Minutes IETF116: regext: Thu 06:00
Meeting Minutes | Registration Protocols Extensions (regext) WG | |
Date and time | 2023-03-30 06:00 | |
Title | Minutes IETF116: regext: Thu 06:00 | |
State | Active | |
Other versions | markdown | |
Last updated | 2023-03-30 |
Registration Protocols Extensions (REGEXT)
IETF 116 Yokohama, JP / Online
Co-chairs: Jim Galvin, Antoin Verschuren
Mailing list: regext@ietf.org
Thursday, March 30, 2023 15:00-16:00 G403, 06:00-07:00 UTC Meetecho
Welcome and Introductions (4 minutes)
i. Notes scribe
Rick Wilhelm and others on notes
Covered, along with Code of Conduct
iii. Document management
Pls note that Chairs' slides were updated a few hours before the
Jim encouraged everyone to read the docs and thanked the document
Published (0 minutes)
None since last meeting; expecting some soon.
- Documents in WGLC (2 minutes)
i. RDAP Reverse search capabilities (Mario Loffredo)
Comments from Jim Galvin:
WGLC ends 10 April. Please express support or non-objection on the list.
Re: EAI doc: this is sitting in the IESG queue. The AD is awaiting a
note from WG chairs. Version -18 is most current and is awaiting
confirmation that it addresses all known open issues. Then the AD will
be able to release the doc.
- Status of existing work. (4 minutes)
i. Redacted Fields in the RDAP Response (Jody Kolker/Roger Carney)
WGLC will be issued after this meeting.
Jim Gould: Authors feel that doc is complete; requesting WGLC.
Jim Galvin: One WGLC at a time... so this will be up next.
Antoin: This is a heads up; pls review the document now. Don't wait for
the official WGLC.
Murray: Discussion about timing of WGLC related to mechanics of AD work.
ii. Simple Registration Reporting (James Galvin)
Galvin: This will be coordinated with work on the registration data
dictionary document. That revision will come along eventually.
iii.Federated Authentication for the RDAP using OpenID Connect (Scott
Scott Hollenbeck: Went through WGLC a few months ago; good feedback. Now
resolved and addressed. This would be ready for WGLC.
Galvin: Again, read and comment now, rather than in WGLC.
iv. Registration Data Dictionary (Steve Crocker/Heather Flanagan)
Stephane: (shepherd) There have been a few comments and it seems like
they have been addressed.
- Existing work with presentations. (18 minutes)
i. IP and ASN searches in RDAP (Tom Harrison, 9 minutes)
Tom Harrison:
Presented deck:
Scott Hollenbeck: Deck says that updates would be required to 7480,
9082, 9083 "due to non-standard use of the extension identifier". What
does this mean?
Tom: Trying to avoid having inconsistent URLs during the search process.
Not sure if updates are the best way to accomplish this.
Andy Newton: An IETF extension... doesn't require a prefix. Regardless,
9083 does say "RIR". There's no reason why 9082 and 9083 to be updated
for the term INR.
Murray: Not really sure that "update" is the best term for what we're
describing. Let's discuss offline.
Antoin: Re: link relations section. Unclear what is meant by "operator".
Likely server, but not sure. Regardless, related to the hierarchy, when
a query goes in, not sure where one is. Likely interested in the top or
the bottom. Have you thought about a query related to get to "top" or
Tom: Hmm. Haven't considered. Let's discuss.
Antoin: The top and the bottom are likely among the most interesting
bits of information.
Antoin: This is for querying IP space and ASN space... have you
considered expanding to query routing registry spaces?
Tom: I'd consider that to be a separate document.
Jasdip: Focus is to bring RDAP to parity with WHOIS. the IRR use cases
would seem to be expansive. Currently focused on the gaps.
ii. Using JSContact in RDAP JSON Responses (Mario Loffredo, 9 minutes)
Presented deck:
Andy Newton: Slide 4 says "lower implementation for both clients and
servers"; that refers to?
Mario: This refers to "either or" (not both)
Andy: Once the client has gone to the work of implementing JScontact,
they are going to ask for both. Since the client doesn't know what they
are going to get back.
Jim Gould: re: UID... prefers redaction by removal
Jim Reid: Would be good to get some objective data on the problems that
are being described.
- Versioning in RDAP (Daniel Keathley, 9 minutes)
Daniel Keathley
Presented deck:
Andy: would this be mandatory for all future extensions?
Daniel: Yes.
Andy: Then what would we do about the current extensions? Seems like it
would not be a good idea. Parts seem interesting to let one iterate fast
on an extension. Seems like it would complicate the protocol.
Jim Gould: There is a section in the draft on how to do this. This is
similar to something that exists in EPP.
- EPP mapping for DNS TTL values (Gavin Brown, 9 minutes)
Gavin Brown
Presented deck:
Jim Reid: Wants diffrent TTLs for different rec types
Yoshiro Yoneya: Would the changes be temporary or permanent.
Gavin: That's up to the server. The server would use the Change Poll
mechanism to notify clients.
Rick Wilhelm: Not sure about whether we should have a SHOULD about
notifying the sponsoring client with a change poll. Change polls are
frequently ignored.
Ed Lewis gave the announcement:
ROW12 -- Registration Operations Workshop; to be held 20 June 2023 13:00
- 16:00 via zoom. See note from Hollenbeck on mailing list, which has
call for presentations.
Pasting from the email:
Please submit a short abstract describing your proposal to our NEW ROW
email address row@cofomo.com by May 19th, 2023.
The Program Committee provides below a non-exhaustive list of broad
topics for ROW12 and encourages any discussions/suggestions for
additional topics on ROW’s mailing list: regiops@googlegroups.com.