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Internet of Things Directorate (iotdir)

Directorate (with reviews) Name Internet of Things Directorate
Acronym iotdir
Area Internet Area (int)
State Active
Additional resources Wiki
Personnel Chairs Ari Keränen
Ines Robles
Samita Chakrabarti
Suresh Krishnan
Area Director Erik Kline
Secretaries Ari Keränen, Ines Robles, Samita Chakrabarti
Reviewers Alexander Pelov
Alexey Melnikov
Ari Keränen
Behcet Sarikaya
Benjamin Kaduk
Brian Haberman
Bruce Nordman
Carles Gomez
Carsten Bormann
Charles E. Perkins
Christian Amsüss
Daniel Migault
Dan Romascanu
Dave Thaler
David Waltermire
Dominique Barthel
Eliot Lear
Emmanuel Baccelli
Éric Vyncke
Erik Kline
Erik Nordmark
Eve Schooler
Francesca Palombini
Geoffrey C. Mulligan
Gonzalo Salgueiro
Hannes Tschofenig
Henk Birkholz
Ines Robles
Jaime Jimenez
János Farkas
Jason Livingood
Jouni Korhonen
Jürgen Schönwälder
Loganaden Velvindron
Lou Berger
Mališa Vučinić
Marco Tiloca
Matthias Kovatsch
Michael Richardson
Mohit Sethi
Nancy Cam-Winget
Niklas Widell
Pascal Thubert
Peter Van der Stok
Qin Wu
Rahul Jadhav
Roman Danyliw
Russ Housley
Samita Chakrabarti
Shwetha Bhandari
Stephen Farrell
Suresh Krishnan
Ted Lemon
Terry Manderson
Thomas Fossati
Thomas Watteyne
Toerless Eckert
Wesley Eddy
Mailing list Address

Group description

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to devices, that are often constrained in communication and computation capabilities, now becoming more commonly connected to the Internet, and various services that are built on top of the capabilities these devices jointly provide. It is expected that this development will usher in more machine-to-machine communication using the Internet with no human user actively involved.

Several working groups, spanning multiple areas within the IETF are developing protocols that are directly relevant to the IoT. In many cases, there is little or no organized coordination between these working groups.

In addition to internal IETF coordination, there is increasing need for communicating with other IoT standard organizations and alliances that are developing solutions. IoT is a very rapidly growing area of technology and connects with number of other emerging technologies. Many organizations outside IETF are not well aware of IoT work at IETF.

The IoT Directorate is an advisory group of experts selected by the Internet Area directors and the Directorate Chairs. The main purpose of the Directorate is coordination within IETF IoT groups and increasing IETF IoT standards visibility to external SDOs, alliances, and other organizations.