14% 10
51 0.26% 18
52 0.24% 17
53 0.21% 15
54 0.29% 20
55 0.17% 12
56 0.17% 12
57 0.19% 13
58 0.20% 14
59 0.11% 8
60 0.24% 17
61 0.09% 6
62 0.13% 9
63 0.10% 7
64 0.13% 9
65 0.09% 6
66 0.21% 15
67 0.07% 5
68 0.11% 8
69 0.04% 3
70 0.07% 5
71 0.11% 8
72 0.13% 9
73 0.17% 12
74 0.17% 12
75 0.07% 5
76 0.07% 5
77 0.06% 4
78 0.09% 6
79 0.06% 4
80 0.04% 3
81 0.06% 4
82 0.04% 3
83 0.01% 1
84 0.04% 3
85 0.04% 3
86 0.03% 2
87 0.01% 1
88 0.09% 6
89 0.04% 3
90 0.10% 7
91 0.04% 3
92 0.04% 3
93 0.03% 2
94 0.03% 2
95 0.03% 2
96 0.03% 2
97 0.01% 1
98 0.04% 3
99 0.03% 2
100 0.03% 2
101 0.03% 2
102 0.03% 2
103 0.06% 4
104 0.01% 1
105 0.01% 1
106 0.01% 1
107 0.06% 4
108 0.01% 1
109 0.03% 2
110 0.01% 1
111 0.04% 3
112 0.03% 2
113 0.03% 2
114 0.07% 5
115 0.03% 2
116 0.03% 2
118 0.03% 2
119 0.03% 2
120 0.01% 1
121 0.03% 2
124 0.04% 3
126 0.01% 1
127 0.01% 1
128 0.01% 1
129 0.03% 2
131 0.01% 1
132 0.03% 2
133 0.01% 1
134 0.03% 2
135 0.01% 1
136 0.01% 1
137 0.01% 1
139 0.01% 1
141 0.01% 1
143 0.01% 1
144 0.03% 2
145 0.03% 2
148 0.03% 2
150 0.03% 2
151 0.01% 1
152 0.03% 2
154 0.01% 1
157 0.01% 1
158 0.01% 1
159 0.01% 1
160 0.01% 1
163 0.01% 1
167 0.01% 1
169 0.01% 1
170 0.01% 1
173 0.01% 1
179 0.01% 1
187 0.01% 1
190 0.01% 1
192 0.01% 1
194 0.03% 2
199 0.01% 1
200 0.01% 1
225 0.01% 1
234 0.01% 1
560 0.01% 1
663 0.01% 1
694 0.01% 1
707 0.01% 1
766 0.01% 1