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YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol

Document Type Active Internet-Draft (alto WG)
Authors Jingxuan Zhang , Dhruv Dhody , Kai Gao , Roland Schott , Qiufang Ma
Last updated 2024-02-05 (Latest revision 2024-01-19)
Replaces draft-zhang-alto-oam-yang
RFC stream Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Intended RFC status Proposed Standard
Yang Validation 11 errors, 0 warnings
Additional resources GitHub Repository
Mailing list discussion
Stream WG state Submitted to IESG for Publication
Associated WG milestone
Jun 2023
ALTO OAM Document/YANG Model
Document shepherd Mohamed Boucadair
Shepherd write-up Show Last changed 2023-10-18
IESG IESG state RFC Ed Queue
Action Holders
Consensus boilerplate Yes
Telechat date (None)
Responsible AD Martin Duke
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IANA IANA review state Version Changed - Review Needed
IANA action state RFC-Ed-Ack
IANA expert review state Expert Reviews OK
RFC Editor RFC Editor state MISSREF
ALTO WG                                                         J. Zhang
Internet-Draft                                         Tongji University
Intended status: Standards Track                                D. Dhody
Expires: 22 July 2024                                Huawei Technologies
                                                                  K. Gao
                                                      Sichuan University
                                                               R. Schott
                                                        Deutsche Telekom
                                                                   Q. Ma
                                                         19 January 2024

 YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)


   This document defines a YANG data model for Operations,
   Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) & Management of the
   Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol.  The operator
   of an ALTO server can use this data model to (1) set up the ALTO
   server, (2) configure server discovery, (3) create, update and remove
   ALTO information resources, (4) manage the access control of each
   ALTO information resource, and (5) collect statistical data from the
   ALTO server.  The application provider can also use this data model
   to configure ALTO clients to communicate with known ALTO servers.

Discussion Venues

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Discussion of this document takes place on the ALTO Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 22 July 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Acronyms and Abbreviations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Tree Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Prefixes in Data Node Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Placeholders in Reference Statements  . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Design Scope and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  Scope of Data Models for ALTO O&M . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Basic Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  Additional Requirements for Extensibility . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  Design of ALTO O&M Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     5.1.  Overview of ALTO O&M Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     5.2.  Data Model for ALTO Client Operation and Management . . .  10
     5.3.  Data Model for Server-level Operation and Management  . .  11
       5.3.1.  Data Model for ALTO Server Setup  . . . . . . . . . .  11
       5.3.2.  Data Model for Logging Management . . . . . . . . . .  13
       5.3.3.  Data Model for ALTO-related Management  . . . . . . .  14
       5.3.4.  Data Model for Security Management  . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.4.  Data Model for ALTO Server Configuration Management . . .  14
       5.4.1.  Data Source Configuration Management  . . . . . . . .  14

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       5.4.2.  ALTO Information Resources Configuration
               Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       5.4.3.  ALTO Information Resource Access Control
               Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   6.  Design of ALTO O&M Statistics Data Model  . . . . . . . . . .  20
     6.1.  Model for ALTO Server Failure Monitoring  . . . . . . . .  21
     6.2.  Model for ALTO-specific Performance Monitoring  . . . . .  21
   7.  ALTO OAM YANG Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     7.1.  The "ietf-alto" YANG Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
     7.2.  The "ietf-alto-stats" YANG Module . . . . . . . . . . . .  53
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
   10. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
     10.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  64
     10.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  68
   Appendix A.  Examples of Extending the ALTO O&M Data Model  . . .  68
     A.1.  An Example Module for Extended Server Discovery
           Manners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  69
     A.2.  An Example Module for Extended Client Authentication
           Approaches  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  71
     A.3.  Example Module for Extended Data Sources  . . . . . . . .  73
     A.4.  An Example Module for Information Resource Creation
           Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  76
     A.5.  Example Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  79
   Appendix B.  A Sample ALTO Server Architecture to Implement ALTO
           O&M YANG Modules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  82
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  85
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  85

1.  Introduction

   This document defines a YANG data model for the Operations,
   Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) & Management of Application-
   Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol.  The basic purpose of
   this YANG data model is discussed in Section 16 of [RFC7285].

   The operator of an ALTO server can use this data model to:

   *  set up the ALTO server,

   *  configure server discovery,

   *  create, update and remove ALTO information resources,

   *  manage the access control of each ALTO information resource,

   *  collect statistical data of the ALTO server.

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   The application provider can also use this data model to configure
   ALTO clients to communicate with known ALTO servers.

   Section 4.1 describes what is and is not in scope.  Section 4.2 and
   Section 4.3 define more concrete requirements for the data model.

   The basic structure of this YANG data model is guided by Section 16
   of [RFC7285] and [RFC7971].  Although the scope of the YANG data
   model in this document mainly focuses on the support of the base ALTO
   protocol [RFC7285] and the existing ALTO standard extensions:
   [RFC8189], [RFC8895], [RFC8896], [RFC9240], [RFC9241], [RFC9274],
   [RFC9275], and [RFC9439].

   The detailed design of the data model is illustrated in Section 5 and
   Section 6.  Some examples of how to extend this data model for
   specific ALTO server implementations are shown in Appendix A.

   The YANG data models in this document conform to the Network
   Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) defined in [RFC8342].

2.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.  When the words appear in lower case, they
   are to be interpreted with their natural language meanings.

3.  Acronyms and Abbreviations

   This document uses the following acronyms:

   ALTO:  Application-Layer Traffic Optimization

   CPU:  Central Processing Unit

   DNS:  Domain Name System

   HTTP:  Hypertext Transfer Protocol

   IRR:  Internet Routing Registry

   OAM:  Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (Section 3 of

   O&M:  OAM and Management (Section 3 of [RFC6291])

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   OAuth:  Open Authorization

   PID:  Provider-defined Identifier in ALTO

   TCP:  Transmission Control Protocol

   TLS:  Transport Layer Security

   URI:  Uniform Resource Identifier

3.1.  Tree Diagrams

   The meaning of the symbols in the tree diagrams is defined in

3.2.  Prefixes in Data Node Names

   The complete name of a data node or data model object includes a
   prefix, which indicates the YANG module in which the name is defined.
   In this document, the prefix is omitted when the YANG module is clear
   from the context; otherwise, the prefix is included.  The prefixes
   indicating the corresponding YANG modules are shown in Table 1.

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    | Prefix | YANG       | Reference                                 |
    |        | module     |                                           |
    | yang   | ietf-yang- | [RFC6991]                                 |
    |        | types      |                                           |
    | inet   | ietf-inet- | [RFC6991]                                 |
    |        | types      |                                           |
    | ds     | ietf-      | [RFC8342]                                 |
    |        | datastores |                                           |
    | yp     | ietf-yang- | [RFC8641]                                 |
    |        | push       |                                           |
    | ts     | ietf-      | [I-D.ietf-netconf-trust-anchors]          |
    |        | truststore |                                           |
    | tcp    | ietf-tcp-  | [I-D.ietf-netconf-tcp-client-server]      |
    |        | server     |                                           |
    | tls    | ietf-tls-  | [I-D.ietf-netconf-tls-client-server]      |
    |        | server     |                                           |
    | http   | ietf-http- | [I-D.ietf-netconf-http-client-server]     |
    |        | server     |                                           |
    | ncc    | ietf-      | [I-D.ietf-netconf-netconf-client-server]  |
    |        | netconf-   |                                           |
    |        | client     |                                           |
    | rcc    | ietf-      | [I-D.ietf-netconf-restconf-client-server] |
    |        | restconf-  |                                           |
    |        | client     |                                           |

              Table 1: Prefixes and corresponding YANG modules

3.3.  Placeholders in Reference Statements

   Note to the RFC Editor: This section is to be removed prior to

   This document contains placeholder values that need to be replaced
   with finalized values at the time of publication.  This note
   summarizes all of the substitutions that are needed.  No other RFC
   Editor instructions are specified elsewhere in this document.

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   Please apply the following replacements:

   *  BBBB --> the assigned RFC number for

   *  DDDD --> the assigned RFC number for

   *  FFFF --> the assigned RFC number for

   *  GGGG --> the assigned RFC number for

   *  HHHH --> the assigned RFC number for

   *  IIII --> the assigned RFC number for

   *  XXXX --> the assigned RFC number for this draft

4.  Design Scope and Requirements

4.1.  Scope of Data Models for ALTO O&M

   The following items are in the scope of the data models specified in
   this document:

   *  Deploying an ALTO server/client.

   *  Operating and managing an ALTO server/client.

   *  Configuring functionality/capability configuration of ALTO

   *  Monitoring ALTO-related performance metrics.

   This document does not normatively define any data model related to a
   specific implementation, including:

   *  Data structures for how to store/deliver ALTO information
      resources (e.g., database schema to store a network map).

   *  Data structures for how to store information collected from data
      sources. (e.g., database schema to store topology collected from
      an Interface to the Routing System (I2RS) client [RFC7921])

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   Likewise, the specification does not cover considerations that are
   specific to the ALTO Transport Information Publication Service (TIPS)
   [I-D.ietf-alto-new-transport].  Specifically, considerations related
   to HTTP/3 are out of scope.

   For convenience, examples of how related extensions can be defined
   are provided in the Appendices.

4.2.  Basic Requirements

   Based on recommendations in [RFC7285] and [RFC7971], the data models
   provided by this document satisfy basic requirements listed in
   Table 2.

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     | Requirement                          | Reference              |
     | R1: The data model should support    | Section 16.1 of        |
     | configuration for ALTO server setup. | [RFC7285]              |
     | R2: The data model should provide    | Section 16.2.1 of      |
     | logging management.                  | [RFC7285]              |
     | R3: The data model should provide    | Section 16.2.2 of      |
     | ALTO-related management information. | [RFC7285]              |
     | R4: The data model should support    | Section 16.2.6 of      |
     | configuration for security policy    | [RFC7285]              |
     | management.                          |                        |
     | R5-1: The data model should support  | Section 16.2.4 of      |
     | basic configuration to receive data  | [RFC7285], Section 3.2 |
     | from different data sources.         | of [RFC7971]           |
     | R5-2: The data model should support  | Section 16.2.4 of      |
     | configuration for information        | [RFC7285]              |
     | resource generation algorithms.      |                        |
     | R5-3: The data model should support  | Section 16.2.4 of      |
     | configuration for access control at  | [RFC7285]              |
     | information resource level.          |                        |
     | R6: The data model should provide    | Section 16.2.3 of      |
     | metrics for server failures.         | [RFC7285], Section 3.3 |
     |                                      | of [RFC7971]           |
     | R7: The data model should provide    | Section 16.2.5 of      |
     | performance monitoring for ALTO-     | [RFC7285], Section 3.4 |
     | specific metrics.                    | of [RFC7971]           |

          Table 2: Basic Requirements of Data Model for ALTO O&M.

4.3.  Additional Requirements for Extensibility

   R8: As the ALTO protocol is extensible, the data models for ALTO O&M
   should allow for augmentation to support potential future extensions.

5.  Design of ALTO O&M Data Model

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5.1.  Overview of ALTO O&M Data Model

   The "ietf-alto" module is designed to fit all the requirements listed
   in Section 4.

   As shown in Figure 1, the top-level container 'alto' in the "ietf-
   alto" module contains a single 'alto-server' and a list 'alto-

   'alto-client' defines a list of configurations for other applications
   to bootstrap an ALTO client.  These data nodes can also be used by
   data sources and information resource creation algorithms that are
   configured by an ALTO server instance.

   The container 'alto-server' contains both configuration and
   operational data of an administrated ALTO server instance.

            module: ietf-alto
              +--rw alto!
                 +--rw alto-client* [client-id] {alto-client}?
                 |  ...
                 +--rw alto-server {alto-server}?
                    +--rw auth-client* [client-id]
                    |  ...
                    +--rw role* [role-name]
                    |  +--rw role-name    role-name
                    |  +--rw client*      client-ref
                    +--rw data-source* [source-id]
                    |  ...
                    +--rw resource* [resource-id]

                     Figure 1: IETF ALTO Tree Structure

5.2.  Data Model for ALTO Client Operation and Management

   As shown in Figure 2, the 'alto-client' contains a list of client-
   side configurations.  Each 'alto-client' entry contains the following
   data nodes:

   'client-id':  A unique identifier that can be referenced by other

   'server-discovery-client':  A container that is used to configure how
      this ALTO client discovers an ALTO server.

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            module: ietf-alto
              +--rw alto!
                 +--rw alto-client* [client-id] {alto-client}?
                 |  +--rw client-id                  string
                 |  +--rw server-discovery-client
                 |     +---u alto-server-discovery-client

                Figure 2: IETF ALTO Client Subtree Structure

5.3.  Data Model for Server-level Operation and Management

   The ALTO server instance contains a set of data nodes for server-
   level operation and management for ALTO that are shown in Figure 3.
   This structure satisfies R1 - R4 in Section 4.2.

           module: ietf-alto
             +--rw alto!
                +--rw alto-server {alto-server}?
                   +--rw listen
                   |  +---u alto-server-listen-stack
                   +--rw server-discovery
                   |  +---u alto-server-discovery
                   +--rw logging-system
                   |  +---u alto-logging-system
                   +--rw cost-type* [cost-type-name]
                   |  +--rw cost-type-name    cost-type-name
                   |  +--rw cost-mode         identityref
                   |  +--rw cost-metric       identityref
                   |  +--rw description?      string
                   |  +--rw cost-context {performance-metrics}?
                   |     +--rw cost-source    identityref
                   |     +--rw parameters
                   |        +--rw (parameters)?
                   +--rw meta* [meta-key]
                   |  +--rw meta-key      meta-key
                   |  +--rw meta-value    binary

             Figure 3: IETF ALTO Server Level Subtree Structure

5.3.1.  Data Model for ALTO Server Setup

   To satisfy R1 in Section 4.2, the ALTO server instance contains the
   basic data nodes for the server setup that are detailed in the
   following subsections.

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Internet-Draft                ALTO O&M YANG                 January 2024  ALTO Server Listen Stack

   The container 'listen' contains all the data nodes for the whole
   server listen stack across TCP, TLS, HTTP and application layers
   (Figure 4).

                grouping alto-server:
                  +-- base-uri?   inet:uri
                grouping alto-server-listen-stack:
                  +-- (transport)
                     +--:(http) {http-listen}?
                     |  +-- http
                     |     +-- tcp-server-parameters
                     |     |  +---u tcp:tcp-server-grouping
                     |     +-- http-server-parameters
                     |     |  +---u http:http-server-grouping
                     |     +-- alto-server-parameters
                     |        +---u alto-server
                        +-- https
                           +-- tcp-server-parameters
                           |  +---u tcp:tcp-server-grouping
                           +-- tls-server-parameters
                           |  +---u tls:tls-server-grouping
                           +-- http-server-parameters
                           |  +---u http:http-server-grouping
                           +-- alto-server-parameters
                              +---u alto-server

               Figure 4: IETF ALTO Server Groupings Structure

   The 'transport' choice node enables which protocol layers to be
   configured.  By default, two cases are defined for different
   deployment scenarios:

   *  The 'http' case is provided to support scenarios where the TLS-
      termination is handled by other external components, e.g., reverse
      proxies or ingress controllers.

   *  The 'https' case is provided to support scenarios where the whole
      HTTPS server listen stack including TLS is handled by the ALTO
      server itself.

Zhang, et al.             Expires 22 July 2024                 [Page 12]
Internet-Draft                ALTO O&M YANG                 January 2024  ALTO Server Discovery Setup

   In practice, for a large-scale network consisting of multiple
   administrative domains, the information about the network may be
   partitioned and distributed over multiple ALTO servers.  That may
   require discovery and communication among different ALTO servers.

   The "ietf-alto" module provides the configuration for how an ALTO
   server can be discovered by another ALTO server or client on demand
   (Figure 5).  However, it does not contain any configuration for the
   communication among ALTO servers because the related solution has not
   become a standard.  Future documents may extend it to fully support
   multi-domain scenarios.

           grouping alto-server-discovery:
             +-- (server-discovery-manner)?
                +--:(reverse-dns) {xdom-disc}?
                   +-- rdns-naptr-records
                      +-- static-prefix*           inet:ip-prefix
                      +-- dynamic-prefix-source*   data-source-ref

          Figure 5: IETF ALTO Server Discovery Grouping Structure

   The 'server-discovery' node provides configuration for the discovery
   of ALTO servers using a variety of mechanisms.  The initial version
   of the "ietf-alto" module only defines the 'reverse-dns' case that is
   used to configure DNS NAPTR records for ALTO server discovery as
   suggested by [RFC7286] and [RFC8686].  It configures a set of
   endpoints that can be served by this ALTO server.  The node contains
   two leaf lists.  The 'static' list contains a list of manually
   configured endpoints.  The 'dynamic' list points to a list of data
   sources to retrieve the endpoints dynamically.  As suggested by
   [RFC7286] and [RFC8686], the IP prefixes of the endpoints configured
   by both 'static' and 'dynamic' lists will be translated into DNS
   NAPTR resource records for server discovery.  The 'server-discovery-
   manner' choice can be augmented by the future modules to support
   other mechanisms.

5.3.2.  Data Model for Logging Management

   To satisfy R2 in Section 4.2, the ALTO server instance contains the
   the logging data nodes shown in Figure 6.

   The 'logging-system' data node provides configuration to select a
   logging system to capture log messages generated by an ALTO server.

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   By default, 'syslog' is the only supported logging system.  When
   selecting 'syslog', the related configuration is delegated to the
   configuration file of the syslog [RFC5424] server.

                   grouping alto-logging-system:
                     +-- (logging-system)?
                           +-- syslog-params
                              +-- config-file?   inet:uri

           Figure 6: IETF ALTO Logging System Grouping Structure

   A specific server implementation can extend the 'logging-system' node
   to add other logging systems.

5.3.3.  Data Model for ALTO-related Management

   To satisfy R3 in Section 4.2, the data model contains the following
   ALTO-related management information (Figure 3):

   *  The 'cost-type' list is the registry for the cost types that can
      be used in the ALTO server.

   *  The 'meta' list contains the customized meta data of the ALTO
      server.  It is populated into the meta field of the default
      Information Resource Directory (IRD).

5.3.4.  Data Model for Security Management

   To satisfy R4 in Section 4.2, the data model leverages HTTP and TLS
   to provide basic security management for an ALTO server.  All the
   related configurations are covered by the server listen stack.

5.4.  Data Model for ALTO Server Configuration Management

5.4.1.  Data Source Configuration Management

   To satisfy R5-1 in Section 4.2, the ALTO server instance contains a
   list of 'data-source' entries to subscribe the data sources from
   which ALTO information resources are derived (Section 16.2.4 of

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         module: ietf-alto
           +--rw alto!
              +--rw alto-server {alto-server}?
                 +--rw data-source* [source-id]
                 |  +--rw source-id                    source-id
                 |  +--rw source-type                  identityref
                 |  +--rw source-params

          Figure 7: IETF ALTO Server Data Source Subtree Structure

   As shown in Figure 7, a 'data-source' list entry includes:

   *  A unique 'source-id' for resource creation algorithms to

   *  The 'source-type' attribute to declare the type of the data

   *  The 'source-params' to specify where and how to query the data.

   The 'data-source/source-params' node can be augmented for different
   types of data sources.  Note that the purpose of this node is not to
   fully set up the communication mechanisms for specific data sources,
   but to maintain how data sources are configured and expose them to
   the ALTO server.

   This data model only includes a basic structure for an ALTO server to
   correctly interact with a data source.  The implementation-specific
   parameters of any certain data source can be augmented in another
   module.  An example is included in Appendix A.3.

5.4.2.  ALTO Information Resources Configuration Management

   To satisfy R5-2 and R-3 in Section 4.2, the ALTO server instance
   contains a list of 'resource' entries (Figure 8).  Each 'resource'
   entry contains the data nodes of an ALTO information resource (See
   Section 8.1 of [RFC7285]).  The operator of the ALTO server can use
   this model to create, update, and remove the ALTO information

   Each 'resource' entry provides data nodes defining how to create or
   update an ALTO information resource.  Adding a new 'resource' entry
   notifies the ALTO server to create a new ALTO information resource.
   Updating an existing 'resource' entry notifies the ALTO server to
   update the generation parameters (e.g., capabilities and the creation

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   algorithm) of an existing ALTO information resource.  Removing an
   existing 'resource' entry will remove the corresponding ALTO
   information resource.

     module: ietf-alto
       +--rw alto!
          +--rw alto-server {alto-server}?
             +--rw resource* [resource-id]
                +--rw resource-id                 resource-id
                +--rw resource-type               identityref
                +--rw description?                string
                +--rw accepted-role*              role-ref
                +--rw dependency*                 resource-ref
                +--rw alto-ird-params
                |  +--rw delegation    inet:uri
                +--rw alto-networkmap-params
                |  +--rw is-default?   boolean
                |  +--rw filtered?     boolean
                |  +---u algorithm
                +--rw alto-costmap-params
                |  +--rw filtered?             boolean
                |  +---u filter-costmap-cap
                |  +---u algorithm
                +--rw alto-endpointcost-params
                |  +---u filter-costmap-cap
                |  +---u algorithm
                +--rw alto-endpointprop-params
                |  +--rw prop-type*   endpoint-property
                |  +---u algorithm
                +--rw alto-propmap-params {propmap}?
                |  +---u algorithm
                +--rw alto-cdni-params {cdni}?
                |  +---u algorithm
                +--rw alto-update-params {incr-update}?
                |  +---u algorithm
                +--rw resource-limits
                   +--rw notify-res-mem-limit?      uint64
                   +--rw notify-upd-stream-limit?   uint64

         +---n alto-resource-event {alto-server}?
            +--ro resource-id                    resource-ref
            +--ro notify-res-mem-threshold?      uint64
            +--ro notify-upd-stream-threshold?   uint64 {incr-update}?

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       grouping filter-costmap-cap:
         +-- cost-type-name*            cost-type-ref
         +-- cost-constraints?          boolean
         +-- max-cost-types?            uint32 {multi-cost}?
         +-- testable-cost-type-name*   cost-type-ref {multi-cost}?
         +-- calendar-attributes {cost-calendar}?
            +-- cost-type-name*        cost-type-ref
            +-- time-interval-size     decimal64
            +-- number-of-intervals    uint32
       grouping algorithm:
         +-- (algorithm)

               Figure 8: IETF ALTO Resource Subtree Structure

   A 'resource' list entry MUST include a unique 'resource-id' and a

   It may also include an 'accepted-role' node containing a list of
   'role-name's that is used by role-based access control for this ALTO
   information resource.  See Section 5.4.3 for details of information
   resource access control.

   For some 'resource-type', the 'resource' entry may also include a
   'dependency' node containing the 'resource-id' of the dependent ALTO
   information resources (Section 9.1.5 of [RFC7285]).

   For each type of ALTO information resource, the 'resource' entry may
   also need type-specific parameters.  These type-specific parameters
   can be split into two categories:

   1.  One category of the type-specific parameters is common for the
       same type of ALTO information resource.  They declare the
       Capabilities of the ALTO information resource (Section 9.1.3 of

   2.  The other category of the type-specific parameters is algorithm-
       specific.  The developer of the ALTO server can implement their
       own creation algorithms and augment the 'algorithm' node to
       declare algorithm-specific input parameters.

   Except for the 'ird' resource, all the other types of 'resource'
   entries have an augmented 'algorithm' node.  The augmented
   'algorithm' node can reference data sources subscribed by the 'data-
   source' entries (See Section 5.4.1).  An example of extending the
   'algorithm' node for a specific type of 'resource' is included in
   Appendix A.4.

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   The developer does not have to customize the creation algorithm of
   the 'ird' resource.  The default 'ird' resource will be created
   automatically based on all the added 'resource' entries.  The
   delegated 'ird' resource will be created as a static ALTO information
   resource (Section 9.2.4 of [RFC7285]).

   Each 'resource' entry may also set thresholds of memory usage and
   active update streams (if "incr-update" feature is enabled).  Table 3
   describes limits that, once exceeded, will trigger notifications to
   be generated:

   | Notification Threshold  | Description                            |
   | notify-res-mem-limit    | Used to notify high memory utilization |
   |                         | of the resource configured to an ALTO  |
   |                         | server instance.  When exceeded, an    |
   |                         | alto-resource-event will be generated. |
   | notify-upd-stream-limit | Used to notify a high number of active |
   |                         | update streams that are serviced by an |
   |                         | update resource configured to an ALTO  |
   |                         | server instance.  When exceeded, an    |
   |                         | alto-resource-event will be generated. |

                    Table 3: Notification Thresholds.

5.4.3.  ALTO Information Resource Access Control Management

   To satisfy R-3 in Section 4.2 and as per Section 15.5.2 of [RFC7285],
   the "ietf-alto" module also defines authentication and authorization
   related configuration to employ access control at the information
   resource level.  The ALTO server returns the IRD to the ALTO client
   based on its authentication information.

   The information resource access control is supported using the
   structure shown in Figure 9.

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     module: ietf-alto
       +--rw alto!
          +--rw alto-server {alto-server}?
             +--rw auth-client* [client-id]
             |  +--rw client-id                  string
             |  +--rw (authentication)?
             |     +--:(http)
             |     |  +--rw http-auth-client
             |     |          {http-listen,http:client-auth-supported,
             |     |           http:local-users-supported}?
             |     |     +--rw user-id    http-user-id-ref
             |     +--:(https)
             |        +--rw https-auth-client
             |        |       {http:client-auth-supported,
             |        |        http:local-users-supported}?
             |        |  +--rw user-id?   https-user-id-ref
             |        +--rw tls-auth-client
             |                {http:client-auth-supported}?
             |           +--rw ca-cert {tls:client-auth-x509-cert}?
             |           |  +---u inline-or-truststore-ca-cert-ref
             |           +--rw ee-cert {tls:client-auth-x509-cert}?
             |           |  +---u inline-or-truststore-ee-cert-ref
             |           +--rw raw-public-key
             |           |       {tls:client-auth-raw-public-key}?
             |           |  +---u inline-or-truststore-public-key-ref
             |           +--rw tls12-psks?       empty
             |           |       {tls:client-auth-tls12-psk}?
             |           +--rw tls13-epsks?      empty
             |                   {tls:client-auth-tls13-epsk}?
             +--rw role* [role-name]
             |  +--rw role-name    role-name
             |  +--rw client*      client-ref

        Figure 9: IETF ALTO Client Authentication Subtree Structure

   The structure shown in Figure 9 can be used to configure the role-
   based access control:

   *  'auth-client' declares a list of ALTO clients that can be
      authenticated by the internal or external authorization server.
      This basic model only includes authentication approach directly
      provided by the HTTP or TLS server, but the operators or future
      documents can augment the 'authentication' choice for different
      authentication mechanisms.

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   *  'role' defines a list of roles for access control.  Each role
      contains a list of authenticated ALTO clients.  Each client can be
      assigned to multiple roles.  The 'role-name' can be referenced by
      the 'accepted-role' list of a 'resource'.  If an authenticated
      ALTO client is included in any roles with access permission to a
      resource, the client is granted access to that resource.

6.  Design of ALTO O&M Statistics Data Model

   The "ietf-alto-stats" module augments the "ietf-alto" module to
   include statistics at the ALTO server and information resource level
   (Figure 10).

           module: ietf-alto-stats

             augment /alto:alto/alto:alto-server:
               +--rw server-level-monitor-config
               |  +--rw time-window-size?   uint32
               +--ro server-level-stats
                  +---u server-level-stats
             augment /alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:resource:
               +--ro resource-level-stats
                  +---u resource-level-stats

             grouping server-level-stats:
               +-- discontinuity-time?    yang:timestamp
               +-- last-report-time?      yang:timestamp
               +-- num-total-req?         yang:counter64
               +-- num-total-succ?        yang:counter64
               +-- num-total-fail?        yang:counter64
               +-- num-total-last-req?    yang:gauge64
               +-- num-total-last-succ?   yang:gauge64
               +-- num-total-last-fail?   yang:gauge64
             grouping network-map-stats:
               +-- num-map-pid?   yang:gauge64
             grouping prop-map-stats:
               +-- num-map-entry?   yang:gauge64
             grouping cdni-stats:
               +-- num-base-obj?   yang:gauge64
             grouping upd-stream-stats:
               +-- num-upd-stream?           yang:gauge64
               +-- num-upd-msg-total?        yang:gauge64
               +-- num-upd-msg-max?          yang:gauge64
               +-- num-upd-msg-min?          yang:gauge64
               +-- num-upd-msg-avg?          yang:gauge64
               +-- num-upd-msg-total-last?   yang:gauge64
               +-- num-upd-msg-max-last?     yang:gauge64
               +-- num-upd-msg-min-last?     yang:gauge64

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               +-- num-upd-msg-avg-last?     yang:gauge64
             grouping resource-level-stats:
               +-- discontinuity-time?    yang:timestamp
               +-- last-report-time?      yang:timestamp
               +-- num-res-upd?           yang:counter64
               +-- res-mem-size?          uint64
               +-- res-enc-size?          uint64
               +-- num-res-req?           yang:counter64
               +-- num-res-succ?          yang:counter64
               +-- num-res-fail?          yang:counter64
               +-- num-res-last-req?      yang:gauge64
               +-- num-res-last-succ?     yang:gauge64
               +-- num-res-last-fail?     yang:gauge64
               +-- network-map-stats
               |  +---u network-map-stats
               +-- endpoint-prop-stats
               |  +---u prop-map-stats
               +-- property-map-stats
               |  +---u prop-map-stats
               +-- cdni-stats
               |  +---u cdni-stats
               +-- upd-stream-stats

                 Figure 10: IETF ALTO Statistics Structure

6.1.  Model for ALTO Server Failure Monitoring

   To satisfy R6 in Section 4.2, the "ietf-alto-stats" module contains
   statistics that indicate server failures (Figure 10).

   More specifically, 'num-total-*' and 'num-total-last-*' provide
   server-level failure counters; 'num-res-*' and 'num-res-last-*'
   provide information resource-level failure counters.

6.2.  Model for ALTO-specific Performance Monitoring

   To satisfy R7 in Section 4.2,the "ietf-alto-stats" module also
   contains statistics for ALTO-specific performance metrics
   (Figure 10).

   More specifically, this data model contains the following measurement
   information of "system and service performance" suggested by
   [RFC7285] and [RFC7971]:

   *  Requests and responses for each information resource

   *  CPU and memory utilization

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   *  ALTO map updates

   *  Number of PIDs

   *  ALTO map sizes

   Besides the above measurement information suggested by [RFC7285] and
   [RFC7971], the "ietf-alto-stats" module also contains useful
   measurement information for other ALTO extensions:

   *  'num-map-entry' and 'num-base-obj' provide measurement for number
      of generic ALTO entities (for [RFC9240] and [RFC9241])

   *  'num-upd-stream' and 'num-upd-msg-*' provide statistics for update
      streams and messages (for [RFC8189])

   The "ietf-alto-stats" module only focuses on the performance metrics
   that can be directly measured at the ALTO server.  The following
   metrics for "measurement of the impact" suggested by [RFC7971] are
   not contained in this data model:

   *  Total amount and distribution of traffic

   *  Application performance

7.  ALTO OAM YANG Modules

7.1.  The "ietf-alto" YANG Module

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-alto@2023-02-23.yang"
   module ietf-alto {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-alto";
     prefix alto;

     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix inet;
         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types, Section 4";
     import ietf-truststore {
       prefix ts;
         "RFC BBBB: A YANG Data Model for a Truststore";
     import ietf-tcp-server {
       prefix tcp;

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         "RFC DDDD: YANG Groupings for TCP Clients and TCP Servers";
     import ietf-tls-server {
       prefix tls;
         "RFC FFFF: YANG Groupings for TLS Clients and TLS Servers";
     import ietf-http-server {
       prefix http;
         "RFC GGGG: YANG Groupings for HTTP Clients and HTTP Servers";

       "IETF ALTO Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <>
        WG List:  <>";
       "This YANG module defines a set of configured and operational
        parameters of an administrated ALTO server instance.

        Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
        the license terms contained in, the Revised BSD License set
        forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX
        (; see the RFC itself
        for full legal notices.";

     revision 2023-02-23 {
         "Initial Version.";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer Traffic
                    Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     // Features

     feature alto-client {

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         "Indicates that the implementation embeds an ALTO client
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)

     feature alto-server {
         "Indicates that the implementation embeds an ALTO server
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)

     feature http-listen {
         "The 'http-listen' feature is only used for test deployment.
          This feature shouldn't be used in the production
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 8.3.5 ";

     feature xdom-disc {
         "Indicates support of cross-domain server discovery.";
         "RFC 8686: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Cross-Domain Server Discovery";

     feature multi-cost {
         "Indicates support of multi-cost extension.";
         "RFC 8189: Multi-Cost Application-Layer Traffic Optimization

     feature incr-update {
         "Indicates support of incremental update extension.";
         "RFC 8895: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Incremental Updates Using Server-Sent Events

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     feature cost-calendar {
         "Indicates support of cost calendar extension.";
         "RFC 8896: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Cost

     feature propmap {
         "Indicates support of entity property map extension.";
         "RFC 9240: An ALTO Extension: Entity Property Maps";

     feature cdni {
         "Indicates support of CDNi extension.";
         "RFC 9241: Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI)
                    Request Routing: CDNI Footprint and Capabilities
                    Advertisement using ALTO";

     feature path-vector {
         "Indicates support of path vector extension.";
         "RFC 9275: An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic
                    Optimization (ALTO): Path Vector";

     feature performance-metrics {
         "Indicates support of performance metrics extension.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics";

     // Base identities

     identity resource-type {
         "Base identity for type of information resource.";

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         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 8.1 ";

     identity source-type {
         "Base identity for type of data source. A data source
          indicates the origin from which the ALTO information
          resources are derived.";

     identity cost-metric {
         "The cost metric indicates what the cost represents.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 6.1.1";

     identity cost-mode {
         "The cost mode indicates how costs should be interpreted.
          Specifically, the cost mode attribute indicates whether
          indicated costs should be interpreted as numerical
          values or ordinal rankings.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 6.1.2
          RFC 9274: A Cost Mode Registry for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     identity cost-source {
         "The cost source indicates the high-level type of the
          data source.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 3.1";

     // Identities for ALTO information resources

     identity ird {
       base resource-type;
         "Identity for information resource directory.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)

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                    Protocol, Section 9";

     identity network-map {
       base resource-type;
         "Identity for network map.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 5";

     identity cost-map {
       base resource-type;
         "Identity for cost map.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 6";

     identity endpoint-prop {
       base resource-type;
         "Identity for endpoint property service.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 11.4.1";

     identity endpoint-cost {
       base resource-type;
         "Identity for endpoint cost service.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 11.5.1";

     identity property-map {
       base resource-type;
         "Identity for property map.";
         "RFC 9240: An ALTO Extension: Entity Property Maps";

     identity cdni {

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       base resource-type;
         "Identity for Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI)
          advertisement service.";
         "RFC 9241: Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI)
                    Request Routing: CDNI Footprint and Capabilities
                    Advertisement using ALTO";

     identity update {
       base resource-type;
         "Identity for update stream service.";
         "RFC 8895: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Incremental Updates Using Server-Sent Events

     // Identities for cost mode

     identity numerical {
       base cost-mode;
         "This mode indicates that it is safe to perform numerical
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section";

     identity ordinal {
       base cost-mode;
         "This mode indicates that the cost values in a cost map
          represent ranking";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section";

     identity array {
       if-feature "path-vector";
       base cost-mode;
         "This mode indicates that every cost value in the response
          body of a (Filtered) Cost Map or an Endpoint Cost Service is

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          interpreted as a JSON array.";
         "RFC 9275: An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic
                    Optimization (ALTO): Path Vector, Section 6.5.2";

     // Identities for cost metrics

     identity routingcost {
       base cost-metric;
         "This metric conveys a generic measure for the cost of
          routing traffic from a source to a destination.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section";

     identity ane-path {
       if-feature "path-vector";
       base cost-metric;
         "This metric indicates that the value of such a cost type
          conveys an array of Abstract Network Element (ANE) names,
          where each ANE name uniquely represents an ANE traversed by
          traffic from a source to a destination.";
         "RFC 9275: An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic
                    Optimization (ALTO): Path Vector, Section 6.5.1";

     identity delay-ow {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;
         "One-way delay.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 4.1";

     identity delay-rt {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;
         "Round-trip delay.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 4.2";

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     identity delay-variation {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;
         "Delay variation.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 4.3";

     identity lossrate {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;
         "Loss rate.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 4.4";

     identity hopcount {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;
         "Hop count.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 4.5";

     identity tput {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;
         "TCP throughput.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 5.1";

     identity bw-residual {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;
         "Residual bandwidth.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 5.2";

     identity bw-available {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-metric;

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         "Available bandwidth.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 5.3";

     // Identities for cost sources

     identity nominal {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-source;
         "The 'nominal' category indicates that the metric value is
          statically configured by the underlying devices.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 3.1";

     identity sla {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-source;
         "The 'sla' category indicates that the metric value is
          derived from some commitment which this document refers to
          as service-level agreement (SLA).";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 3.1";

     identity estimation {
       if-feature "performance-metrics";
       base cost-source;
         "The 'estimation' category indicates that the metric value is
          computed through an estimation process.";
         "RFC 9439: ALTO Performance Cost Metrics, Section 3.1";

     // Typedefs

     typedef resource-id {
       type string {
         length "1..64";
         pattern '[0-9a-zA-Z\-:@_]*';
         "Type for a resource ID that are used to reference an ALTO

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          information resource.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 9.1.1";

     typedef cost-type-name {
       type string {
         length "1..max";
         "Type for the name of a single CostType that can be
          referenced by other ALTO information resources.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 9.2.2";

     typedef meta-key {
       type string {
         length "1..max";
         "Type for a custom meta key of an ALTO server.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 8.4.1";

     typedef endpoint-property {
       type union {
         type resource-specific-endpoint-property;
         type global-endpoint-property;
         "Type for an endpoint property.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 10.8";

     typedef resource-specific-endpoint-property {
       type string {
         length "1..97";
         pattern '[0-9a-zA-Z\-:@_]*\.[0-9a-zA-Z\-:_]*';
         "Type for a resource-specific endpoint property.";

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         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 10.8.1";

     typedef global-endpoint-property {
       type string {
         length "1..32";
         pattern '[0-9a-zA-Z\-:_]*';
         "Type for a global endpoint property.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 10.8.2";

     typedef source-id {
       type string {
         length "1..max";
         "Type for a data source ID that are used to reference a data

     typedef role-name {
       type string {
         length "1..max";
         "Type for a name of a role for role-based access control.";

     // Typedefs for referencing purposes

     typedef cost-type-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:cost-type"
            + "/alto:cost-type-name";
         "Type to reference a cost type name.";

     typedef data-source-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:data-source"

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            + "/alto:source-id";
         "Type to reference a data source identifier.";

     typedef http-user-id-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:listen"
            + "/alto:http/alto:http-server-parameters"
            + "/alto:client-authentication/alto:users"
            + "/alto:user/alto:user-id";
         "Type to reference an HTTP client user id.";

     typedef https-user-id-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:listen"
            + "/alto:https/alto:http-server-parameters"
            + "/alto:client-authentication/alto:users"
            + "/alto:user/alto:user-id";
         "Type to reference an HTTPS client user id.";

     typedef inline-ca-cert-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:listen"
            + "/alto:https/alto:tls-server-parameters"
            + "/alto:client-authentication/alto:ca-certs"
            + "/alto:inline-definition/alto:certificate"
            + "/alto:name";
         "Type to reference a TLS CA certificate.";

     typedef inline-ee-cert-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:listen"
            + "/alto:https/alto:tls-server-parameters"
            + "/alto:client-authentication/alto:ee-certs"
            + "/alto:inline-definition/alto:certificate"
            + "/alto:name";

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         "Type to reference a TLS EE certificate.";

     typedef inline-raw-public-key-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:listen"
            + "/alto:https/alto:tls-server-parameters"
            + "/alto:client-authentication/alto:raw-public-keys"
            + "/alto:inline-definition/alto:public-key"
            + "/alto:name";
         "Type to reference a raw pubic key.";

     typedef resource-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:resource"
            + "/alto:resource-id";
         "Type to reference a resource identifier.";

     typedef role-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:role"
            + "/alto:role-name";
         "Type to reference a role.";

     typedef client-ref {
       type leafref {
         path "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:auth-client"
            + "/alto:client-id";
         "Type to reference an authenticated client.";

     // Groupings

     grouping filter-costmap-cap {
         "This grouping defines a data model for

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         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section";
       leaf-list cost-type-name {
         type cost-type-ref;
         min-elements 1;
           "Supported cost types.";
       leaf cost-constraints {
         type boolean;
         default false;
           "If set to true, then the ALTO server allows cost
            constraints to be included in requests to the
            corresponding URI.";
       leaf max-cost-types {
         if-feature "multi-cost";
         type uint32;
         default "0";
           "If present with value N greater than 0, this resource
            understands the multi-cost extensions and can return a
            multi-cost map with any combination of N or
            fewer cost types in the 'cost-type-names' list.";
       leaf-list testable-cost-type-name {
         if-feature "multi-cost";
         type cost-type-ref;
           "If present, the resource allows constraint tests, but only
            on the cost type names in this array.";
       container calendar-attributes {
         if-feature "cost-calendar";
           "Configuration for CalendarAttributes.";
           "RFC 8896: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                      Cost Calendar, Section 4.1";
         leaf-list cost-type-name {
           type cost-type-ref;
           min-elements 1;
             "An array of one or more elements indicating the cost
              type names in the IRD entry to which the values of

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              'time-interval-size' and 'number-of-intervals' apply.";
         leaf time-interval-size {
           type decimal64 {
             fraction-digits 4;
           units "seconds";
           mandatory true;
             "The duration of an ALTO Calendar time interval.";
         leaf number-of-intervals {
           type uint32 {
             range "1..max";
           mandatory true;
             "A strictly positive integer (greater or equal to 1) that
              indicates the number of values of the Cost Calendar

     grouping algorithm {
         "This grouping defines the base data model for information
          resource creation algorithm.";
       choice algorithm {
         mandatory true;
           "Information resource creation algorithm to be augmented.";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer Traffic
                    Optimization (ALTO) Protocol, Section 5.4.2";

     grouping alto-server {
         "A reuseable grouping for configuring an ALTO server without
          any consideration for how underlying transport sessions are
       leaf base-uri {
         type inet:uri;
           "The base URI for the ALTO server.";

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     grouping alto-server-listen-stack {
         "A reuseable grouping for configuring an ALTO server
          'listen' protocol stack for a single connection.";
       choice transport {
         mandatory true;
           "Selects between available transports.";
         case http {
           if-feature "http-listen";
           container http {
               "Configures ALTO server stack assuming that
                TLS-termination is handled externally.";
             container tcp-server-parameters {
                 "A wrapper around the TCP server parameters
                  to avoid name collisions.";
               uses tcp:tcp-server-grouping {
                 refine "local-port" {
                   default "80";
                     "The RESTCONF server will listen on the IANA-
                      assigned well-known port value for 'http' (80)
                      if no value is specified.";
             container http-server-parameters {
                 "A wrapper around the HTTP server parameters
                  to avoid name collisions.";
               uses http:http-server-grouping;
             container alto-server-parameters {
                 "A wrapper around the ALTO server parameters
                  to avoid name collisiions.";
               uses alto-server;
         case https {
           container https {
               "Configures ALTO server stack assuming that

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                TLS-termination is handled internally.";
             container tcp-server-parameters {
                 "A wrapper around the TCP server parameters
                  to avoid name collisions.";
               uses tcp:tcp-server-grouping {
                 refine "local-port" {
                   default "443";
                     "The ALTO server will listen on the IANA-
                      assigned well-known port value for 'https'
                      (443) if no value is specified.";
             container tls-server-parameters {
                 "A wrapper around the TLS server parameters
                  to avoid name collisions.";
               uses tls:tls-server-grouping;
             container http-server-parameters {
                 "A wrapper around the HTTP server parameters
                  to avoid name collisions.";
               uses http:http-server-grouping;
             container alto-server-parameters {
                 "A wrapper around the ALTO server parameters
                  to avoid name collisions.";
               uses alto-server;

     grouping alto-server-discovery {
         "Grouping for the configuration of how to set up server
          discovery for clients or other ALTO servers to discovery the
          URI of this ALTO server.";
       choice method {
           "Selects among available server discovery methods.";
         case reverse-dns {
           if-feature "xdom-disc";

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             "Configures DNS NAPTR records for cross-domain ALTO server
              discovery using reverse DNS lookup.";
             "RFC 8686: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                        Cross-Domain Server Discovery.";
           container rdns-naptr-records {
               "Configuration parameters for DNS NAPTR records.";
             leaf-list static-prefix {
               type inet:ip-prefix;
                 "Specifies a list of static IP prefixes.";
             leaf-list dynamic-prefix-source {
               type data-source-ref;
                 "Dynamic IP prefixes collected from data sources.";

     grouping alto-server-discovery-client {
         "Grouping for configuration of how a client can discover
          an ALTO server.";
       choice method {
           "Selects among available server discovery methods.";
         case reverse-dns {
           if-feature "xdom-disc";
             "Uses reverse DNS lookup to discover an ALTO server.";
             "RFC 8686: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                        Cross-Domain Server Discovery.";
           container rdns-params {
               "Defines a set of parameters for reverse DNS
             leaf-list dns-server {
               type inet:host;
                 "Provides a DNS server list for reverse DNS lookup.";

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     grouping alto-logging-system {
         "Grouping for configuration of logging system used by the
          ALTO server.";
       choice logging-system {
           "Selects among available logging systems.";
         case syslog {
             "Specifies syslog as the logging system.";
           container syslog-params {
               "Provides a set of syslog parameters.";
             leaf config-file {
               type inet:uri {
                 pattern 'file:.*';
                 "Indicates the file location of the syslog

     grouping inline-or-truststore-ca-cert-ref {
         "Grouping for the reference of a CA certificate to
          authenticate the TLS client.";
       choice inline-or-truststore {
           "Selects between inline and truststore";
         case inline {
           if-feature "ts:inline-definitions-supported";
           leaf inline {
             type inline-ca-cert-ref;
               "Reference to an inline CA certificate configured by
                the TLS server.";
             "Reference of an inline CA certificate to authenticate
              the TLS client.";

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         case central-truststore {
           if-feature "ts:central-truststore-supported";
           if-feature "ts:certificates";
           uses ts:certificate-ref-grouping;
             "Reference of a CA certificate in the truststore to
              authenticate the TLS client.";

     grouping inline-or-truststore-ee-cert-ref {
         "Grouping for the reference of a EE certificate to
          authenticate the TLS client.";
       choice inline-or-truststore {
           "Selects between inline and truststore";
         case inline {
           if-feature "ts:inline-definitions-supported";
           leaf inline {
             type inline-ee-cert-ref;
               "Reference to an inline EE certificate configured by
                the TLS server.";
             "Reference of an inline EE certificate to authenticate
              the TLS client.";
         case central-truststore {
           if-feature "ts:central-truststore-supported";
           if-feature "ts:certificates";
           uses ts:certificate-ref-grouping;
             "Reference of a EE certificate in the truststore to
              authenticate the TLS client.";

     grouping inline-or-truststore-public-key-ref {
         "Grouping for the reference of a raw public key to
          authenticate the TLS client.";
       choice inline-or-truststore {

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           "Selects between inline and truststore";
         case inline {
           if-feature "ts:inline-definitions-supported";
           leaf inline {
             type inline-raw-public-key-ref;
               "Reference to an inline public key configured by the
                TLS server.";
             "Reference of an inline public key to authenticate the
              TLS client.";
         case central-truststore {
           if-feature "ts:central-truststore-supported";
           if-feature "ts:public-keys";
           uses ts:public-key-ref-grouping;
             "Reference of a raw public key in the truststore to
              authenticate the TLS client.";

     // Top-level container

     container alto {
       presence "The ALTO service is enabled";
         "Indicates a set of parameters for both ALTO clients and
          servers. A single device can implement either alto-client or
          alto-server. No need to implement both.";
       list alto-client {
         if-feature alto-client;
         key "client-id";
           "The ALTO client configuration.";
         leaf client-id {
           type string;
             "A unique identifier of a client that can be referenced
              by a data source or a resource creation algorithm to
              communicate with other ALTO servers.";
         container server-discovery {
             "Specifies a set of parameters for ALTO server discovery.";
           uses alto-server-discovery-client;

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       container alto-server {
         if-feature alto-server;
           "The ALTO server instance configuration.";
         container listen {
             "Configure the ALTO server to listen for ALTO clients.";
           uses alto-server-listen-stack;
         container server-discovery {
             "Configures how the ALTO server to be discovered by
           uses alto-server-discovery;
         container logging-system {
             "Configure logging system to capture log messages
              generated by the ALTO server.";
           uses alto-logging-system;
         list cost-type {
           key "cost-type-name";
             "Mapping between name and referenced cost type.";
           leaf cost-type-name {
             type cost-type-name;
               "The name to reference a cost type.";
           leaf cost-mode {
             type identityref {
               base cost-mode;
             mandatory true;
               "The referenced cost mode.";
           leaf cost-metric {
             type identityref {
               base cost-metric;
             mandatory true;
               "The referenced cost metric.";

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           leaf description {
             type string;
               "A human-readable description fo the 'cost-mode' and
           container cost-context {
             if-feature "performance-metrics";
               "Context of how the metric is obtained.";
             leaf cost-source {
               type identityref {
                 base cost-source;
               mandatory true;
                 "The referenced cost source.";
             container parameters {
                 "Additional computation parameters for the cost
               choice parameters {
                   "Cases of parameters to be augmented.";
         list meta {
           key "meta-key";
             "Mapping of custom meta information";
             "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
                        (ALTO) Protocol, Section 8.4.1";
           leaf meta-key {
             type meta-key;
               "Custom meta key";
           leaf meta-value {
             type binary;
             mandatory true;
               "Custom meta value encoded with the base64 encoding
                schema. The encoded value must be a valid JSON

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         list auth-client {
           key "client-id";
             "List of authenticated ALTO clients.";
           leaf client-id {
             type string;
               "Identifier to reference an ALTO client.";
           choice authentication {
               "Choice of authentication methods to identify this
                ALTO client. If no authentication method is
                configured, the client must be ignored.";
             case http {
                 "The client is authenticated by the HTTP server.";
               container http-auth-client {
                 if-feature "http-listen";
                 if-feature "http:client-auth-supported";
                 if-feature "http:local-users-supported";
                   "Parameters of the authenticated HTTP client.";
                 leaf user-id {
                   type http-user-id-ref;
                   mandatory true;
                     "Reference of the user-id for the authenticated
                      HTTP client.";
             case https {
                 "The client is authenticated by the HTTP server.";
               container https-auth-client {
                 if-feature "http:client-auth-supported";
                 if-feature "http:local-users-supported";
                   "Parameters to identify an authenticated HTTPS
                 leaf user-id {
                   type https-user-id-ref;
                     "Reference of the user-id for the authenticated
                      HTTPS client.";

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               container tls-auth-client {
                 if-feature "tls:client-auth-supported";
                   "Parameters to identify na authenticated TLS
                 container ca-cert {
                   if-feature "tls:client-auth-x509-cert";
                     "Reference of the CA certificate to authenticate
                      the TLS client.";
                   uses inline-or-truststore-ca-cert-ref;
                 container ee-cert {
                   if-feature "tls:client-auth-x509-cert";
                     "Reference of the EE certificate to authenticate
                      the TLS client.";
                   uses inline-or-truststore-ee-cert-ref;
                 container raw-public-key {
                   if-feature "tls:client-auth-raw-public-key";
                     "Reference of the raw public key to authenticate
                      the TLS client.";
                   uses inline-or-truststore-public-key-ref;
                 leaf tls12-psks {
                   if-feature "tls:client-auth-tls12-psk";
                   type empty;
                     "Identicate that the client is authenticated by
                      the TLS server using the configured PSKs
                      (pre-shared or pairwise-symmetric keys).";
                 leaf tls13-epsks {
                   if-feature "tls:client-auth-tls13-epsk";
                   type empty;
                     "Identicate that the client is authenticated by
                      the TLS 1.3 server using the configured external
                      PSKs (pre-shared keys).";

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         list role {
           key "role-name";
             "List of roles for access control.";
           leaf role-name {
             type role-name;
               "Name of a role for access control.";
           leaf-list client {
             type client-ref;
               "List of authenticated ALTO clients assigned to the
         list data-source {
           key "source-id";
             "List of subscribed data sources.";
           leaf source-id {
             type source-id;
               "Data source id that can be referenced by information
                resource creation algorithms.";
           leaf source-type {
             type identityref {
               base source-type;
             mandatory true;
               "Identify the type of the data source.";
           container source-params {
               "Data source specific configuration.";
               "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                          Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol,
                          Section 5.4.1";
         list resource {
           key "resource-id";
             "ALTO information resources to be defined";
           leaf resource-id {

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             type resource-id;
               "resource-id to be defined.";
           leaf resource-type {
             type identityref {
               base resource-type;
             mandatory true;
               "identityref to be defined.";
           leaf description {
             type string;
               "The optional description for this information
           leaf-list accepted-role {
             type role-ref;
               "Roles allowed to access this information resource.";
           leaf-list dependency {
             type resource-ref;
               "A list of dependent information resources.";
           container alto-ird-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:ird")';
               "IRD-specific configuration.";
             leaf delegation {
               type inet:uri;
               mandatory true;
                 "Upstream IRD to be delegated.";
           container alto-networkmap-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:network-map")';
               "Filtered Network Map specific configuration.";
               "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
                          (ALTO) Protocol, Sections 11.2.1 and

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             leaf is-default {
               type boolean;
                 "Sets whether this is the default network map.";
             leaf filtered {
               type boolean;
               default false;
                 "Configures whether filtered network map is
             uses algorithm;
           container alto-costmap-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:cost-map")';
               "Filtered Cost Map specific configuration.";
               "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
                          (ALTO) Protocol, Sections 11.2.2 and
             leaf filtered {
               type boolean;
                 "Configures whether filtered cost map is supported.";
             uses filter-costmap-cap;
             uses algorithm;
           container alto-endpointcost-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:endpoint-cost")';
               "Endpoint Cost Service specific configuration.";
               "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
                          (ALTO) Protocol, Section 11.5";
             uses filter-costmap-cap;
             uses algorithm;
           container alto-endpointprop-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:endpoint-prop")';
               "Endpoint Cost Service specific configuration.";

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               "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
                          (ALTO) Protocol, Section 11.5";
             leaf-list prop-type {
               type endpoint-property;
               min-elements 1;
                 "Supported endpoint properties.";
             uses algorithm;
           container alto-propmap-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:property-map")';
             if-feature "propmap";
               "(Filtered) Entity Property Map specific
               "RFC 9240: An ALTO Extension: Entity Property Maps";
             uses algorithm;
           container alto-cdni-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:cdni")';
             if-feature "cdni";
               "CDNi specific configuration.";
               "RFC 9241: Content Delivery Network Interconnection
                          (CDNI) Request Routing: CDNI Footprint and
                          Capabilities Advertisement using ALTO";
             uses algorithm;
           container alto-update-params {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../resource-type,'
                + '"alto:update")';
             if-feature "incr-update";
               "Incremental Updates specific configuration.";
               "RFC 8895: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
                          (ALTO) Incremental Updates Using Server-Sent
                          Events (SSE)";
             uses algorithm;
           container resource-limits {

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               "Sets resource limits.";
             leaf notify-res-mem-limit {
               type uint64;
               units "bytes";
                 "Notification of resource memory usage.

                  Notification must be generated when the defined
                  threshold is reached.";
             leaf notify-upd-stream-limit {
               when 'derived-from-or-self(../../resource-type,'
                  + '"alto:update")';
               if-feature "incr-update";
               type uint64;
                 "Notification of number of active update streams.

                  Notification must be generated when the defined
                  threshold is reached.";

     // Notifications

     notification alto-resource-event {
       if-feature alto-server;
         "Notifications must be generated when notify-res-mem-limit
          and/or notify-upd-stream-limit thresholds are reached.";
       leaf resource-id {
         type resource-ref;
         mandatory true;
           "Resource identifier.";
       leaf notify-res-mem-threshold {
         type uint64;
         units "bytes";
           "The notify-res-mem-limit threshold has been fired.";
       leaf notify-upd-stream-threshold {
         if-feature "incr-update";
         type uint64;

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           "The notify-upd-stream-limit threshold has been fired.";

7.2.  The "ietf-alto-stats" YANG Module

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-alto-stats@2023-02-23.yang"
   module ietf-alto-stats {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-alto-stats";
     prefix alto-stats;

     import ietf-yang-types {
       prefix yang;
         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types, Section 3";
     import ietf-alto {
       prefix alto;
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

       "IETF ALTO Working Group";
       "WG Web:   <>
        WG List:  <>";
       "This YANG module defines a set of statistics of an ALTO
        server instance.

        Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject to
        the license terms contained in, the Revised BSD License set
        forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX
        (; see the RFC itself

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        for full legal notices.";

     revision 2023-02-23 {
         "Initial Version.";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     // Groupings

     grouping server-level-stats {
         "This grouping defines statistics for server-level
       leaf discontinuity-time {
         type yang:timestamp;
           "The time on the most recent occasion at which the ALTO
            server suffered a discontinuity. This must be initialized
            when the ALTO server is configured or rebooted.";
       leaf last-report-time {
         type yang:timestamp;
           "The time on the most recent occasion at which the
            statistics were reported.";
       leaf num-total-req {
         type yang:counter64;
           "The total number of ALTO requests received by the ALTO
       leaf num-total-succ {
         type yang:counter64;
           "The total number of successful responses sent by the ALTO
       leaf num-total-fail {
         type yang:counter64;
           "The total number of failed responses sent by the ALTO
       leaf num-total-last-req {

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         type yang:gauge64;
           "The total number of ALTO requests received by the ALTO
            server within the last time window. The duration of the
            time window is configured by time-window-size parameter.";
       leaf num-total-last-succ {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The total number of successful responses sent by the ALTO
            server within the last time window. The duration of the
            time window is configured by time-window-size parameter.";
       leaf num-total-last-fail {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The total number of failed responses sent by the ALTO
            server within the last time window. The duration of the
            time window is configured by time-window-size parameter.";

     grouping network-map-stats {
         "This grouping defines resource-specific statstics for the
          network map service only.";
       leaf num-map-pid {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "Number of PIDs contained in the network map.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 5";

     grouping prop-map-stats {
         "This grouping defines resource-specific statstics for the
          endpoint property or property map service only.";
       leaf num-map-entry {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "Number of ALTO entities contained in the property map.";
         "RFC 7285: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Protocol, Section 11.4.1

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          RFC 9240: An ALTO Extension: Entity Property Maps";

     grouping cdni-stats {
         "This grouping defines resource-specific statstics for the
          CDNI advertisement service only.";
       leaf num-base-obj {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "Number of base CDNi advertisement objects contained in the
            CDNI resource.";
         "RFC 9241: Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI)
                    Request Routing: CDNI Footprint and Capabilities
                    Advertisement using ALTO";

     grouping upd-stream-stats {
         "This grouping defines resource-specific statstics for the
          update stream service only.";
       leaf num-upd-stream {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "Number of active update streams connected to the update
            stream service.";
       leaf num-upd-msg-total {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "Total number of update messages sent to all the active
            update streams.";
       leaf num-upd-msg-max {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The maximum value over the total number of update messages
            sent to each active update stream. Assume there are 3
            active update streams A, B, and C with 4, 3, and 2 update
            messages sent to them respectively, the value of this
            metric is 4. After a while, if there is no new update
            message sent to any update stream, but the update stream A
            is closed, then the value of this metric is updated to
       leaf num-upd-msg-min {

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         type yang:gauge64;
           "The minimum value over the total number of update messages
            sent to each active update stream. The procedure is similar
            to num-msg-max.";
       leaf num-upd-msg-avg {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The average value over the total number of update messages
            sent to each active update stream. The procedure is similar
            to num-msg-max.";
       leaf num-upd-msg-total-last {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "Total number of update messages sent to all the active
            update streams within the last time window. The duration
            of the time window is configured by time-window-size
       leaf num-upd-msg-max-last {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The maximum value over the number of update messages sent
            to each active update stream within the last time window.
            The procedure is similar to num-msg-max, but only count
            the update messages within the last time window. The
            duration of the time window is configured by
            time-window-size parameter.";
       leaf num-upd-msg-min-last {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The minimal value over the number of update messages sent
            to each active update stream within the last time window.
            The procedure is similar to num-msg-max, but only count
            the update messages within the last time window. The
            duration of the time window is configured by
            time-window-size parameter.";
       leaf num-upd-msg-avg-last {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The average value over the number of update messages sent
            to each active update stream within the last time window.
            The procedure is similar to num-msg-max, but only count
            the update messages within the last time window. The

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            duration of the time window is configured by
            time-window-size parameter.";
         "RFC 8895: Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
                    Incremental Updates Using Server-Sent Events

     grouping resource-level-stats {
         "This grouping defines statistics for resource-level
       leaf discontinuity-time {
         type yang:timestamp;
           "The time on the most recent occasion at which the ALTO
            service providing the information resource suffered a
            discontinuity. This must be initialized when the ALTO
            information resource is configured or the ALTO server is
       leaf last-report-time {
         type yang:timestamp;
           "The time on the most recent occasion at which the
            statistics are reported.";
       leaf num-res-upd {
         type yang:counter64;
           "The number of version updates since the information
            resource was created.";
       leaf res-mem-size {
         type uint64;
         units "bytes";
           "Memory size utilized by the information resource.";
       leaf res-enc-size {
         type uint64;
         units "bytes";
           "Size of JSON encoded data of the information resource.";
       leaf num-res-req {
         type yang:counter64;

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           "The total number of ALTO requests to this information
       leaf num-res-succ {
         type yang:counter64;
           "The total number of successful responses for requests to
            this information resource.";
       leaf num-res-fail {
         type yang:counter64;
           "The total number of failed responses for requests to this
            information resource.";
       leaf num-res-last-req {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The number of ALTO requests to this information resource
            within the last time window. The duration of the time
            window is configured by time-window-size parameter.";
       leaf num-res-last-succ {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The number of successful responses for requests to this
            information resource within the last time window. The
            duration of the time window is configured by
            time-window-size parameter.";
       leaf num-res-last-fail {
         type yang:gauge64;
           "The number of failed responses for requests to this
            information resource within the last time window. The
            duration of the time window is configured by
            time-window-size parameter.";
       container network-map-stats {
         when 'derived-from-or-self(../../alto:resource-type,'
            + '"alto:network-map")';
           "Resource-specific statistics for network map
            service only.";
         uses network-map-stats;
       container endpoint-prop-stats {

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         when 'derived-from-or-self(../../alto:resource-type,'
            + '"alto:endpoint-prop")';
           "Resource-specific statistics for endpoint property
            service only.";
         uses prop-map-stats;
       container property-map-stats {
         when 'derived-from-or-self(../../alto:resource-type,'
            + '"alto:property-map")';
           "Resource-specific statistics for entity property map
            service only.";
         uses prop-map-stats;
       container cdni-stats {
         when 'derived-from-or-self(../../alto:resource-type,'
            + '"alto:cdni")';
           "Resource-specific statistics for CDNI advertisement
            service only.";
         uses cdni-stats;
       container upd-stream-stats {
         when 'derived-from-or-self(../../alto:resource-type,'
            + '"alto:update")';
           "Resource-specific statistics for update stream service
         uses upd-stream-stats;

     // Augment modules to add statistics

     augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server" {
         "Augmenting statistics and configuration parameters for
          server-level monitoring.";
       container server-level-monitor-config {
           "Configuration parameters for server-level monitoring.";
         leaf time-window-size {
           type uint32;
           units "seconds";
           default "300";
             "Duration of the time window within that the statistics

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              are reported.";
       container server-level-stats {
         config false;
           "Top-level statistics for the whole ALTO server.";
         uses server-level-stats;

     augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:resource" {
         "Augmenting statistics and configuration parameters for
          resource-level monitoring.";
       container resource-level-stats {
         config false;
           "Common statistics for each information resource.";
         uses resource-level-stats;

8.  Security Considerations

   The "ietf-alto" and "ietf-alto-stats" YANG modules specified in this
   document define a schema for data that is designed to be accessed via
   network management protocols such as NETCONF [RFC6241] or RESTCONF
   [RFC8040].  The lowest NETCONF layer is the secure transport layer,
   and the mandatory-to-implement secure transport is Secure Shell (SSH)
   [RFC6242].  The lowest RESTCONF layer is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-
   implement secure transport is TLS [RFC8446].

   The Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) [RFC8341]
   provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or
   RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or
   RESTCONF protocol operations and content.

   There are a number of data nodes defined in these two YANG modules
   that are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is
   the default).  These data nodes may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  Write operations (e.g.,
   edit-config) and delete operations to these data nodes without proper
   protection or authentication can have a negative effect on network
   operations.  These are the subtrees and data nodes and their
   sensitivity/ vulnerability:

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   '/alto/alto-client/server-discovery':  This subtree specifies a set
      of parameters for an ALTO client to discover ALTO servers.
      Unauthorized access to it could cause intruders to modify the ALTO
      discovery parameters (e.g., 'dns-server') in order to expose an
      ALTO client to fake ALTO servers.  Likewise, this data node can be
      manipulated to prevent an ALTO client from discovering a reachable
      ALTO server.

   '/alto/alto-server/auth-client':  This list specifies all the
      authenticated ALTO clients on an ALTO server.  Unauthorized write
      access to this list can allow intruders to modify the entries so
      as to add a client that have not been authenticated yet or delete
      a client that has already been authenticated.  Likewise, this data
      node can be manipulated to prevent access of legitimate ALTO

   '/alto/alto-server/role':  This list specifies roles which
      authenticated ALTO clients were assigned to for access control.
      Unauthorized write access to this list allow intruders to modify
      the entries so as to permit access that should not be permitted,
      or deny access that should be permitted.

   Some of the readable data nodes in the "ietf-alto" YANG module may be
   considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments.  It
   is thus important to control read access (e.g., via get, get-config,
   or notification) to these data nodes.  These are the subtrees and
   data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

   '/alto/alto-server/logging-system':  This subtree provides
      configuration to select a logging system to capture log messages
      generated by an ALTO server.  Unauthorized read access of this
      node can allow intruders to access logging information, which
      could be used to craft an attack the server.

   The "ietf-alto" supports an HTTP listen mode to cover cases where the
   ALTO server stack does not handle the TLS termination itself, but is
   handled by a separate component.  Special care should be considered
   when such mode is enabled.  Note that the default listen mode is

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   Also, please be aware that these modules include choice nodes that
   can be augmented by other extended modules.  The augmented data nodes
   may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  For instance, an augmented case of the 'source-params'
   choice in 'data-source' may include authentication information about
   how to access a data source including private network information.
   The 'yang-datastore' case in Appendix A.3 is such an example.  The
   'restconf' and 'netconf' nodes in it may reveal the access to a
   private YANG datastore.  Thus, those extended modules may have the
   NACM extension "default-deny-all" set.

   These modules use groupings defined in other RFCs that define data
   nodes that do set the NACM "default-deny-all" and "default-deny-
   write" extensions.  Specifically, the following data nodes reuse
   groupings with their security considerations:

   '/alto/alto-server/listen/http/http-server-parameters':  This subtree
      reuses the 'http-server-grouping' grouping defined in
      [I-D.ietf-netconf-http-client-server].  The security
      considerations of [I-D.ietf-netconf-http-client-server] have been
      applied to it.  Specifically, the 'server-name' and 'client-
      authentication' nodes in it may be considered sensitive or
      vulnerable.  For this reason, the NACM extension "default-deny-
      write" has been applied to them.

   '/alto/alto-server/listen/https/http-server-parameters':  This
      subtree reuses the 'http-server-grouping' grouping defined in
      [I-D.ietf-netconf-http-client-server].  The security
      considerations of [I-D.ietf-netconf-http-client-server] have been
      applied to it.  Specifically, the 'server-name'and 'client-
      authentication' nodes in it may be considered sensitive or
      vulnerable.  For this reason, the NACM extension "default-deny-
      write" has been applied to them.

   '/alto/alto-server/listen/https/tls-server-parameters':  This subtree
      reuses the 'tls-server-grouping' grouping defined in
      [I-D.ietf-netconf-tls-client-server].  The security considerations
      of [I-D.ietf-netconf-tls-client-server] have been applied to it.
      Specifically, all the "key" and "private-key" data nodes in it
      have the NACM extension "default-deny-all" set, thus preventing
      unrestricted read-access to the cleartext key values.  Also, all
      writable data nodes in it may be considered sensitive or
      vulnerable.  For this reason, the NACM extension "default-deny-
      write" has been applied to them.

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9.  IANA Considerations

   This document registers the following URIs in the "IETF XML Registry"

     URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-alto
     Registrant Contact: The IESG.
     XML: N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace.

     URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-alto-stats
     Registrant Contact: The IESG.
     XML: N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace.

   This document registers the following two YANG modules in the "YANG
   Module Names" registry [RFC6020]:

     Name: ietf-alto
     Namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-alto
     Prefix: alto
     Maintained by IANA: N
     Reference: [RFC XXXX]

     Name: ietf-alto-stats
     Namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-alto-stats
     Prefix: alto-stats
     Maintained by IANA: N
     Reference: [RFC XXXX]

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

              Watsen, K., "YANG Groupings for HTTP 1.1/2.0 Clients and
              HTTP Servers", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-netconf-http-client-server-14, 28 December 2023,

              Watsen, K., "NETCONF Client and Server Models", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-netconf-
              client-server-30, 28 December 2023,

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              Watsen, K., "RESTCONF Client and Server Models", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-restconf-
              client-server-30, 28 December 2023,

              Watsen, K. and M. Scharf, "YANG Groupings for TCP Clients
              and TCP Servers", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-netconf-tcp-client-server-17, 28 December 2023,

              Watsen, K., "YANG Groupings for TLS Clients and TLS
              Servers", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              netconf-tls-client-server-34, 28 December 2023,

              Watsen, K., "A YANG Data Model for a Truststore", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-netconf-trust-
              anchors-22, 28 December 2023,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3688]  Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004,

   [RFC5424]  Gerhards, R., "The Syslog Protocol", RFC 5424,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5424, March 2009,

   [RFC6020]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for
              the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6020, October 2010,

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   [RFC6241]  Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
              and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
              (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,

   [RFC6242]  Wasserman, M., "Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure
              Shell (SSH)", RFC 6242, DOI 10.17487/RFC6242, June 2011,

   [RFC6991]  Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., "Common YANG Data Types",
              RFC 6991, DOI 10.17487/RFC6991, July 2013,

   [RFC7285]  Alimi, R., Ed., Penno, R., Ed., Yang, Y., Ed., Kiesel, S.,
              Previdi, S., Roome, W., Shalunov, S., and R. Woundy,
              "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol",
              RFC 7285, DOI 10.17487/RFC7285, September 2014,

   [RFC7286]  Kiesel, S., Stiemerling, M., Schwan, N., Scharf, M., and
              H. Song, "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
              Server Discovery", RFC 7286, DOI 10.17487/RFC7286,
              November 2014, <>.

   [RFC8040]  Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF
              Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8189]  Randriamasy, S., Roome, W., and N. Schwan, "Multi-Cost
              Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)", RFC 8189,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8189, October 2017,

   [RFC8341]  Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration
              Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, March 2018,

   [RFC8342]  Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., Shafer, P., Watsen, K.,
              and R. Wilton, "Network Management Datastore Architecture
              (NMDA)", RFC 8342, DOI 10.17487/RFC8342, March 2018,

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   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC8686]  Kiesel, S. and M. Stiemerling, "Application-Layer Traffic
              Optimization (ALTO) Cross-Domain Server Discovery",
              RFC 8686, DOI 10.17487/RFC8686, February 2020,

   [RFC8895]  Roome, W. and Y. Yang, "Application-Layer Traffic
              Optimization (ALTO) Incremental Updates Using Server-Sent
              Events (SSE)", RFC 8895, DOI 10.17487/RFC8895, November
              2020, <>.

   [RFC8896]  Randriamasy, S., Yang, R., Wu, Q., Deng, L., and N.
              Schwan, "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
              Cost Calendar", RFC 8896, DOI 10.17487/RFC8896, November
              2020, <>.

   [RFC9240]  Roome, W., Randriamasy, S., Yang, Y., Zhang, J., and K.
              Gao, "An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic
              Optimization (ALTO): Entity Property Maps", RFC 9240,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9240, July 2022,

   [RFC9241]  Seedorf, J., Yang, Y., Ma, K., Peterson, J., and J. Zhang,
              "Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Footprint
              and Capabilities Advertisement Using Application-Layer
              Traffic Optimization (ALTO)", RFC 9241,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9241, July 2022,

   [RFC9274]  Boucadair, M. and Q. Wu, "A Cost Mode Registry for the
              Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol",
              RFC 9274, DOI 10.17487/RFC9274, July 2022,

   [RFC9275]  Gao, K., Lee, Y., Randriamasy, S., Yang, Y., and J. Zhang,
              "An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
              (ALTO): Path Vector", RFC 9275, DOI 10.17487/RFC9275,
              September 2022, <>.

   [RFC9439]  Wu, Q., Yang, Y., Lee, Y., Dhody, D., Randriamasy, S., and
              L. Contreras, "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
              (ALTO) Performance Cost Metrics", RFC 9439,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9439, August 2023,

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10.2.  Informative References

              Gao, K., Schott, R., Yang, Y. R., Delwiche, L., and L.
              Keller, "The ALTO Transport Information Publication
              Service", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              alto-new-transport-22, 3 January 2024,

   [RFC6291]  Andersson, L., van Helvoort, H., Bonica, R., Romascanu,
              D., and S. Mansfield, "Guidelines for the Use of the "OAM"
              Acronym in the IETF", BCP 161, RFC 6291,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6291, June 2011,

   [RFC7921]  Atlas, A., Halpern, J., Hares, S., Ward, D., and T.
              Nadeau, "An Architecture for the Interface to the Routing
              System", RFC 7921, DOI 10.17487/RFC7921, June 2016,

   [RFC7971]  Stiemerling, M., Kiesel, S., Scharf, M., Seidel, H., and
              S. Previdi, "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
              Deployment Considerations", RFC 7971,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7971, October 2016,

   [RFC8340]  Bjorklund, M. and L. Berger, Ed., "YANG Tree Diagrams",
              BCP 215, RFC 8340, DOI 10.17487/RFC8340, March 2018,

   [RFC8346]  Clemm, A., Medved, J., Varga, R., Liu, X.,
              Ananthakrishnan, H., and N. Bahadur, "A YANG Data Model
              for Layer 3 Topologies", RFC 8346, DOI 10.17487/RFC8346,
              March 2018, <>.

   [RFC8641]  Clemm, A. and E. Voit, "Subscription to YANG Notifications
              for Datastore Updates", RFC 8641, DOI 10.17487/RFC8641,
              September 2019, <>.

Appendix A.  Examples of Extending the ALTO O&M Data Model

   Developers and operators can also extend the ALTO O&M data model to
   align with their own implementations.  Specifically, the following
   nodes of the data model can be augmented:

   *  The server-discovery-manner choice of the server-discovery.

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   *  The authentication choice of each auth-client.

   *  The data-source node.

   *  The algorithm choice of the resource-params of each resource.

A.1.  An Example Module for Extended Server Discovery Manners

   The base module "ietf-alto" only includes a reverse DNS based server
   discovery manner.  The following example module demonstrates how
   additional server discovery methods can be augmented into the base
   data model.

   The case internet-routing-registry allows the ALTO server to update
   the server URI to the attribute of the corresponding aut-num class in

   The case peeringdb allows the ALTO server to update the server URI to
   the org object of the organization record in PeeringDB.

   module example-alto-server-discovery {
     yang-version 1.1;

     namespace "";
     prefix ex-alto-disc;

     import ietf-alto {
       prefix alto;
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix inet;
         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types";

       "Example, Inc.";

       "Example, Inc.
        Customer Service


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       "This module contains a collection of vendor-specific cases of
        server discovery mechanisms for ALTO.";

     revision 2023-02-28 {
         "Version 1.0";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:server-discovery"
           + "/alto:method" {
         "Examples of server discovery mechanisms provided by the ALTO
       case internet-routing-registry {
           "Update descr attributes of an aut-num class in an Internet
            Routing Registry (IRR) database for ALTO server discovery
            using Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL).";
           "RFC 2622: Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL).";
         container irr-params {
             "Configuration parameters for IRR database.";
           leaf aut-num {
             type inet:as-number;
               "The Autonomous System (AS) number to be updated.";
       case peeringdb {
           "Update metadata of a network record in PeeringDB database
            for ALTO server discovery using PeeringDB lookup.";
         container peeringdb-params {
             "Configuration parameters for PeeringDB database.";
           leaf org-id {
             type uint32;
               "Specifies an identifier that refers to the org object
                of the organization record in PeeringDB.";

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     augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-client"
           + "/alto:server-discovery/alto:method" {
         "Examples of server discovery mechanisms used by an ALTO
       case internet-routing-registry {
           "Use IRR to discover an ALTO server.";
           "RFC 2622: Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL).";
         container irr-params {
             "Configuration for IRR query using RPSL.";
           leaf whois-server {
             type inet:host;
               "Whois server for an IRR query using RPSL.";
       case peeringdb {
           "Use PeeringDB to discover an ALTO server.";
         container peeringdb-params {
             "Configuration for PeeringDB queries.";
           leaf peeringdb-endpoint {
             type inet:uri;
               "Endpoint of PeeringDB API server.";

A.2.  An Example Module for Extended Client Authentication Approaches

   The base module "ietf-alto" only includes the client authentication
   approaches directly provided by the HTTP server.  However, an
   implementation may authenticate clients in different ways.  For
   example, an implementation may delegate the authentication to a
   third-party OAuth 2.0 server.  The following example module
   demonstrates how additional client authentication approaches can
   enrich the base data model.

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   In this example, the oauth2 case includes the URI to a third-party
   OAuth 2.0 based authorization server that the ALTO server can
   redirect to for the client authentication.

   module example-alto-auth {
     yang-version 1.1;

     namespace "";
     prefix ex-alto-auth;

     import ietf-inet-types {
       prefix inet;
         "RFC 6991: Common YANG Data Types";

     import ietf-alto {
       prefix alto;
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

       "Example, Inc.";

       "Example, Inc.
        Customer Service


       "This module contains a collection of vendor-specific cases of
        client authentication approaches for ALTO.";

     revision 2023-02-28 {
         "Version 1.0";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:auth-client"
           + "/alto:authentication" {
         "Example of extended ALTO client authentication approaches.";

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       case oauth2 {
           "Example of authentication by a third-party OAuth 2.0
         container oauth2 {
             "Parameters for authentication by a third-party OAuth 2.0
           leaf oauth2-server {
             type inet:uri;
               "The URI to the authorization server.";

A.3.  Example Module for Extended Data Sources

   The base module "ietf-alto" does not include any choice cases for
   specific data sources.  The following example module demonstrates how
   a implementation-specific data source can be augmented into the base
   data model.

   The yang-datastore case is used to import the YANG data from a YANG
   model-driven datastore.  It includes:

   *  datastore to indicate which datastore is fetched.

   *  target-paths to specify the list of nodes or subtrees in the

   *  protocol to indicate which protocol is used to access the
      datastore.  Either restconf or netconf can be used.

   module example-alto-data-source {
     yang-version 1.1;

     namespace "";
     prefix ex-alto-ds;

     import ietf-alto {
       prefix alto;
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

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     import ietf-datastores {
       prefix ds;
         "RFC 8342: Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA)";

     import ietf-yang-push {
       prefix yp;
         "RFC 8641: Subscription to YANG Notifications for Datastore

     import ietf-netconf-client {
       prefix ncc;
         "RFC HHHH: NETCONF Client and Server Models";

     import ietf-restconf-client {
       prefix rcc;
         "RFC IIII: YANG Groupings for RESTCONF Clients and RESTCONF

       "Example, Inc.";

       "Example, Inc.
        Customer Service


       "This module contains a collection of vendor-specific cases of
        data sources for ALTO.";

     revision 2023-02-28 {
         "Version 1.0";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     identity yang-datastore {

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       base alto:source-type;
         "Identity for data source of YANG-based datastore.";

     identity protocol-type {
         "Base identity for protocol type.";

     identity netconf {
       base protocol-type;
         "Identity for NETCONF protocol.";

     identity restconf {
       base protocol-type;
         "Identity for RESTCONF protocol.";

     augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:data-source"
           + "/alto:source-params" {
       when 'derived-from-or-self(../alto:source-type,'
          + '"yang-datastore")';
         "Example data source for local or remote YANG datastore.";
       container yang-datastore-source-params {
           "YANG datastore specific configuration.";
         leaf datastore {
           type ds:datastore-ref;
           mandatory true;
             "Reference of the datastore from which to get data.";
         list target-paths {
           key name;
             "XML Path Language (XPath) to subscribed YANG datastore
              node or subtree.";
           leaf name {
             type string;
               "Name of the supported XPath or subtree filters.";
           uses yp:selection-filter-types;

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         leaf protocol {
           type identityref {
             base protocol-type;
             "Indicates the protocol that is used to access the YANG
         container restconf {
           uses rcc:restconf-client-app-grouping {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../protocol, "restconf")';
             "Parameters for the RESTCONF endpoint of the YANG
         container netconf {
           uses ncc:netconf-client-app-grouping {
             when 'derived-from-or-self(../protocol, "netconf")';
             "Parameters for the NETCONF endpoint of the YANG

A.4.  An Example Module for Information Resource Creation Algorithm

   The base module "ietf-alto" does not include any choices cases for
   information resource creation algorithms.  But developers may augment
   the "ietf-alto" module with definitions for custom creation
   algorithms for different information resources.  The following
   example module demonstrates the parameters of a network map creation
   algorithm that translates an IETF Layer 3 unicast topology into a
   network map.

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   module: example-alto-alg

     augment /alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:resource
          +--rw l3-unicast-cluster-algorithm
             +--rw l3-unicast-topo
             |  +--rw source-datastore    alto:data-source-ref
             |  +--rw topo-name?          leafref
             +--rw depth?             uint32

   This example defines a creation algorithm called l3-unicast-cluster-
   algorithm for the network map resource.  It takes two algorithm-
   specific parameters:

   'l3-unicast-topo':  This parameter contains information referring to
      the target path name of an operational yang-datastore data source
      node (See Appendix A.3) subscribed in the data-source list (See
      Section 5.4.1).  The referenced target path in the corresponding
      yang-datastore data source is assumed for an IETF layer 3 unicast
      topology defined in [RFC8346].  The algorithm uses the topology
      data from this data source to compute the ALTO network map
      resource. 'source-datastore' refers to the 'source-id' of the
      operational yang-datastore data source node, and 'topo-name'
      refers to the 'name' of the target path in the source datastore.

   'depth':  This optional parameter sets the depth of the clustering
      algorithm.  For example, if the depth is set to 1, the algorithm
      will generate PID for every l3-node in the topology.

   The creation algorithm can be reactively called once the referenced
   data source updates.  Therefore, the ALTO network map resource can be
   updated dynamically.

   module example-alto-alg {
     yang-version 1.1;

     namespace "";
     prefix ex-alto-alg;

     import ietf-alto {
       prefix alto;
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     import ietf-datastores {

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       prefix ietf-datastores;
         "RFC 8342: Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA)";

     import example-alto-data-source {
       prefix ex-alto-ds;

       "Example, Inc.";

       "Example, Inc.
        Customer Service


       "This module contains a collection of vendor-specific cases of
        information resource creation algorithms for ALTO.";

     revision 2023-02-28 {
         "Version 1.0";
         "RFC XXXX: YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer
                    Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol";

     augment "/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:resource"
           + "/alto:alto-networkmap-params/alto:algorithm" {
         "Example of a network map creation algorithm.";
       case l3-unicast-cluster {
           "Example algorithm translating a Layer 3 unicast topology
            of Interface to the Routing System (I2RS) to an ALTO
            network map.";
         container l3-unicast-cluster-algorithm {
             "Parameters for l3-unicast-cluster algorithm.";
           container l3-unicast-topo {
             leaf source-datastore {
               type alto:data-source-ref;
               must 'deref(.)/../alto:source-params'
                  + '/ex-alto-ds:yang-datastore-source-params'
                  + '/ex-alto-ds:datastore '

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                  + '= "ietf-datastores:operational"'
                   "The referenced YANG datastore MUST be
               mandatory true;
                 "The data source to YANG datastore.";
             leaf topo-name {
               type leafref {
                 path '/alto:alto/alto:alto-server/alto:data-source'
                    + '[alto:source-id'
                    + ' = current()/../source-datastore]'
                    + '/alto:source-params'
                    + '/ex-alto-ds:yang-datastore-source-params'
                    + '/ex-alto-ds:target-paths/ex-alto-ds:name';
                 "The name of the IETF Layer 3 unicast topology.";
               "The data source info to an IETF Layer 3 unicast
           leaf depth {
             type uint32;
               "The depth of the clustering.";

A.5.  Example Usage

   This section presents an example showing how the base data model and
   all the extended models above are used to set up an ALTO server and
   configure corresponding components (e.g., data source listener,
   information resource, and access control).

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   =============== NOTE: '\' line wrapping per RFC 8792 ================

     "ietf-alto:alto": {
       "alto-server": {
         "listen": {
           "https": {
             "tcp-server-parameters": {
               "local-address": ""
             "alto-server-parameters": {},
             "http-server-parameters": {
               "server-name": "",
               "client-authentication": {
                 "users": {
                   "user": [
                       "user-id": "alice",
                       "basic": {
                         "user-id": "alice",
                         "password": "$0$p8ssw0rd"
             "tls-server-parameters": {
               "server-identity": {}
         "server-discovery": {
           "example-alto-server-discovery:irr-params": {
             "aut-num": 64496
         "auth-client": [
             "client-id": "alice",
             "https-auth-client": {
               "user-id": "alice"
             "client-id": "bob",
             "example-alto-auth:oauth2": {
               "oauth2-server": ""

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         "role": [
             "role-name": "group0",
             "client": [
         "data-source": [
             "source-id": "test-yang-ds",
             "source-type": "example-alto-data-source:yang-datastore",
             "source-params": {
                                                                     : {
                 "datastore": "ietf-datastores:operational",
                 "target-paths": [
                     "name": "network-topology",
                     "datastore-xpath-filter": "/network-topology:\
                 "protocol": "restconf",
                 "restconf": {
                   "listen": {
                     "endpoint": [
                         "name": "example restconf server",
                         "https": {
                           "tcp-server-parameters": {
                             "local-address": ""
                           "http-client-parameters": {
                             "client-identity": {
                               "basic": {
                                 "user-id": "carol",
                                 "cleartext-password": "secret"

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         "resource": [
             "resource-id": "default-network-map",
             "resource-type": "network-map",
             "accepted-role": [
             "alto-networkmap-params": {
               "is-default": true,
               "example-alto-alg:l3-unicast-cluster-algorithm": {
                 "l3-unicast-topo": {
                   "source-datastore": "test-yang-ds",
                   "topo-name": "network-topology"
                 "depth": 2

   Note that this example only uses a clear text password for
   demonstration purpose.  In practice, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to use any
   clear text passwords when using this data model.

Appendix B.  A Sample ALTO Server Architecture to Implement ALTO O&M
             YANG Modules

   Figure 11 shows a sample architecture for an ALTO server
   implementation.  It indicates the major server components that an
   ALTO server usually needs to include and the YANG modules that these
   server components need to implement.

      This section does not intend to impose an internal structure of
      server implementations, but is provided to exemplify how the
      various data model components can be used, including having
      provisions for future augmentations.

   The following server components need to implement the 'ietf-alto'
   module (Section 5):

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   Server manager:  Provides the functionality and configuration of the
      server-level management, including server listen stack setup,
      server discovery setup, logging system configuration, global
      metadata, and server-level security configuration.

   Information resource manager:  Provides the operation and management
      for creating, updating, and removing ALTO information resources.

   Data source listener:  An ALTO server may start multiple data source
      listeners.  Each data source listener defines a communication
      endpoint that can fetch ALTO-related information from data
      sources.  The information can be either raw network/computation
      information or pre-processed ALTO-level information.

   The following components need to implement the 'ietf-alto-stats'
   module (Section 6) to provide statistics information:

   Performance monitor:  Collects ALTO-specific performance metrics at a
      running ALTO server.

   Logging and fault manager:  Collects runtime logs and failure events
      that are generated by an ALTO server and the service of each ALTO
      information resource.

   The following components are also important for an ALTO server,
   although they are not in the scope of the data models defined in this

   Data broker:  An ALTO server may implement a data broker to store
      network/computation information collected from data sources or
      cache some preprocessed data.  The service of the ALTO information
      resource can read them from the data broker to calculate ALTO
      responses and return to ALTO clients.

   Algorithm plugin:  The service of each ALTO information resource
      needs to configure an algorithm to decide how to calculate the
      ALTO responses.  The algorithm plugins implement those algorithms.
      User-specified YANG modules can be applied to different algorithm
      plugins by augmenting the ALTO modules (Appendix A).

   Generally, the ALTO server components illustrated above have the
   following interactions with each other:

   *  Both the server manager and information resource manager will
      report statistics data to the performance monitor and the logging
      and fault manager.

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   *  The algorithm plugins will register callbacks to the corresponding
      ALTO information resources upon configuration; Once an ALTO
      information resource is requested, the registered callback
      algorithm will be invoked.

   *  A data source listener will fetch data from the configured data
      source using the corresponding data source API in either proactive
      mode (polling) or reactive mode (subscription/publication).

   *  A data source listener will send the preprocessed data to a data

   *  An algorithm plugin may read data from an optional data broker to
      calculate the ALTO information resource.

     +----------------------+      +-----------------+
     | Performance Monitor: |<-----| Server Manager: |
     |  "ietf-alto-stats"   |<-+ +-|  "ietf-alto"    |
     +----------------------+  | | +-----------------+
     +----------------------+  | | +-------------------+
     | Logging and Fault    |  +---| Information       |
     | Manager:             |<---+ | Resource Manager: |
     | "ietf-alto-stats"    |<-----|    "ietf-alto"    |
     +----------------------+      +-------------------+
                                            || callback
        .............          ................................
       /             \ <------ . Algorithm Plugin:            .
       . Data Broker .  read   .   "example-alto-alg"         .
       ...............         ................................
              | write
     +----------------+  Data Source  ++=============++
     | Data Source    |      API      ||             ||
     | Listener:      | <=====-=====> || Data Source ||
     |  "ietf-alto"   |               ||             ||
     +----------------+               ++=============++

     Figure 11: A Sample ALTO Server Architecture and ALTO YANG Modules

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   The authors thank Qin Wu for the help with drafting the initial
   version of the YANG modules.  Big thanks also to ALTO WG chairs
   (Mohamed Boucadair and Qin Wu) and Adrian Farrel, Dong Guo, Jordi Ros
   Giralt, Luis M.  Contreras, Mahdi Soleimani, Qiao Xiang, Shenshen
   Chen, and Y.  Richard Yang for their thorough reviews, shepherding,
   and valuable feedback.

   Thanks to Dan Romascanu for the opsdir and genart reviews, Andy
   Bierman for the yangdoctors review, Spencer Dawkins for the tsvart
   review, Scott Rose for the dnsdir review, and Rich Salz for the
   secdir review.

   Thanks to Martin Duke for the careful AD review.

Authors' Addresses

   Jingxuan Jensen Zhang
   Tongji University
   4800 Cao'An Hwy

   Dhruv Dhody
   Huawei Technologies
   Divyashree Techno Park, Whitefield
   Bangalore 560066

   Kai Gao
   Sichuan University
   No.24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road
   Sichuan, 610000

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   Roland Schott
   Deutsche Telekom
   Ida-Rhodes-Straße 2
   64295 Darmstadt

   Qiufang Ma
   101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District
   Jiangsu, 210012

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