Early Review of draft-ietf-regext-epp-ttl-09
Request | Review of | draft-ietf-regext-epp-ttl-08 |
Requested revision | 08 (document currently at 18) | |
Type | Early Review | |
Team | DNS Directorate (dnsdir) | |
Deadline | 2024-05-20 | |
Requested | 2024-05-13 | |
Requested by | James Galvin | |
Authors | Gavin Brown | |
I-D last updated | 2024-05-15 | |
Completed reviews |
Dnsdir Early review of -09
by Anthony Somerset
Dnsdir Last Call review of -15 by Tim Wicinski (diff) Artart Last Call review of -15 by Takahiro Nemoto (diff) Genart Last Call review of -15 by Ines Robles (diff) Secdir Last Call review of -15 by Wes Hardaker (diff) Opsdir Last Call review of -15 by Per Andersson (diff) Dnsdir Last Call review of -17 by Anthony Somerset (diff) Secdir Last Call review of -17 by Wes Hardaker (diff) |
Comments |
This document is currently in WGLC, ending on 13 May 2024. It is primarily focused on providing a standard EPP mechanism for managing the TTL value of NS and DS records in a TLD zone. Today, most registries set this value according to local policy. There is some interest in the domain name industry to support registrants being able to manage this value. Does the DNS Directorate have any insight to be included or concerns to be addressed regarding use of such a standard? |
Assignment | Reviewer | Anthony Somerset |
State | Completed | |
Request | Early review on draft-ietf-regext-epp-ttl by DNS Directorate Assigned | |
Posted at | https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/dnsdir/cKD0VTL2NxHXAWG0lj2YKSKeleU | |
Reviewed revision | 09 (document currently at 18) | |
Result | Ready w/nits | |
Completed | 2024-05-15 |
Hi, I have been selected as the DNS Directorate reviewer for this draft. The DNS Directorate seeks to review all DNS or DNS-related drafts as they pass through IETF last call and IESG review, and sometimes on special request. The purpose of the review is to provide assistance to the ADs. For more information about the DNS Directorate, please see https://wiki.ietf.org/en/group/dnsdir This document is well written and clear enough even with all the XML references :) I believe all DNS related standards are respected here and this would be a valuable extension to EPP. I believe this document is Ready but with 1 important NIT and one clarification NIT While the IPv4 addresses referenced in the examples uses the documentation prefix as per RFC5737 i note that IPv6 addresses are not following the same principle as per RFC3849 - I recommend that IPv6 addresses in the document be updated accordingly, from what i can see a simple find and replace on "1080::" with "2001:DB8::" should do the trick. CLARIFICATION I do have one clarifying query though with regards to section 3.1 on Permitted record types. How does a server signal to a client which record types are permitted beyond returning an error to an update command. After reading the <ttl:info policy="true"/> section again more carefully it says that supported record types would be returned by the server - perhaps one could be more explicit in section 3.1 to make reference to the ttl:info portion of the info response? Thanks for your hard work on this draft Best Regards Anthony