Concluded WG Light-Weight Implementation Guidance (lwig)
Document | Date | Status | IPR | AD/Shepherd | |
Expired Internet-Drafts (5 hits) | |||||
6 pages
Virtual reassembly buffers in 6LoWPAN |
2020-03-09 |
WG Document |
31 pages
CoAP Implementation Guidance |
2018-07-02 |
WG Document |
34 pages
Guidance for Light-Weight Implementations of the Internet Protocol Suite |
2013-02-25 |
WG Document |
20 pages
Neighbor Management Policy for 6LoWPAN |
2019-02-21 |
WG Document |
15 pages
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the (Datagram) Transport Layer Security Protocol for Smart Objects and Constrained Node Networks |
2014-03-07 |
WG Document |
RFCs (7 hits) | |||||
17 pages
RFC 7228
Terminology for Constrained-Node Networks |
2014-05 | Informational RFC |
Brian Haberman
41 pages
RFC 7815
Minimal Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) Initiator Implementation |
2016-03 | Informational RFC |
Brian Haberman
24 pages
RFC 8352
Energy-Efficient Features of Internet of Things Protocols |
2018-04 | Informational RFC |
Suresh Krishnan
33 pages
RFC 8387
Practical Considerations and Implementation Experiences in Securing Smart Object Networks |
2018-05 | Informational RFC |
Suresh Krishnan
24 pages
RFC 9006
TCP Usage Guidance in the Internet of Things (IoT) |
2021-03 | Informational RFC |
Erik Kline
14 pages
RFC 9178
Building Power-Efficient Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Devices for Cellular Networks |
2022-05 | Informational RFC |
Suresh Krishnan
13 pages
RFC 9333
Minimal IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) |
2023-01 | Informational RFC |
Erik Kline