Liaison statement
In respons to "Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks"
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State | Posted |
Submitted Date | 2013-05-15 |
From Group | mpls |
From Contact | Loa Andersson |
To Group | ITU-T-SG-15 |
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Purpose | In response |
Attachments | (None) |
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Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks
Body |
In respons to "Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 revision – Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks" =================================================================================== Thank you for your liaison statement COM15-LS435-E "Recommendation ITU-T G.8131 revision - Linear protection switching for MPLS-TP networks" with the questions and concerns raised about RFC 6378 MPLS-TP linear protection. We appreciate the number of people who have actively contributed to this work and encourage anyone interested to participate in the on-going discussion on the MPLS mailing list. Please find comments on some of the points raised in your liaison: Point 1 (Issue of the priority of FS and SF-P): ----------------------------------------------- PSC is built to satisfy the requirements found in RFC 5654 which points to RFC 4427. An analysis and interpretation of the requirements is found in a liaison called “Reply to ITU Liaison Statement regarding MPLS-TP Linear Protection ( RFC 5654 and RFC 6372 were liaised to the ITU-T during their development and this issue was not raised at that time. Changes to the requirements must be made using the normal IETF process. Standardization is an iterative process, and changes to standards should be made in a backward compatible way. There is an individual Internet Draft that has been submitted and is being discussed on the mailing list as per the IETF process. Point 1.c: (Discrepancy between the RFC and G.808.1 concerning the description of “Forced switch-over for normal traffic”) ------------------------------------------------------------------ A solution has been submitted to the working group that addresses point 1.c. Please discuss on the mailing list as per the IETF process. Point 3 (Exercise Command): --------------------------- There are individual drafts addressing this point and discussion is on-going on the MPLS mailing list. Point 4 (Signal Degrade): ------------------------- SD is already included in the alarm hierarchy as defined by RFC 6378. There is an individual Internet Draft that currently addresses the changes to the state machine and discussions on SD and its definition are progressing on the MPLS list per the IETF process. Points 7 (Provisioning Mismatch), 8 (Reversion corner-case): ------------------------------------------------------------ There is an individual Internet draft that has been submitted and is being discussed on the mailing list as per the IETF process. Point 9 (“Manual switch-over for recovery LSP/span" and "Freeze"): ------------------------------------------------------------------ Regarding “Manual switch-over for recovery LSP/span”, if an implementation behaves in the way described in Point 9, then that behavior should be considered a bug. If the protection path is available, it can be used. The document is not an implementation guide, it is a protocol specification. To support the Freeze functionality, an individual Internet draft has been submitted and it is being discussed on the MPLS mailing list. Loa Andersson Ross Callon George Swallow MPLS Working Group co-Chairs |